Asimaki, Domniki
- Zimmaro, Paolo and Wang, Pengfei, el al. (2021) Regional-Scale Geohazards Evaluation for Risk Assessment of Natural Gas Storage and Transmission Infrastructure; ISBN 9780784483688; Geo-Extreme 2021: Case Histories and Best Practices; 83-89; 10.1061/9780784483688.008
- Asimaki, Domniki and Mohammadi, Kami (2018) On the complexity of seismic waves trapped in non-flat geologic features
- Garcia-Suarez, Joaquin and Asimaki, Domniki (2018) A Quasi-Static Displacement-Based Approximation of Seismic Earth Pressures on Rigid Walls; ISBN 9780784481479; Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V: Numerical Modeling and Soil Structure Interaction; 300-311; 10.1061/9780784481479.031
- Ebrahimian, Hamed and Ghahari, S. Farid, el al. (2018) A Nonlinear Model Inversion to Estimate Dynamic Soil Stiffness of Building Structures; ISBN 9780784481479; Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V: Numerical Modeling and Soil Structure Interaction; 293-299; 10.1061/9780784481479.030
- Seylabi, Elnaz Esmaeilzadeh and Ebrahimian, Hamed, el al. (2018) Bayesian Estimation of Nonlinear Soil Model Parameters Using Centrifuge Experimental Data; ISBN 9780784481486; Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V: Slope Stability and Landslides, Laboratory Testing, and In Situ Testing; 404-413; 10.1061/9780784481486.042
- Mital, Utkarsh and Rajasekaran, Eswar, el al. (2018) Investigating the Applicability of Integrated Hydrological Modeling for Mapping Regional Liquefaction Hazard; ISBN 9780784481462; Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V: Seismic Hazard Analysis, Earthquake Ground Motions, and Regional-Scale Assessment; 677-684; 10.1061/9780784481462.066
- Ayoubi, Peyman and Asimaki, Domniki, el al. (2018) Basin Effects in Strong Ground Motion: A Case Study from the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake; ISBN 9780784481462; Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V: Seismic Hazard Analysis, Earthquake Ground Motions, and Regional-Scale Assessment; 288-296; 10.1061/9780784481462.028
- Shi, Jian and Asimaki, Domniki (2018) On the Applicability of Shear Strain Index as a Proxy for Site Response Nonlinearity; ISBN 9780784481462; Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V: Seismic Hazard Analysis, Earthquake Ground Motions, and Regional-Scale Assessment; 550-558; 10.1061/9780784481462.053
- Nguyen, Kien T. and Asimaki, Domniki (2018) A Modified Uniaxial Bouc-Wen Model for the Simulation of Transverse Lateral Pipe-Cohesionless Soil Interaction; ISBN 9780784481479; Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V: Numerical Modeling and Soil Structure Interaction; 25-36; 10.1061/9780784481479.003
- Ebrahimian, Hamed and Kohler, Monica D., el al. (2017) Parametric Estimation of Wave Dispersion for System Identification of Building Structures; ISBN 9783319674438; Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Structures. EVACES 2017; 791-802; 10.1007/978-3-319-67443-8_70
- Mohammadi, K. and Asimaki, D. (2017) Topography Effects Are Not Dominated by Ground Surface Geometry: A Site Effects Paradox; ISBN 978-0-7844-8048-9; Geotechnical Frontiers 2017: Seismic Performance and Liquefaction; 171-181; 10.1061/9780784480489.018