Anderson, Don L.
- Foulger, Gillian R. and Christiansen, Robert L., el al. (2015) The Yellowstone "hot spot" track results from migrating basin-range extension; 10.1130/2015.2514(14)
- Sammis, Charles G. and Anderson, Don L. (2015) The significance of seismic wavespeed minima and thermal maxima in the mantle and the role of dynamic melting; 10.1130/2015.2514(01)
- Doglioni, Carlo and Anderson, Don L. (2015) Top driven asymmetric mantle convection; 10.1130/2015.2514(05)
- Thomsen, Leon and Anderson, Don L. (2015) Weak elastic anisotropy in global seismology; 10.1130/2015.2514(04)
- Montagner, Jean-Paul and Anderson, Don L. (2015) The Pacific megagash: A future plate boundary?; 10.1130/2015.2514(10)
- Lustrino, Michele and Anderson, Don L. (2015) The mantle isotopic printer: Basic mantle plume geochemistry for seismologists and geodynamicists; 10.1130/2015.2514(16)
- Beutel, Erin K. and Anderson, Don L. (2007) Ridge-crossing seamount chains: A nonthermal approach; ISBN 9780813724300; Plates, Plumes, and Planetary Processes; 375-386; 10.1130/2007.2430(19)
- Anderson, Don L. (2007) The eclogite engine: Chemical geodynamics as a Galileo thermometer; ISBN 9780813724300; Plates, Plumes, and Planetary Processes; 47-64; 10.1130/2007.2430(03)
- Anderson, Don L. (2006) Plate tectonics; the general theory: Complex Earth is simpler than you think; ISBN 9780813724133; Earth and Mind: How Geologists Think and Learn about the Earth; 29-38; 10.1130/2006.2413(03)
- Foulger, Gillian R. and Natland, James H., el al. (2005) Genesis of the Iceland melt anomaly by plate tectonic processes; ISBN 9780813723884; Plates, Plumes, and Paradigms; 595-625; 10.1130/0-8137-2388-4.595
- Anderson, Don L. and Schramm, Kimberly A. (2005) Global hotspot maps; ISBN 9780813723884; Plates, Plumes, and Paradigms; 19-29; 10.1130/0-8137-2388-4.19
- Sandwell, David and Anderson, Don L., el al. (2005) Global tectonic maps; ISBN 9780813723884; Plates, Plumes, and Paradigms; 1-10; 10.1130/0-8137-2388-4.1
- Anderson, Don L. and Natland, James H. (2005) A brief history of the plume hypothesis and its competitors: Concept and controversy; ISBN 9780813723884; Plates, Plumes, and Paradigms; 119-145; 10.1130/0-8137-2388-4.119
- Anderson, Don L. (2005) Self-gravity, self-consistency, and self-organization in geodynamics and geochemistry; ISBN 0-87590-425-4; Earth's Deep Mantle: Structure, Composition, and Evolution; 165-186
- Meibom, Anders and Sleep, Norman H., el al. (2005) Models for noble gases in mantle geochemistry: Some observations and alternatives; ISBN 9780813723884; Plates, Plumes, and Paradigms; 347-363; 10.1130/0-8137-2388-4.347
- Anderson, Don L. (2005) Scoring hotspots: The plume and plate paradigms; ISBN 9780813723884; Plates, Plumes, and Paradigms; 31-54; 10.1130/0-8137-2388-4.31
- McHone, J. Gregory and Anderson, Don L., el al. (2005) Giant dikes, rifts, flood basalts, and plate tectonics: A contention of mantle models; ISBN 9780813723884; Plates, Plumes, and Paradigms; 401-420; 10.1130/0-8137-2388-4.401
- Anderson, Don L. (2002) Plate Tectonics as a Far-From-Equilibrium Self-Organized System; ISBN 9780875905327; Plate Boundary Zones; 411-425
- Favela, Javier and Anderson, Don L. (2000) Extensional tectonics and global volcanism; ISBN 9788877942555; Problems in Geophysics for the New Millennium; 463-498
- Anderson, Don L. (1999) A theory of the Earth: Hutton and Humpty Dumpty and Holmes; ISBN 9781862390263; James Hutton: Present and Future; 13-35
- Anderson, Don L. (1998) The EDGES of the Mantle; ISBN 9780875905303; The Core-Mantle Boundary Region; 255-271
- Ita, Joel and Anderson, Don L., el al. (1995) Layering in the Mantle: To Be Or Not To Be
- Anderson, Don L. (1995) "Hotspots"; Uppermantle or Deep-Mantle Phenomena?
- Anderson, D. L. (1995) Plumes: The Overview
- Anderson, D. L. (1995) Mantle Convection: Rayleigh-BĂ©nard Plus Plumes and Plates? Or Pekeris with Intrinsic Smaller Scales?
- Kedar, S. and Anderson, D. L., el al. (1993) Relationship between hotspots and mantle structure: Correlation with whole mantle seismic tomography; ISBN 9780792321484; Flow and creep in the solar system: observations, modeling, and theory; 249-259
- Anderson, Don L. (1992) The Earth's Interior; ISBN 9780521370202; Understanding the Earth; 44-66
- Anderson, Don L. and Zhang, Yu-Shen, el al. (1992) Plume heads, continental lithosphere, flood basalts and tomography; ISBN 9780903317832; Magmatism and the causes of continental break-up; 99-124; 10.1144/GSL.SP.1992.068.01.07
- Takata, Toshiko and Anderson, Don L. (1991) Correlation between plate motion and tomography
- Anderson, Don L. (1991) Plumes - The Strawman
- Anderson, Don L. (1991) Plumes - The Standard Model
- Scrivner, Craig W. and Anderson, Don L. (1991) Spherical Harmonic Correlation of Pangea and Subducted Slab with Global Seismic Tomography
- Kedar, Sharon and Anderson, Don L., el al. (1991) Relationship between Hotspots and Mantle Structure: Correlation with Whole Mantle Seismic Tomography
- Ray, Terrill W. and Anderson, Don L. (1991) Correlation of Hotspot Isotopic Data with Mantle Tomography
- Anderson, Don L. (1991) Chemical Boundaries in the Mantle; ISBN 9780792311676; Glacial isostasy, sea-level, and mantle rheology; 379-401
- Anderson, Don L. (1990) Geophysics of the continental mantle: an historical perspective; ISBN 9780198544968; Continental mantle; 1-30
- Anderson, Don L. (1990) Planet Earth; ISBN 0-521-36162-1; The New Solar System; 65-76
- Anderson, Don L. (1990) North America - From Crust to Core, From Then to Now; ISBN 9780062501486; The restless earth; 112-124
- Anderson, Don L. (1988) A Seismic Equation of State; ISBN 9780875902401; Elastic Properties and Equations of State; 171-192; 10.1029/SP026p0171
- Bass, Jay D. and Anderson, Don L. (1988) Composition of the upper mantle: Geophysical tests of two petrological models; ISBN 0875902405; Elastic Properties and Equations of State; 513-516; 10.1029/sp026p0513
- Anderson, Don L. and Anderson, Orson L. (1988) The bulk modulus-volume relationship for oxides; ISBN 0875902405; Elastic Properties and Equations of State; 283-289; 10.1029/sp026p0283
- Anderson, Don L. (1987) The depths of mantle reservoirs; ISBN 9780941809009; Magmatic processes: physicochemical principles: a volume in honor of Hatten S. Yoder, Jr.; 3-12
- Anderson, Don L. (1987) Global Mapping of the Uppermantle by Surface Wave Tomography; ISBN 9780875905181; Composition, structure, and dynamics of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system; 89-97; 10.1029/GD016p0089
- Anderson, D. L. and Dziewonski, W. A. (1985) The Earth's Interior: A New Frontier and a New Challenge for Earth Scientists; ISBN 9780521306706; Global change: the proceedings of a symposium; 345-353
- Anderson, Don L. (1985) Evolution of Earth Structure and Future Directions of 3D Modeling
- Dziewonski, Adam M. and Anderson, Don L. (1984) Structure, elastic and rheological properties and density of the earth's interior, gravity and pressure; ISBN 9783540122098; Geophysics of the solid earth, the moon and the planets; 84-96
- Anderson, D. L. (1982) Chemical Composition and Evolution of the Mantle; ISBN 9789027714398; High-pressure research in geophysics; 301-318
- Anderson, Don L. (1982) Kimberlite and the Evolution of the Mantle; ISBN 9780444415622; Kimberlites. I: Kimberlites and Related Rocks; 395-403
- Wood, John A. and Buck, W. Roger, el al. (1981) Geophysical and cosmochemical constraints on properties of mantles of the terrestrial planets; ISBN 0080280862; Basaltic volcanism on the terrestrial planets; 633-700
- Anderson, Don L. (1981) A global geochemical model for the evolution of the mantle; ISBN 0875905064; Evolution of the Earth; 6-18; 10.1029/gd005p0006
- Anderson, Don L. and Minster, J. Bernard (1981) The physics of creep and attenuation in the mantle; ISBN 0875905056; Anelasticity in the Earth; 5-11; 10.1029/gd004p0005
- Anderson, Don L. (1970) Petrology of the mantle
- Anderson, D. L. and Sammis, C. G., el al. (1969) Brillouin scattering-a new geophysical tool; ISBN 0471745057; The application of modern physics to the earth and planetary interiors; 465-477
- Anderson, D. L. and Phinney, R. A. (1967) Early thermal history of the terrestrial planets
- Anderson, D. L. (1967) Seismology and Composition of the Earth
- Phinney, R. A. and Anderson, D. L. (1967) Present Knowledge about the Thermal History of the Moon
- Anderson, Don L. (1967) Latest Information from Seismic Observations
- Anderson, D. L. (1967) Seismic Waves, Dispersion Of
- Anderson, Don L. and Kovach, Robert L. (1965) The Internal Structure of the Moon and the Terrestrial Planets
- Archambeau, Charles B. and Anderson, Don L. (1964) Inversion of surface wave dispersion data
- Anderson, Don L. (1964) Recent evidence concerning the structure of the upper mantle from the dispersion of long period surface waves
- Anderson, Don Lynn (1963) Seismology
- Anderson, Don L. and Benson, Carl S. (1963) The densification and diagenesis of snow
- Anderson, Don L. (1963) Use of long-period surface waves for determination of elastic and petrological properties of ice masses