Bax, Eric
- Bax, Eric (1997) Improved Uniform Test Error Bounds; 10.7907/Z9959FK4
- Bax, Eric (1997) Similar Classifiers and VC Error Bounds; 10.7907/Z9CZ355Q
- Bax, Eric (1997) Validation of Voting Committee; 10.7907/Z9W093X1
- Bax, Eric (1997) Combining Multilayer Networks to Combine Learning; 10.7907/Z9MK69XR
- Bax, Eric and Çataltepe, Zehra, el al. (1997) The Central Classifier Bound - A New Error Bound for the Classifier Chosen by Early Stopping; 10.7907/Z9RB72M1
- Bax, Eric (1997) Validation of Average Error Rate Over Classifiers; 10.7907/Z90P0X25
- Bax, Eric (1996) Recurrence-Based Reductions for Inclusion and Exclusion Algorithms Applied to P Problems; 10.7907/Z9ST7MVX
- Bax, Eric (1996) Tailoring the Permanent Formula to Problem Instances; 10.7907/Z9DN433K
- Bax, Eric (1994) Recurrence-based Heuristics for the Hamiltonian Path Inclusion and Exclusion and Exclusion Algorithm; 10.7907/Z9CC0XQ0