Ames, Aaron
- Taylor, Andrew J. and Dorobantu, Victor D., el al. (2021) Towards Robust Data-Driven Control Synthesis for Nonlinear Systems with Actuation Uncertainty; ISBN 978-1-6654-3659-5; 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 6469-6476; 10.1109/CDC45484.2021.9683511
- Chen, Yuxiao and Jankovic, Mrdjan, el al. (2021) Backup Control Barrier Functions: Formulation and Comparative Study; ISBN 978-1-6654-3659-5; 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 6835-6841; 10.1109/CDC45484.2021.9683111
- Xiong, Xiaobin and Chen, Yuxiao, el al. (2021) Robust Disturbance Rejection for Robotic Bipedal Walking: System-Level-Synthesis with Step-to-step Dynamics Approximation; ISBN 978-1-6654-3659-5; 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 697-704; 10.1109/cdc45484.2021.9683065
- Ahmadi, Mohamadreza and Dixit, Anushri, el al. (2021) Risk-Averse Stochastic Shortest Path Planning; ISBN 978-1-6654-3659-5; 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 5199-5204; 10.1109/CDC45484.2021.9683527
- Rosolia, Ugo and Ahmadi, Mohamadreza, el al. (2021) Time-Optimal Navigation in Uncertain Environments with High-Level Specifications; ISBN 978-1-6654-3659-5; 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 4287-4294; 10.1109/CDC45484.2021.9683486
- Gehlhar, Rachel and Ames, Aaron D. (2021) Estimate-to-State Stability for Hybrid Human-Prosthesis Systems; ISBN 978-1-6654-3659-5; 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 705-712; 10.1109/cdc45484.2021.9683029
- Cosner, Ryan K. and Singletary, Andrew W., el al. (2021) Measurement-Robust Control Barrier Functions: Certainty in Safety with Uncertainty in State; ISBN 978-1-6654-1715-0; 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 6286-6291; 10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636584
- Jimenez Rodriguez, Ivan D. and Rosolia, Ugo, el al. (2021) Learning to Control an Unstable System with One Minute of Data: Leveraging Gaussian Process Differentiation in Predictive Control; ISBN 978-1-6654-1714-3; 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 3896-3903; 10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636786
- Ubellacker, Wyatt and Csomay-Shanklin, Noel, el al. (2021) Verifying Safe Transitions between Dynamic Motion Primitives on Legged Robots; ISBN 978-1-6654-1715-0; 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 8477-8484; 10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636537
- Tucker, Maegan and Csomay-Shanklin, Noel, el al. (2021) Preference-Based Learning for User-Guided HZD Gait Generation on Bipedal Walking Robots; ISBN 978-1-7281-9077-8; 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 2804-2810; 10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9561515
- Li, Kejun and Tucker, Maegan, el al. (2021) ROIAL: Region of Interest Active Learning for Characterizing Exoskeleton Gait Preference Landscapes; ISBN 978-1-7281-9077-8; 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 3212-3218; 10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9560840
- Ahmadi, Mohamadreza and Rosolia, Ugo, el al. (2021) Constrained Risk-Averse Markov Decision Processes; 10.48550/arXiv.2012.02423
- Gehlhar, Rachel and Ames, Aaron D. (2021) Model-Dependent Prosthesis Control with Interaction Force Estimation; ISBN 978-1-7281-9077-8; 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 3226-3232; 10.1109/icra48506.2021.9561250
- Ambrose, Eric and Ma, Wen-Loong, el al. (2021) Towards the Unification of System Design and Motion Synthesis for High-Performance Hopping Robots; ISBN 978-1-7281-9077-8; 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 7073-7078; 10.1109/icra48506.2021.9561322
- Xiong, Xiaobin and Reher, Jenna, el al. (2021) Global Position Control on Underactuated Bipedal Robots: Step-to-step Dynamics Approximation for Step Planning; ISBN 978-1-7281-9077-8; 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 2825-2831; 10.1109/icra48506.2021.9561961
- Maghenem, Mohamed and Taylor, Andrew J., el al. (2021) Adaptive Safety Using Control Barrier Functions and Hybrid Adaptation; ISBN 978-1-6654-4197-1; 2021 American Control Conference (ACC); 2418-2423; 10.23919/ACC50511.2021.9482871
- Grandia, Ruben and Taylor, Andrew J., el al. (2021) Multi-Layered Safety for Legged Robots via Control Barrier Functions and Model Predictive Control; ISBN 978-1-7281-9077-8; 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 8352-8358; 10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9561510
- Kiss, Adam K. and Molnár, Tamás G., el al. (2021) Certifying Safety for Nonlinear Time Delay Systems via Safety Functionals: A Discretization Based Approach; ISBN 978-1-6654-4197-1; 2021 American Control Conference (ACC); 1058-1063; 10.23919/acc50511.2021.9482688
- Reher, Jenna and Ames, Aaron D. (2021) Inverse Dynamics Control of Compliant Hybrid Zero Dynamic Walking; ISBN 978-1-7281-9077-8; 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 2040-2047; 10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9560906
- Molnár, Tamás G. and Singletary, Andrew W., el al. (2021) Safety-Critical Control of Compartmental Epidemiological Models with Measurement Delays; ISBN 978-1-6654-4197-1; 2021 American Control Conference (ACC); 1052-1057; 10.23919/acc50511.2021.9482737
- Chen, Yuxiao and Santillo, Mario, el al. (2021) Online decentralized decision making with inequality constraints: An ADMM approach; ISBN 978-1-6654-4197-1; 2021 American Control Conference (ACC); 2075-2081; 10.23919/ACC50511.2021.9483302
- Thananjeyan, Brijen and Balakrishna, Ashwin, el al. (2021) ABC-LMPC: Safe Sample-Based Learning MPC for Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Adjustable Boundary Conditions; ISBN 9783030667221; Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XIV; 1-17; 10.1007/978-3-030-66723-8_1
- Ahmadi, Mohamadreza and Singletary, Andrew, el al. (2020) Barrier Functions for Multiagent-POMDPs with DTL Specifications; ISBN 978-1-7281-7447-1; 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 1380-1385; 10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304266
- Singletary, Andrew and Chen, Yuxiao, el al. (2020) Control Barrier Functions for Sampled-Data Systems with Input Delays; ISBN 9781728174471; 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 804-809; 10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304281
- Akella, Prithvi and Ahmadi, Mohamadreza, el al. (2020) Formal Test Synthesis for Safety-Critical Autonomous Systems based on Control Barrier Functions; ISBN 9781728174471; 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 790-795; 10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9303776
- Cheng, Richard and Khojasteh, Mohammad Javad, el al. (2020) Safe Multi-Agent Interaction through Robust Control Barrier Functions with Learned Uncertainties; ISBN 978-1-7281-7447-1; 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 777-783; 10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304395
- Xiong, Xiaobin and Ames, Aaron D. (2020) Sequential Motion Planning for Bipedal Somersault via Flywheel SLIP and Momentum Transmission with Task Space Control; ISBN 978-1-7281-6212-6; 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 3510-3517; 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341467
- Ma, Wen-Loong and Csomay-Shanklin, Noel, el al. (2020) Quadrupedal Robotic Walking on Sloped Terrains via Exact Decomposition into Coupled Bipedal Robots; ISBN 9781728162126; 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 4006-4011; 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341181
- Tucker, Maegan and Cheng, Myra, el al. (2020) Human Preference-Based Learning for High-dimensional Optimization of Exoskeleton Walking Gaits; ISBN 978-1-7281-6212-6; 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 3423-3430; 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341416
- Suh, H. J. Terry and Xiong, Xiaobin, el al. (2020) Energy-Efficient Motion Planning for Multi-Modal Hybrid Locomotion; ISBN 978-1-7281-6212-6; 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 7027-7033; 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9340761
- Gehlhar, Rachel and Chen, Yuxiao, el al. (2020) Data-driven Characterization of Human Interaction for Model-based Control of Powered Prostheses; ISBN 978-1-7281-6212-6; 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 4126-4133; 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341388
- Reher, Jenna and Csomay-Shanklin, Noel, el al. (2020) Passive Dynamic Balancing and Walking in Actuated Environments; ISBN 9781728173955; 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 9775-9781; 10.1109/icra40945.2020.9197400
- Tucker, Maegan and Novoseller, Ellen, el al. (2020) Preference-Based Learning for Exoskeleton Gait Optimization; ISBN 978-1-7281-7395-5; 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 2351-2357; 10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9196661
- Gao, Chang and Gehlhar, Rachel, el al. (2020) Recurrent Neural Network Control of a Hybrid Dynamical Transfemoral Prosthesis with EdgeDRNN Accelerator; ISBN 9781728173955; 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 5460-5466; 10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9196984
- Ambrose, Eric and Ames, Aaron D. (2020) Improved Performance on Moving-Mass Hopping Robots with Parallel Elasticity; ISBN 978-1-7281-7395-5; 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 2457-2463; 10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9197070
- Ma, Wen-Loong and Ames, Aaron D. (2020) From Bipedal Walking to Quadrupedal Locomotion: Full-Body Dynamics Decomposition for Rapid Gait Generation; ISBN 978-1-7281-7395-5; 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 4491-4497; 10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9196841
- Singletary, Andrew and Gurriet, Thomas, el al. (2020) Safety-Critical Rapid Aerial Exploration of Unknown Environments; ISBN 9781728173955; 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 10270-10276; 10.1109/icra40945.2020.9197416
- Chen, Yuxiao and Singletary, Andrew W., el al. (2020) Density Functions for Guaranteed Safety on Robotic Systems; ISBN 9781538682661; 2020 American Control Conference (ACC); 3199-3204; 10.23919/acc45564.2020.9147265
- Taylor, Andrew J. and Ames, Aaron D. (2020) Adaptive Safety with Control Barrier Functions; ISBN 9781538682661; 2020 American Control Conference (ACC); 1399-1405; 10.23919/acc45564.2020.9147463
- Ahmadi, Mohamadreza and Ono, Masahiro, el al. (2020) Risk-Averse Planning Under Uncertainty; ISBN 9781538682661; 2020 American Control Conference (ACC); 3305-3312; 10.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147792
- Grandia, Ruben and Taylor, Andrew J., el al. (2020) Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Robotic Systems with Control Lyapunov Functions; 10.48550/arXiv.2006.01229
- Akbari Hamed, Kaveh and Kamidi, Vinay R., el al. (2020) Distributed Feedback Controllers for Stable Cooperative Locomotion of Quadrupedal Robots: A Virtual Constraint Approach; 10.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147673
- Nilsson, Petter and Ames, Aaron D. (2020) Lyapunov-Like Conditions for Tight Exit Probability Bounds through Comparison Theorems for SDEs; ISBN 9781538682661; 2020 American Control Conference (ACC); 5175-5181; 10.23919/acc45564.2020.9147414
- Chen, Yuxiao and Ahmadi, Mohamadreza, el al. (2020) Optimal Safe Controller Synthesis: A Density Function Approach; ISBN 9781538682661; 2020 American Control Conference (ACC); 5407-5412; 10.23919/acc45564.2020.9147721
- Pandey, Ayush and Ames, Aaron D. (2020) On a Converse theorem for Finite-time Lyapunov Functions to Estimate Domains of Attraction; ISBN 9781538682661; 2020 American Control Conference (ACC); 3763-3769; 10.23919/acc45564.2020.9147709
- Reher, Jenna and Kann, Claudia, el al. (2020) An Inverse Dynamics Approach to Control Lyapunov Functions; ISBN 9781538682661; 2020 American Control Conference (ACC); 2444-2451; 10.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147342
- Doeser, Ludvig and Nilsson, Petter, el al. (2020) Invariant Sets for Integrators and Quadrotor Obstacle Avoidance; ISBN 9781538682661; 2020 American Control Conference (ACC); 3814-3821; 10.23919/acc45564.2020.9147872
- Ahmadi, Mohamadreza and Viswanathan, Arun A., el al. (2020) Partially Observable Games for Secure Autonomy; ISBN 9781728193465; 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW); 185-188; 10.1109/spw50608.2020.00046
- Reher, Jacob P. and Hereid, Ayonga, el al. (2020) Algorithmic Foundations of Realizing Multi-Contact Locomotion on the Humanoid Robot DURUS; ISBN 978-3-030-43088-7; Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XII; 400-415; 10.1007/978-3-030-43089-4_26
- Klaesson, Filip and Nilsson, Petter, el al. (2020) Intermittent Connectivity for Exploration in Communication-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems; 10.1109/ICCPS48487.2020.00031
- Westenbroek, Tyler and Xiong, Xiaobin, el al. (2019) Optimal Control of Piecwise-smooth Control Systems via Singular Perturbations; ISBN 978-1-7281-1398-2; 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 3046-3053; 10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9029232
- Gurriet, Thomas and Mote, Mark, el al. (2019) A Scalable Controlled Set Invariance Framework with Practical Safety Guarantees; ISBN 9781728113982; 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 2046-2053; 10.1109/cdc40024.2019.9030159
- Taylor, Andrew J. and Dorobantu, Victor D., el al. (2019) A Control Lyapunov Perspective on Episodic Learning via Projection to State Stability; ISBN 978-1-7281-1398-2; 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 1448-1455; 10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9029226
- Murali, Vishal and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2019) Optimal Walking Speed Transitions for Fully Actuated Bipedal Robots; ISBN 9781728113982; 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 6295-6300; 10.1109/cdc40024.2019.9029348
- Ahmadi, Mohamadreza and Singletary, Andrew, el al. (2019) Safe Policy Synthesis in Multi-Agent POMDPs via Discrete-Time Barrier Functions; ISBN 978-1-7281-1398-2; 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 4797-4803; 10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9030241
- Ma, Wen-Loong and Akbari Hamed, Kaveh, el al. (2019) First Steps Towards Full Model Based Motion Planning and Control of Quadrupeds: A Hybrid Zero Dynamics Approach; ISBN 978-1-7281-4004-9; 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 5498-5503; 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8968189
- Ambrose, Eric and Csomay-Shanklin, Noel, el al. (2019) Design and Comparative Analysis of 1D Hopping Robots; ISBN 978-1-7281-4004-9; 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 5717-5724; 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8967692
- Xiong, Xiaobin and Ames, Aaron D. (2019) Motion Decoupling and Composition via Reduced Order Model optimization for Dynamic Humanoid Walking with CLF-QP based Active Force Control; ISBN 978-1-7281-4004-9; 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 1018-1024; 10.1109/iros40897.2019.8968215
- Xiong, Xiaobin and Ames, Aaron D. (2019) Orbit Characterization, Stabilization and Composition on 3D Underactuated Bipedal Walking via Hybrid Passive Linear Inverted Pendulum Model; ISBN 978-1-7281-4004-9; 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 4644-4651; 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8968162
- Taylor, Andrew J. and Dorobantu, Victor D., el al. (2019) Episodic Learning with Control Lyapunov Functions for Uncertain Robotic Systems; ISBN 978-1-7281-4004-9; 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 6878-6884; 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8967820
- Singletary, Andrew and Nilsson, Petter, el al. (2019) Online Active Safety for Robotic Manipulators; ISBN 978-1-7281-4004-9; 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 173-178; 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8968231
- Orosz, Gábor and Ames, Aaron D. (2019) Safety Functionals for Time Delay Systems; ISBN 978-1-5386-7926-5; 2019 American Control Conference (ACC); 4374-4379
- Chen, Yuxiao and Anderson, James, el al. (2019) Compositional Set Invariance in Network Systems with Assume-Guarantee Contracts; ISBN 978-1-5386-7926-5; 2019 American Control Conference (ACC); 1027-1034; 10.23919/ACC.2019.8814437
- Akbari Hamed, Kaveh and Ma, Wen-Loong, el al. (2019) Dynamically Stable 3D Quadrupedal Walking with Multi-Domain Hybrid System Models and Virtual Constraint Controllers; ISBN 978-1-5386-7926-5; 2019 American Control Conference (ACC); 4588-4595; 10.48550/arXiv.1810.06697
- Gurriet, Thomas and Nilsson, Petter, el al. (2019) Realizable Set Invariance Conditions for Cyber-Physical Systems; ISBN 978-1-5386-7926-5; 2019 American Control Conference (ACC); 3642-3649; 10.23919/ACC.2019.8815332
- Ames, Aaron D. and Coogan, Samuel, el al. (2019) Control Barrier Functions: Theory and Applications; ISBN 978-3-907144-00-8; 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC); 3420-3431; 10.23919/ECC.2019.8796030
- Reher, Jacob and Ma, Wen-Loong, el al. (2019) Dynamic Walking with Compliance on a Cassie Bipedal Robot; ISBN 978-3-907144-00-8; 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC); 2589-2595; 10.23919/ECC.2019.8796090
- Ma, Wen-Loong and Or, Yizhar, el al. (2019) Dynamic Walking on Slippery Surfaces: Demonstrating Stable Bipedal Gaits with Planned Ground Slippage; ISBN 978-1-5386-6027-0; 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 3705-3711; 10.1109/ICRA.2019.8793761
- Chang, Alexander H. and Hubicki, Christian, el al. (2019) Every Hop is an Opportunity: Quickly Classifying and Adapting to Terrain During Targeted Hopping; ISBN 978-1-5386-6027-0; 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 3188-3194; 10.1109/ICRA.2019.8793757
- Nilsson, Petter and Ames, Aaron D. (2018) Barrier Functions: Bridging the Gap between Planning from Specifications and Safety-Critical Control; ISBN 978-1-5386-1395-5; 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 765-772; 10.1109/CDC.2018.8619142
- Gurriet, Thomas and Mote, Mark, el al. (2018) An Online Approach to Active Set Invariance; ISBN 9781538613955; 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 3592-3599; 10.1109/cdc.2018.8619139
- Gosyne, Jonathan R. and Hubicki, Christian M., el al. (2018) Bipedial Locomotion Up Sandy Slopes: Systematic Experiments Using Zero Moment Point Methods; ISBN 9781538672839; 2018 IEEE-RAS 18th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids); 994-1001; 10.1109/humanoids.2018.8624959
- Xiong, Xiaobin and Ames, Aaron D. (2018) Coupling Reduced Order Models via Feedback Control for 3D Underactuated Bipedal Robotic Walking; ISBN 9781538672839; 2018 IEEE-RAS 18th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids); 67-74; 10.1109/humanoids.2018.8625066
- Xiong, Xiaobin and Ames, Aaron D. (2018) Bipedal Hopping: Reduced-order Model Embedding via Optimization-based Control; ISBN 978-1-5386-8094-0; 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 3821-3828; 10.1109/IROS.2018.8593547
- Akbari Hamed, Kaveh and Gregg, Robert D., el al. (2018) Exponentially Stabilizing Controllers for Multi-Contact 3D Bipedal Locomotion; ISBN 978-1-5386-5428-6; 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC); 2210-2217; 10.23919/ACC.2018.8431799
- Kolathaya, Shishir and Reher, Jacob, el al. (2018) Input to State Stabilizing Control Lyapunov Functions for Robust Bipedal Robotic Locomotion; ISBN 978-1-5386-5428-6; 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC); 2224-2230; 10.23919/ACC.2018.8430946
- Nilsson, Petter and Haesaert, Sofie, el al. (2018) Toward Specification-Guided Active Mars Exploration for Cooperative Robot Teams; ISBN 978-0-9923747-4-7; Robotics: Science and Systems XIV; 1-9; 10.15607/rss.2018.xiv.047
- Akbari Hamed, Kaveh and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2018) Observer-Based Feedback Controllers for Exponential Stabilization of Hybrid Periodic Orbits: Application to Underactuated Bipedal Walking; ISBN 978-1-5386-5428-6; 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC); 1438-1445; 10.23919/ACC.2018.8431607
- Gurriet, Thomas and Finet, Sylvain, el al. (2018) Towards Restoring Locomotion for Paraplegics: Realizing Dynamically Stable Walking on Exoskeletons; ISBN 978-1-5386-3081-5; 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 2804-2811; 10.1109/ICRA.2018.8460647
- Gurriet, Thomas and Singletary, Andrew, el al. (2018) Towards a Framework for Realizable Safety Critical Control through Active Set Invariance; 10.1109/ICCPS.2018.00018
- Tabuada, Paulo and Ma, Wen-Loong, el al. (2017) Data-driven control for feedback linearizable single-input systems; ISBN 978-1-5090-2874-0; 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 6265-6270; 10.1109/CDC.2017.8264603
- Hereid, Ayonga and Ames, Aaron D. (2017) FROST: Fast robot optimization and simulation toolkit; ISBN 978-1-5386-2683-2; 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 719-726; 10.1109/IROS.2017.8202230
- Xiong, Xiaobin and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2017) A stability region criterion for flat-footed bipedal walking on deformable granular terrain; ISBN 978-1-5386-2682-5; 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 4552-4559; 10.1109/IROS.2017.8206323
- Ambrose, Eric and Ma, Wen-Loong, el al. (2017) Toward benchmarking locomotion economy across design configurations on the modular robot: AMBER-3M; ISBN 978-1-5090-2182-6; 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications; 1270-1276; 10.1109/CCTA.2017.8062633
- Xu, Xiangru and Waters, Thomas, el al. (2017) Realizing simultaneous lane keeping and adaptive speed regulation on accessible mobile robot testbeds; ISBN 978-1-5090-2182-6; 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications; 1769-1775; 10.1109/CCTA.2017.8062713
- Pickem, Daniel and Glotfelter, Paul, el al. (2017) The Robotarium: A remotely accessible swarm robotics research testbed; ISBN 978-1-5090-4633-1; 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 1699-1706; 10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989200
- Chang, Alexander H. and Hubicki, Christian M., el al. (2017) Learning to jump in granular media: Unifying optimal control synthesis with Gaussian process-based regression; ISBN 978-1-5090-4633-1; 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 2154-2160; 10.1109/icra.2017.7989248
- Grey, Michael X. and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2017) Footstep and motion planning in semi-unstructured environments using randomized possibility graphs; ISBN 978-1-5090-4633-1; 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; 4747-4753; 10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989551
- Shoukry, Yasser and Tabuada, Paulo, el al. (2017) Closed-form controlled invariant sets for pedestrian avoidance; ISBN 978-1-5090-5992-8; 2017 American Control Conference; 1622-1628; 10.23919/ACC.2017.7963185
- Zhao, Huihua and Ambrose, Eric, el al. (2017) Preliminary results on energy efficient 3D prosthetic walking with a powered compliant transfemoral prosthesis; ISBN 978-1-5090-4633-1; 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 1140-1147; 10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989136
- Azimi, Vahid and Shu, Tony, el al. (2017) Robust control of a powered transfemoral prosthesis device with experimental verification; ISBN 978-1-5090-5992-8; 2017 American Control Conference; 517-522; 10.23919/ACC.2017.7963005
- Wang, Li and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2017) Safe certificate-based maneuvers for teams of quadrotors using differential flatness; ISBN 978-1-5090-4633-1; 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; 3293-3298; 10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989375
- Ma, Wen-Loong and Kolathaya, Shishir, el al. (2017) Bipedal Robotic Running with DURUS-2D: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Experiment; ISBN 978-1-4503-4590-3; Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control - HSCC '17; 265-274; 10.1145/3049797.3049823
- Hereid, Ayonga and Kolathaya, Shishir, el al. (2016) Online optimal gait generation for bipedal walking robots using legendre pseudospectral optimization; ISBN 978-1-5090-1837-6; 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 6173-6179; 10.1109/CDC.2016.7799218
- Zhao, Huihua and Hereid, Ayonga, el al. (2016) 3D multi-contact gait design for prostheses: Hybrid system models, virtual constraints and two-step direct collocation; ISBN 978-1-5090-1837-6; 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 3668-3674; 10.1109/CDC.2016.7798821
- Wang, Li and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2016) Multi-objective compositions for collision-free connectivity maintenance in teams of mobile robots; ISBN 978-1-5090-1837-6; 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 2659-2664; 10.1109/CDC.2016.7798663
- Nguyen, Quang and Hereid, Ayonga, el al. (2016) 3D dynamic walking on stepping stones with control barrier functions; ISBN 978-1-5090-1837-6; 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 827-834; 10.1109/CDC.2016.7798370
- Powell, Matthew J. and Ma, Wen-Loong, el al. (2016) Mechanics-based design of underactuated robotic walking gaits: Initial experimental realization; ISBN 978-1-5090-4718-5; 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids); 981-986; 10.1109/humanoids.2016.7803391
- Hubicki, Christian M. and Aguilar, Jeff J., el al. (2016) Tractable terrain-aware motion planning on granular media: An impulsive jumping study; ISBN 978-1-5090-3762-9; 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 3887-3892; 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759572
- Ma, Wen-Loong and Hereid, Ayonga, el al. (2016) Efficient HZD gait generation for three-dimensional underactuated humanoid running; ISBN 978-1-5090-3762-9; 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 5819-5825; 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759856
- Powell, Matthew J. and Ames, Aaron D. (2016) Mechanics-based control of underactuated 3D robotic walking: Dynamic gait generation under torque constraints; ISBN 978-1-5090-3762-9; 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 555-560; 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759108
- Grey, Michael X. and Garrett, Caelan R., el al. (2016) Humanoid manipulation planning using backward-forward search; ISBN 978-1-5090-3762-9; 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 5467-5473; 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759804
- Chao, Kenneth Y. and Powell, Matthew J., el al. (2016) Unification of locomotion pattern generation and control Lyapunov function-based Quadratic Programs; ISBN 978-1-4673-8682-1; 2016 American Control Conference (ACC); 3910-3915; 10.1109/ACC.2016.7525523
- Wang, Li and Ames, Aaron, el al. (2016) Safety barrier certificates for heterogeneous multi-robot systems; ISBN 978-1-4673-8682-1; 2016 American Control Conference (ACC); 5213-5218; 10.1109/ACC.2016.7526486
- Kolathaya, Shishir and Hereid, Ayonga, el al. (2016) Time dependent control Lyapunov functions and hybrid zero dynamics for stable robotic locomotion; ISBN 978-1-4673-8682-1; 2016 American Control Conference (ACC); 3916-3921; 10.1109/ACC.2016.7525524
- Powell, Matthew J. and Ames, Aaron D. (2016) Towards real-time parameter optimization for feasible nonlinear control with applications to robot locomotion; ISBN 978-1-4673-8682-1; 2016 American Control Conference (ACC); 3922-3927; 10.1109/ACC.2016.7525525
- Reher, Jacob and Cousineau, Eric A., el al. (2016) Realizing dynamic and efficient bipedal locomotion on the humanoid robot DURUS; ISBN 978-1-4673-8026-3; 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 1794-1801; 10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487325
- Hereid, Ayonga and Cousineau, Eric A., el al. (2016) 3D dynamic walking with underactuated humanoid robots: A direct collocation framework for optimizing hybrid zero dynamics; ISBN 978-1-4673-8026-3; 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 1447-1454; 10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487279
- Hubicki, Christian M. and Hereid, Ayonga, el al. (2016) Work those arms: Toward dynamic and stable humanoid walking that optimizes full-body motion; ISBN 978-1-4673-8026-3; 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 1552-1559; 10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487293
- Zhao, Huihua and Horn, Jonathan, el al. (2015) A hybrid systems and optimization-based control approach to realizing multi-contact locomotion on transfemoral prostheses; ISBN 978-1-4799-7886-1; 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 1607-1612; 10.1109/CDC.2015.7402440
- Morris, Benjamin J. and Powell, Matthew J., el al. (2015) Continuity and smoothness properties of nonlinear optimization-based feedback controllers; ISBN 978-1-4799-7886-1; 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC); 151-158; 10.1109/CDC.2015.7402101
- Zhao, Huihua and Reher, Jacob, el al. (2015) Realization of stair ascent and motion transitions on prostheses utilizing optimization-based control and intent recognition; ISBN 978-1-4799-1808-9; 2015 IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR); 265-270; 10.1109/icorr.2015.7281210
- Sinnet, Ryan W. and Ames, Aaron D. (2015) Energy shaping of hybrid systems via control Lyapunov functions; ISBN 978-1-4799-8684-2; 2015 American Control Conference (ACC); 5992-5997; 10.1109/ACC.2015.7172280
- Mehra, Aakar and Ma, Wen-Loong, el al. (2015) Adaptive cruise control: Experimental validation of advanced controllers on scale-model cars; ISBN 978-1-4799-8684-2; 2015 American Control Conference (ACC); 1411-1418; 10.1109/acc.2015.7170931
- Hsu, Shao-Chen and Xu, Xiangru, el al. (2015) Control barrier function based quadratic programs with application to bipedal robotic walking; ISBN 978-1-4799-8684-2; 2015 American Control Conference (ACC); 4542-4548; 10.1109/ACC.2015.7172044
- Ames, Aaron D. and Tabuada, Paulo, el al. (2015) First steps toward formal controller synthesis for bipedal robots; ISBN 978-1-4503-3433-4; Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control; 209-218; 10.1145/2728606.2728611
- Cousineau, Eric and Ames, Aaron D. (2015) Realizing underactuated bipedal walking with torque controllers via the ideal model resolved motion method; ISBN 978-1-4799-6923-4; 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 5747-5753; 10.1109/ICRA.2015.7140004
- Powell, Matthew J. and Cousineau, Eric A., el al. (2015) Model predictive control of underactuated bipedal robotic walking; ISBN 978-1-4799-6923-4; 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 5121-5126; 10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139912
- Hereid, Ayonga and Hubicki, Christian M., el al. (2015) Hybrid zero dynamics based multiple shooting optimization with applications to robotic walking; ISBN 978-1-4799-6923-4; 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 5734-5740; 10.1109/icra.2015.7140002
- Kolathaya, Shishir and Ma, Wen-Loong, el al. (2015) Composing Dynamical Systems to Realize Dynamic Robotic Dancing; ISBN 978-3-319-16594-3; Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XI: Selected Contributions of the Eleventh International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics; 425-442; 10.1007/978-3-319-16595-0_25
- Zhao, Huihua and Reher, Jake, el al. (2015) Demonstration of locomotion with the powered prosthesis AMPRO utilizing online optimization-based control; ISBN 9781450334334; Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control; 305-306; 10.1145/2728606.2728638
- Nilsson, Petter and Hussien, Omar, el al. (2014) Preliminary results on correct-by-construction control software synthesis for adaptive cruise control; ISBN 978-1-4673-6090-6; 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 816-823; 10.1109/cdc.2014.7039482
- Hereid, Ayonga and Powell, Matthew J., el al. (2014) Embedding of SLIP dynamics on underactuated bipedal robots through multi-objective quadratic program based control; ISBN 978-1-4673-6090-6; 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 2950-2957; 10.1109/CDC.2014.7039843
- Ames, Aaron D. and Grizzle, Jessy W., el al. (2014) Control barrier function based quadratic programs with application to adaptive cruise control; ISBN 978-1-4673-6090-6; 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 6271-6278; 10.1109/CDC.2014.7040372
- Powell, Matthew J. and Ames, Aaron D. (2014) Hierarchical control of series elastic actuators through control Lyapunov functions; ISBN 978-1-4673-6090-6; 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 2986-2992; 10.1109/CDC.2014.7039848
- Ames, Aaron D. and Holley, James (2014) Quadratic program based nonlinear embedded control of series elastic actuators; ISBN 978-1-4673-6090-6; 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 6291-6298; 10.1109/CDC.2014.7040375
- Lack, Jordan and Powell, Matthew J., el al. (2014) Planar multi-contact bipedal walking using hybrid zero dynamics; ISBN 978-1-4799-3685-4; 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 2582-2588; 10.1109/ICRA.2014.6907229
- Ma, Wen-Loong and Zhao, Hui-Hua, el al. (2014) Human-inspired walking via unified PD and impedance control; ISBN 978-1-4799-3685-4; 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 5088-5094; 10.1109/icra.2014.6907605
- Zhao, Huihua and Ames, Aaron D. (2014) Quadratic program based control of fully-actuated transfemoral prosthesis for flat-ground and up-slope locomotion; ISBN 9781479932726; 2014 American Control Conference; 4101-4107; 10.1109/ACC.2014.6859014
- Zhao, Huihua and Kolathaya, Shishir, el al. (2014) Quadratic programming and impedance control for transfemoral prosthesis; ISBN 978-1-4799-3685-4; 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); 1341-1347; 10.1109/ICRA.2014.6907026
- Zhao, Hui-Hua and Ma, Wen-Loong, el al. (2014) Human-inspired multi-contact locomotion with AMBER2; ISBN 978-1-4799-4930-4; 2014 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS); 199-210; 10.1109/iccps.2014.6843723
- Aghasadeghi, Navid and Zhao, Huihua, el al. (2013) Learning impedance controller parameters for lower-limb prostheses; ISBN 9781467363587; 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS); 4268-4274; 10.1109/IROS.2013.6696968
- Powell, Matthew J. and Hereid, Ayonga, el al. (2013) Speed regulation in 3D robotic walking through motion transitions between Human-Inspired partial hybrid zero dynamics; ISBN 978-1-4673-5643-5; 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; 4803-4810; 10.1109/ICRA.2013.6631262
- Ames, Aaron D. and Galloway, Kevin, el al. (2012) Control Lyapunov functions and hybrid zero dynamics; ISBN 978-1-4673-2066-5; 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 6837-6842; 10.1109/CDC.2012.6426229
- Kolathaya, Shishir and Ames, Aaron D. (2012) Achieving bipedal locomotion on rough terrain through human-inspired control; ISBN 978-1-4799-0165-4; 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR); 1-6; 10.1109/SSRR.2012.6523897
- Sinnet, Ryan W. and Ames, Aaron D. (2012) Extending two-dimensional human-inspired bipedal robotic walking to three dimensions through geometric reduction; ISBN 978-1-4577-1096-4; 2012 American Control Conference (ACC); 4831-4836; 10.1109/ACC.2012.6315667
- Jiang, Shu and Partrick, Shawanee, el al. (2012) Outputs of human walking for bipedal robotic controller design; ISBN 978-1-4577-1096-4; 2012 American Control Conference (ACC); 4843-4848; 10.1109/ACC.2012.6315648
- Yadukumar, Shishir Nadubettu and Kothapalli, Bhargav, el al. (2012) Zeno behavior in electromechanical hybrid systems: From theory to experimental validation; ISBN 978-1-4577-1096-4; 2012 American Control Conference (ACC); 2437-2442; 10.1109/ACC.2012.6315696
- Taha, Walid and Brauner, Paul, el al. (2012) A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber-Physical Systems (Preliminary Report); ISBN 9781467314237; 32nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops; 303-308; 10.1109/icdcsw.2012.72
- Sinnet, Ryan W. and Powell, Matthew J., el al. (2011) Compass gait revisited: A human data perspective with extensions to three dimensions; ISBN 978-1-61284-801-3; 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference; 682-689; 10.1109/CDC.2011.6161473
- Wendel, Eric and Ames, Aaron D. (2011) Rank deficiency and superstability of hybrid systems with application to bipedal robots; ISBN 978-1-61284-801-3; 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference; 7422-7427; 10.1109/CDC.2011.6160972
- Sinnet, Ryan W. and Zhao, Huihua, el al. (2011) Simulating prosthetic devices with human-inspired hybrid control; ISBN 978-1-61284-456-5; 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems; 1723-1730; 10.1109/IROS.2011.6095186
- Sinnet, Ryan W. and Ames, Aaron D. (2009) 2D bipedal walking with knees and feet: A hybrid control approach; ISBN 978-1-4244-3872-3; Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held jointly with 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference; 3200-3207; 10.1109/CDC.2009.5400503
- Sinnet, Ryan W. and Ames, Aaron D. (2009) 3D bipedal walking with knees and feet: A hybrid geometric approach; ISBN 978-1-4244-3872-3; Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held jointly with 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference; 3208-3213; 10.1109/CDC.2009.5400457
- Or, Yizhar and Ames, Aaron D. (2009) Formal and practical completion of Lagrangian hybrid systems; ISBN 978-1-4244-4523-3; American Control Conference, 2009; 3624-3631; 10.1109/ACC.2009.5159852
- Or, Yizhar and Ames, Aaron D. (2009) Existence of Periodic Orbits with Zeno Behavior in Completed Lagrangian Hybrid Systems; ISBN 978-3-642-00601-2; Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2009; 291-305; 10.1007/978-3-642-00602-9_21
- Or, Yizhar and Ames, Aaron D. (2008) Stability of Zeno equilibria in Lagrangian hybrid systems; ISBN 978-1-4244-3124-3; 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 2770-2775; 10.1109/CDC.2008.4739235
- Lamperski, Andrew and Ames, Aaron D. (2008) On the existence of Zeno behavior in hybrid systems with non-isolated Zeno equilibria; ISBN 978-1-4244-3124-3; 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 2776-2781; 10.1109/CDC.2008.4739100
- Lamperski, Andrew and Ames, Aaron D. (2008) Sufficient conditions for Zeno behavior in Lagrangian hybrid systems; ISBN 978-3-540-78928-4; Hybrid systems : computation and control : 11th international workshop; 622-625; 10.1007/978-3-540-78929-1_49
- Ames, Aaron D. and Doyle, John C. (2008) Complexity and fragility in stability for linear systems; ISBN 978-1-4244-2078-0; 2008 American Control Conference; 1630-1637; 10.1109/ACC.2008.4586725
- Ames, Aaron D. and Abate, Alessandro, el al. (2008) Sufficient conditions for the existence of Zeno behavior in a class of nonlinear hybrid systems via constant approximations; ISBN 978-1-4244-1497-0; 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 5420-5425; 10.1109/CDC.2007.4434891
- Lamperski, Andrew and Ames, Aaron D. (2008) Lyapunov-Like Conditions for the Existence of Zeno Behavior in Hybrid and Lagrangian Hybrid Systems; ISBN 978-1-4244-1497-0; 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 115-120; 10.1109/CDC.2007.4435003
- Ames, Aaron D. and Gregg, Robert D., el al. (2007) A geometric approach to three-dimensional hipped bipedal robotic walking; ISBN 978-1-4244-1497-0; 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 5348-5355; 10.1109/CDC.2007.4434880
- Ames, Aaron D. and Gregg, Robert D. (2007) Stably Extending Two-Dimensional Bipedal Walking to Three Dimensions; ISBN 978-1-4244-0988-4; 2007 American Control Conference; 5658-5664; 10.1109/ACC.2007.4283081
- Ganesh, Sumitra and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2007) Composition of Dynamical Systems for Estimation of Human Body Dynamics; ISBN 978-3-540-71492-7; Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control; 702-705; 10.1007/978-3-540-71493-4_65
- Ames, Aaron D. and Gregg, Robert D., el al. (2007) On the Geometric Reduction of Controlled Three-Dimensional Bipedal Robotic Walkers; ISBN 978-3-540-73889-3; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control 2006; 183-196; 10.1007/978-3-540-73890-9_14
- Ames, Aaron D. (2007) Homotopy Meaningful Hybrid Model Structures; ISBN 978-0-8218-4246-1; Topology and Robotics; 121-144
- Pekarek, David and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2007) Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control Applied to the Compass Gait Biped; ISBN 978-1-4244-1497-0; 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 5376-5382; 10.1109/CDC.2007.4434296
- Tabuada, Paulo and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2006) Approximate Reduction of Dynamical Systems; ISBN 1-4244-0171-2; Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 6408-6413; 10.1109/CDC.2006.377156
- Ames, Aaron D. and Zheng, Haiyang, el al. (2006) Is there life after Zeno? Taking executions past the breaking (Zeno) point; ISBN 1-4244-0209-3; 2006 American Control Conference; 2652-2657; 10.1109/ACC.2006.1656623
- Abate, Alessandro and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2006) Error bounds based stochastic approximations and simulations of hybrid dynamical systems; ISBN 1-4244-0209-3; 2006 American Control Conference; 4742-4747; 10.1109/ACC.2006.1657470
- Ames, Aaron D. and Sastry, Shankar (2006) Hybrid Routhian reduction of Lagrangian hybrid systems; ISBN 1-4244-0209-3; 2006 American Control Conference; 2640-2645; 10.1109/ACC.2006.1656621
- Abate, Alessandro and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2006) A priori detection of Zeno behavior in communication networks modeled as hybrid systems; ISBN 1-4244-0209-3; 2006 American Control Conference; 3340-3345; 10.1109/ACC.2006.1657234
- Ames, Aaron D. and Sastry, Shankar (2006) Hybrid cotangent bundle reduction of simple hybrid mechanical systems with symmetry; ISBN 1-4244-0209-3; 2006 American Control Conference; 2646-2651; 10.1109/ACC.2006.1656622
- Ames, Aaron D. and Sastry, Shankar (2006) Hybrid Geometric Reduction of Hybrid Systems; ISBN 978-1-4244-0170-3; Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 923-929; 10.1109/CDC.2006.377245
- Sprinkle, Jonathan and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2005) On the Partitioning of Syntax and Semantics For Hybrid Systems Tools; ISBN 0-7803-9567-0; Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 4694-4699; 10.1109/CDC.2005.1582903
- Ames, Aaron D. and Abate, Alessandro, el al. (2005) Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of Zeno Behavior; ISBN 0-7803-9568-9; Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference; 696-701; 10.1109/CDC.2005.1582237
- Abate, Alessandro and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2005) Stochastic approximations of hybrid systems; ISBN 0-7803-9098-9; 2005 American Control Conference; 1557-1562; 10.1109/ACC.2005.1470189
- Ames, Aaron D. and Sastry, Shankar (2005) Characterization of Zeno behavior in hybrid systems using homological methods; ISBN 0-7803-9098-9; 2005 American Control Conference; 1160-1165; 10.1109/ACC.2005.1470118
- Ames, Aaron D. and Sastry, Shankar (2004) Blowing up affine hybrid systems; ISBN 0-7803-8682-5; 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 473-478; 10.1109/CDC.2004.1428675