Ahrens, Thomas
- Anderson, W. W. and Ahrens, Thomas (2012) Physics of intact capture of cometary coma dust samples; ISBN 978-0-7354-1006-0; Shock compression of condensed matter 2011; 875-878; 10.1063/1.3686417
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Mosenfelder, Jed L., el al. (2009) Advances in Shock Compression of Mantle Materials and Implications; ISBN 978-0-7354-0732-9; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2009; 859-862; 10.1063/1.3295278
- Fat'yanov, Oleg V. and Asimow, Paul D., el al. (2009) Shock temperatures of preheated MgO; ISBN 978-0-7354-0732-9; Shock-induced spall in copper: The effects of anisotropy, temperature, defects and loading pulse; 855-858; 10.1063/1.3295277
- Ai, H. A. and Ahrens, T. J. (2006) Numerical Modeling of Shock-Induced Damage for Granite under Dynamic Loading; ISBN 0-7354-0341-4; Shock compression of condensed matter--2005 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Baltimore, MD 31 July-5 August, 2005; 1431-1434; 10.1063/1.2263593
- Ni, Sidao and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2005) Giant impact-induced blow-off of primordial atmosphere; ISBN 9780813723846; Large Meteorite Impacts III; 427-432; 10.1130/0-8137-2384-1.427
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Shen, Andy H., el al. (2004) Giant Impact Induced Atmospheric Blow-Off; ISBN 0-7354-0181-0; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter -- 2003: Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 1419-1422; 10.1063/1.1780504
- Stewart, S. T. and Ahrens, T. J. (2004) A New H2O Ice Hugoniot: Implications for Planetary Impact Events; ISBN 0735401810; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2003: Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 1478-1483
- Stewart, Sarah T. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2004) Impact-Induced Melting of Near-Surface Water Ice on Mars; ISBN 0735401810; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2003: Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 1484-1487; 10.1063/1.1780519
- Luo, Sheng-Nian and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2004) Melting at the Limit of Superheating; ISBN 0735401810; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2003: Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 172-175; 10.1063/1.1780210
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Xia, Kaiwen, el al. (2002) Depth of Cracking beneath Impact Craters: New Constraint for Impact Velocity; ISBN 0-7354-0068-7; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter -- 2001: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter; 1393-1396; 10.1063/1.1483799
- Stewart, Sarah T. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2000) Shock wave propagation in porous ice; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock COmpression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 1243-1246; 10.1063/1.1303686
- Liu, C. and Ahrens, T. J. (2000) Penetration depth time history measurement method; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 1039-1042; 10.1063/1.1303645
- Liu, C. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2000) Vitreous GeO2 response to shock loading; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 275-278; 10.1063/1.1303472
- Jyoti, G. and Gupta, Satish C., el al. (2000) Mass spectrometer calibration of Cosmic Dust Analyzer; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 967-970
- Gupta, Satish C. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2000) Shock induced vaporization of anhydrite CaSO4 and calcite CaCO3; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 1259-1262
- Gupta, Satish C. and Love, Stanley G., el al. (2000) Shock temperatures in calcite (CaCO3): Implication for shock induced decomposition; ISBN 1-56396-923-8; Shock compression of condensed matter--1999 : proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held at Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 2, 1999; 1263-1266; 10.1063/1.1303691
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Holland, Kathleen G., el al. (1998) Shock temperatures and the melting point of iron; ISBN 1-56396-833-9; Shock compression of condensed matter 1997; 133-136; 10.1063/1.55518
- Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Radio frequency heating coils for shock wave experiments; ISBN 1-55899-404-1; High-pressure materials research : symposium held December 1-4, 1998, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; 63-71; 10.1557/PROC-499-63
- Anderson, William W. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Shock wave equations of state of chondritic meteorites; ISBN 1-56396-833-9; Shock compression of condensed matter 1997; 115-118; 10.1063/1.55475
- Liu, C. L. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Wave generations from confined explosions in rocks; ISBN 1-56396-833-9; Shock compression of condensed matter 1997; 859-862; 10.1063/1.55601
- Holland, Kathleen G. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Properties of LiF and Al_2O_3 to 240 GPa for Metal Shock Temperature Measurements; ISBN 9780875900834; Properties of Earth and Planetary Materials at High Pressure and Temperature; 335-343; 10.1029/GM101p0335
- Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) High pressure and high temperature equation of state of gamma and liquid iron; ISBN 1-55899-404-1; High-pressure materials research : symposium held December 1-4, 1998, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; 41-61; 10.1557/PROC-499-41
- Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1996) Theory of shock magnetization of asteroids Gaspra and Ida; ISBN 1-56396-566-6; Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, 1995; 929-932; 10.1063/1.50597
- He, Hongliang and Jin, Xiaogang, el al. (1996) Characteristic of dynamic tensile fracture in augite-peridotite; ISBN 1-56396-566-6; Shock compression of condensed matter 1995; 593-596; 10.1063/1.50630
- Luo, Cangli and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) Stress wave attenuation in shock damaged rock; ISBN 1-56396-566-6; Shock compression of condensed matter 1995; 589-592; 10.1063/1.50816
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) Application of shock compression science to Earth and planetary physics; ISBN 1-56396-566-6; Shock compression of condensed matter 1995; 3-8; 10.1063/1.50667
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) Geophysical and Material Science Implications of the Post-Stishovite Phase; ISBN 4944122012; Advanced materials '96: new trends in high pressure research; 1-4
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Johnson, Mary L. (1995) Shock Wave Data for Rocks; ISBN 9780875908533; A Handbook of Physical Constants; 35-44; 10.1029/RF003p0035
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Johnson, Mary L. (1995) Shock wave data for minerals; ISBN 0875908527; Mineral Physics & Crystallography: A Handbook of Physical Constants; 143-184; 10.1029/rf002p0143
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Preface; ISBN 9780875908519; Global earth physics: a handbook of physical constants; vii-vii; 10.1002/9781118668078.fmatter
- Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Free surface velocity profiles in molybdenum shock compressed at 1400 °C; ISBN 1-56396-219-5; High-pressure science and technology, 1993; 1079-1082; 10.1063/1.46292
- Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Shock compression and release of polycrystalline magnesium oxide; ISBN 1-56396-219-5; High-pressure science and technology, 1993; 1107-1110; 10.1063/1.46299
- Evans, Noreen Joyce and Shahinpoor, M., el al. (1994) Hypervelocity impact: Ejecta velocity, angle, and composition; ISBN 9780813722931; Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution; 93-101; 10.1130/SPE293-p93
- Yang, W. and Chen, G., el al. (1994) Shock compression and isentropic release of rhyolite; ISBN 1-56396-219-5; High-pressure science and technology, 1993; 1115-1118; 10.1063/1.46484
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Impact-induced melting of planetary surfaces; ISBN 9780813722931; Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution; 103-109; 10.1130/SPE293-p103
- Gallagher, Kathleen G. and Bass, Jay D., el al. (1994) Shock Temperature of Stainless Steel and a High Pressure - High Temperature Constraint on Thermal Diffusivity of Al_2O_3; ISBN 1-56396-219-5; High-pressure science and technology, 1993; 963-966; 10.1063/1.46195
- Gallagher, Kathleen G. and Yang, Wenbo, el al. (1994) Free-Surface light emission from shocked Teflon; 10.1063/1.46380
- Yang, Wenbo and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Oblique impact jetting of geological materials; ISBN 1-56396-219-5; High-pressure science and technology, 1993; 835-838; 10.1063/1.46229
- Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1992) Hugoniot Sound Velocities in Metals with Applications to the Earth's Inner Core; ISBN 9781118663929; High‐Pressure Research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences; 353-361; 10.1029/gm067p0353
- Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1992) Lateral Variations in Lower Mantle Seismic Velocity; ISBN 9781118663929; High‐Pressure Research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences; 197-205; 10.1029/gm067p0197
- Ahrens, T. J. (1990) Earth Accretion; ISBN 0-19-506619-7; Origin of the Earth; 211-227
- Bass, Jay D. and Svendsen, Bob, el al. (1988) The temperature of shock compressed iron; ISBN 0875902405; Elastic Properties and Equations of State; 532-541; 10.1029/sp026p0532
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1988) Equations of state of iron sulfide and constraints on the sulfur content of the Earth; ISBN 0875902405; Elastic Properties and Equations of State; 427-440; 10.1029/sp026p0427
- Bass, Jay D. and Svendsen, Bob, el al. (1987) The temperature of shock compressed iron; ISBN 0875900666; High‐Pressure Research in Mineral Physics: A Volume in Honor of Syun‐iti Akimoto; 393-402; 10.1029/gm039p0393
- Svendsen, Bob and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1987) Optical radiation from shock-compressed materials and interfaces; ISBN 0875900666; High‐Pressure Research in Mineral Physics: A Volume in Honor of Syun‐iti Akimoto; 403-423; 10.1029/gm039p0403
- Thadhani, Naresh N. and Vreeland, Thad, Jr., el al. (1986) Shock Consolidation of Ni-Ti Alloy Powder
- Schmitt, D. R. and Smither, C. L., el al. (1986) Holographic Measurement Of Elastic Moduli
- Schwarz, R. B. and Kasiraj, P., el al. (1984) The Effect of Shock Duration on the Dynamic Consolidation of Powders; ISBN 9780444869043; Shock waves in condensed matter 1983; 435-438; 10.1016/B978-0-444-86904-3.50098-1
- Vreeland, T., Jr. and Kasiraj, P., el al. (1983) Shock Consolidation of Powders – Theory and Experiment; ISBN 9780444009357; Rapidly Solidified Metastable Materials; 139-143; 10.1557/PROC-28-139
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and O'Keefe, John D. (1983) Impact of an asteroid or comet in the ocean and extinction of terrestrial life; 10.1029/2003JE002184
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Kostka, D., el al. (1983) Shock Compaction of Molybdenum Powder; ISBN 9780444869043; Shock waves in condensed matter; 443-446; 10.1016/B978-0-444-86904-3.50100-7
- Kasiraj, Prakash and Vreeland, Thad, Jr., el al. (1983) Mechanical Properties of a Shock Consolidated Steel Powder; ISBN 9780444600172; Shock Waves in Condensed Matter; 439-442; 10.1016/B978-0-444-86904-3.50099-3
- Boslough, M. B. and Ahrens, T. J. (1982) A method of determining points on the principal isentropes of molecular liquids; ISBN 0-88318-177-0; Shock Waves in Condensed Matter - 1981; 236-240; 10.1063/1.33366
- Kondo, K. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (1982) Electrical and optical measurements on fused quartz under shock compression; ISBN 0-88318-177-0; Shock Waves in Condensed Matter-1981; 299-303; 10.1063/1.33328
- Lyzenga, Gregory A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) One-dimensional isentropic compression; ISBN 0-88318-177-0; Shock waves in condensed matter--1981; 231-235; 10.1063/1.33365
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Boslough, Mark B., el al. (1982) Shock wave apparatus for studying minerals at high pressure and impact phenomena on planetary surfaces; ISBN 0-88318-177-0; Shock Waves in Condensed Matter-1981; 631-633; 10.1063/1.33290
- Vizgirda, Joana and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Structural study of Cactus Crater; ISBN 0080280749; Proceedings of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; 1623-1639
- Ahrens, T. J. and Lyzenga, G. A., el al. (1982) Temperatures Induced by Shock Waves in Minerals: Applications to Geophysics; ISBN 978-90-277-1439-8; High-pressure research in geophysics; 579-594
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) The interaction of the Cretaceous/Tertiary Extinction Bolide with the atmosphere, ocean, and solid Earth; 10.1130/SPE190-p103
- Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1981) Fragmentation of ice by low velocity impact; ISBN 0080280749; Proceedings of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; 1667-1687
- Goto, T. and Rossman, G. R., el al. (1979) Absorption spectroscopy in solids under shock compression; ISBN 9780306400698; High-Pressure Science and Technology: Sixth AIRAPT Conference; 895-900
- Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1978) The equation of state of a lunar anorthosite: 60025
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and O'Keefe, John D. (1978) Energy and mass distributions of impact ejecta blankets on the moon and Mercury; ISBN 0080229662; 9th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; 3787-3802
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Jackson, Ian, el al. (1977) Shock compression and adiabatic release of a titaniferous mare basalt; ISBN 0080220525; 8th Lunar Science Conference; 3437-3455
- Jeanloz, R. and Ahrens, T. J. (1977) Pyroxenes and olivines; structural implications of shock-wave data for high pressure phases; ISBN 9780124687509; High-Pressure research: applications in geophysics; 439-461
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and O'Keefe, John D. (1977) Equations of state and impact-induced shock-wave attenuation on the moon
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Impact-induced energy partitioning, melting, and vaporization on terrestrial planets; ISBN 0080220525; 8th Lunar Science Conference; 3357-3374
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1976) Impact ejecta on the moon; ISBN 0080217710; 7th Lunar Science Conference; 3007-3025
- Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1976) Alkali mobility in shocked basalt; ISBN 0080217710; 7th Lunar Science Conference; 1623-1632
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Tsay, Fun-Dow, el al. (1976) Shock-induced fine-grained recrystallization of olivine: Evidence against subsolidus reduction of Fe^(2+); ISBN 0080217710; 7th Lunar Science Conference; 1143-1156
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1976) Shock effects from a large impact on the moon; ISBN 9780080205663; Lunar Science Conference; 2831-2844
- Snee, Lawrence W. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1975) Shock-induced deformation features in terrestrial peridot and lunar dunite; ISBN 9780080205663; Proceedings of the Sixth Lunar Science Conference; 833-842
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Cole, David M. (1974) Shock compression and adiabatic release of lunar fines from Apollo 17
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and O'Keefe, John D., el al. (1973) Shock compression of a recrystallized anorthositic rock from Apollo 15
- Ahrens, T. J. (1971) Shock-wave Equations of State of Minerals
- Ahrens, T. J. and Petersen, C. F. (1969) Shock wave data and the study of the Earth; ISBN 978-0471745051; The application of modern physics to the earth and planetary interiors; 449-461