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- Potter, David K. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2013) Moderate velocity oblique impact sliding: Production of shocked meteorite textures and palaeomagnetically important metallic spherules in planetary regoliths; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 48; No. 4; 656-664; 10.1111/maps.12081
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- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Asimow, Paul D. (2010) Shock compression of liquid silicates to 125 GPa: The anorthite‐diopside join; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 115; Art. No. B10209; 10.1029/2009JB007145
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- Srama, R. and Ahrens, T. J. (2006) In situ dust measurements in the inner Saturnian system; Planetary and Space Science; Vol. 54; No. 9-10; 967-987; 10.1016/j.pss.2006.05.021
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- Stewart, Sarah T. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2005) Shock properties of H_2O ice; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 110; No. E3; Art. No. E03005; 10.1029/2004JE002305
- Tschauner, O. and Luo, S. N., el al. (2004) Shock-synthesized glassy and solid silica: Intermediates between four- and six-fold coordination; High Pressure Research; Vol. 24; No. 4; 471-479; 10.1080/08957950412331331754
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- Akins, Joseph A. and Luo, Sheng-Nian, el al. (2004) Shock-induced melting of MgSiO_3 perovskite and implications for melts in Earth's lowermost mantle; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 31; No. 14; Art. No. L14612; 10.1029/2004GL020237
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- Ai, Huirong-Anita and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2004) Dynamic tensile strength of terrestrial rocks and application to impact cratering; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 39; No. 2; 233-246; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2004.tb00338.x
- Luo, Sheng-Nian and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2003) Maximum superheating and undercooling: Systematics, molecular dynamics simulations, and dynamic experiments; Physical Review B; Vol. 68; No. 13; Art. No. 134206; 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.134206
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- Austin, Daniel E. and Grimm, Ronald L., el al. (2003) Hypervelocity microparticle impact studies using a novel cosmic dust mass spectrometer; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 108; No. E5; Art. No. 5038; 10.1029/2002JE001947
- Shen, Andy H. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2003) Shock wave induced vaporization of porous solids; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 93; No. 9; 5167-5174; 10.1063/1.1563035
- Stewart, Sarah T. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2003) Shock Hugoniot of H_2O ice; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 30; No. 6; Art. No. 1332; 10.1029/2002GL016789
- Luo, Sheng-Nian and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2003) Superheating systematics of crystalline solids; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 82; No. 12; 1836-1838; 10.1063/1.1563046
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Gupta, Satish C., el al. (2003) Mass spectrometer calibration of Cosmic Dust Analyzer; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 108; No. E2; Art. No. 5007; 10.1029/2002JE001912
- Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (2002) Shock-wave equation of state of molten and solid fayalite; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 134; No. 1-2; 35-52; 10.1016/S0031-9201(02)00080-8
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- Akins, Joseph A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2002) Dynamic compression of SiO_2: A new interpretation; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 29; No. 10; Art. No. 1394; 10.1029/2002GL014806
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Holland, Kathleen G., el al. (2002) Phase diagram of iron, revised-core temperatures; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 29; No. 7; Art. No. 1150; 10.1029/2001GL014350
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- Liu, Cangli and Ahrens, Thomas J. (2001) Wave Generation from Explosions in Rock Cavities; Pure and Applied Geophysics; Vol. 158; No. 11; 1909-1949; 10.1007/PL00001137
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- Yang, Wenbo and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1998) Shock vaporization of anhydrite and global effects of the K/T bolide; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 156; No. 3-4; 125-140; 10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00006-5
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- Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Dynamic compression of an Fe–Cr–Ni alloy to 80 GPa; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 82; No. 9; 4259-4269; 10.1063/1.366233
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- Smyth, Joseph R. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) The crystal structure of calcite III; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 24; No. 13; 1595-1598; 10.1029/97GL01603
- Knowles, James K. and Winfree, Nancy A., el al. (1997) Dynamically Induced Phase Transitions and the Modeling of Comminution in Brittle Solids; Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids; Vol. 2; No. 2; 99-116; 10.1177/108128659700200201
- Holland, Kathleen G. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Melting of (Mg,Fe)_2SiO_4 at the Core-Mantle Boundary of the Earth; Science; Vol. 275; No. 5306; 1623-1625; 10.1126/science.275.5306.1623
- Love, Stanley G. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Origin of asteroid rotation rates in catastrophic impacts; Nature; Vol. 386; No. 6621; 154-156; 10.1038/386154a0
- Liu, Cangli and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1997) Stress wave attenuation in shock-damaged rock; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 102; No. B3; 5243-5250; 10.1029/96JB03891
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- Love, Stanley G. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) Catastrophic impacts on gravity dominated asteroids; Icarus; Vol. 124; No. 1; 141-155; 10.1006/icar.1996.0195
- Anderson, William W. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1996) Emplacement of penetrators into planetary surfaces; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 101; No. E9; 21137-21149; 10.1029/96JE01421
- Chen, George Q. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) High-pressure melting of iron: New experiments and calculations; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 354; No. 1711; 1251-1263; 10.1098/rsta.1996.0047
- Anderson, William W. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1996) Shock temperature and melting in iron sulfides at core pressures; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 101; No. B3; 5627-5642; 10.1029/95JB01972
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- Yang, Wenbo and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Impact Jetting of Geological Materials; Icarus; Vol. 116; No. 2; 269-274; 10.1006/icar.1995.1125
- Evans, Noreen Joyce and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1995) Fractionation of ruthenium from iridium at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 134; No. 1-2; 141-153; 10.1016/0012-821X(95)00117-U
- Yang, Wenbo and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Impact Jetting of Geological Materials; Icarus; Vol. 116; No. 2; 269-274; 10.1006/icar.1995.1125
- Chen, Guangqing and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1995) Hypervelocity Impacts and Magnetization of Small Bodies in the Solar System; Icarus; Vol. 115; No. 1; 86-96; 10.1006/icar.1995.1080
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- Chen, Guangqing and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1995) Equations of state of α, ϵ and liquid iron and Iron's melting curve —thermodynamic calculations; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 22; No. 1; 21-24; 10.1029/94GL02892
- Chen, Guangqing and Tyburczy, James A., el al. (1994) Shock-induced devolatilization of calcium sulfate and implications for K-T extinctions; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 128; No. 3-4; 615-628; 10.1016/0012-821X(94)90174-0
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- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) The Origin of the Earth; Physics Today; Vol. 47; No. 8; 38-45; 10.1063/1.881436
- Duffy, Thomas S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Dynamic response of molybdenum shock compressed at 1400°C; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 76; No. 2; 835-842; 10.1063/1.357758
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Takata, Toshiko (1994) Radiative signatures from impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy-9 on Jupiter; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 21; No. 14; 1551-1553; 10.1029/94GL01578
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- Potter, David K. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Shock induced formation of MgAl_2O_4 spinel from oxides; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 21; No. 8; 721-724; 10.1029/94GL00079
- Polanskey, Carol A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Scaling craters in carbonates: Electron paramagnetic resonance analysis of shock damage; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 99; No. E3; 5621-5638; 10.1029/93JE03574
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- Anderson, William W. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) An equation of state for liquid iron and implications for the Earth's core; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 99; No. B3; 4273-4284; 10.1029/93JB03158
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- Anderson, William W. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1994) Physics of interplanetary dust capture via impact into organic polymer foams; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 99; No. E1; 2063-2071; 10.1029/93JE03147
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- Polanskey, Carol A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1990) Impact Spallation Experiments: Fracture Patterns and Spall Velocities; Icarus; Vol. 87; No. 1; 140-155; 10.1016/0019-1035(90)90025-5
- Svendsen, Bob and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1990) Shock-induced temperatures of CaMgSi_2O_6; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 95; No. B5; 6943-6953; 10.1029/JB095iB05p06943
- Tyburczy, James A. and Krishnamurthy, R. V., el al. (1990) Impact-induced devolatilization and hydrogen isotopic fractionation of serpentine: Implications for planetary accretion; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 98; No. 2; 245-260; 10.1016/0012-821X(90)90063-4
- Tan, Hua and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1990) Shock induced polymorphic transition in quartz, carbon, and boron nitride; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 67; No. 1; 217-224; 10.1063/1.345282
- Boslough, Mark B. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1989) A sensitive time-resolved radiation pyrometer for shock-temperature measurements above 1500 K; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 60; No. 12; 3711-3716; 10.1063/1.1140480
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1989) Water storage in the mantle; Nature; Vol. 342; No. 6246; 122-123; 10.1038/342122a0
- Svendsen, Bob and Bass, Jay D., el al. (1989) Optical radiation from shock-compressed materials and interfaces; Physics Reports; Vol. 180; No. 6; 333-416; 10.1016/0370-1573(89)90092-6.
- Rigden, Sally M. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1989) High-Pressure Equation of State of Molten Anorthite and Diopside; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 94; No. B7; 9508-9522; 10.1029/JB094iB07p09508
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1989) Physical Properties of Solid and Molten Earth Materials - Foreword; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 55; No. 3-4; v; 10.1016/0031-9201(89)90067-8
- Anderson, William W. and Svendsen, Bob, el al. (1989) Phase relations in iron-rich systems and implications for the Earth's core; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 55; No. 3-4; 208-220; 10.1016/0031-9201(89)90069-1
- Schmitt, Douglas R. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1989) Shock temperatures in silica glass: Implications for modes of shock-induced deformation, phase transformation, and melting with pressure; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 94; No. B5; 5851-5871; 10.1029/JB094iB05p05851
- Svendsen, Bob and Anderson, William W., el al. (1989) Ideal Fe—FeS, Fe—FeO phase relations and Earth's core; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 55; No. 1-2; 154-186; 10.1016/0031-9201(89)90241-0
- Schmitt, Douglas R. and Smither, Catherine, el al. (1989) In-situ holographic elastic moduli measurements from boreholes; Geophysics; Vol. 54; No. 4; 468-477; 10.1190/1.1442673
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1989) Impact production of CO_2 by the Cretaceous/Tertiary extinction bolide and the resultant heating of the Earth; Nature; Vol. 338; No. 6212; 247-249; 10.1038/338247a0
- Smither, C. L. and Schmitt, D. R., el al. (1988) Analysis and modelling of holographic measurements of in situ stress; International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts; Vol. 25; No. 6; 353-362; 10.1016/0148-9062(88)90975-8
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1988) Elements, Oxides, Silicates: High Pressure Phases With Implications for the Earth's Interior [Book Review]; Eos; Vol. 69; No. 42; 964; 10.1029/88EO01157
- Tan, Hua and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1988) Dynamic consolidation of cubic boron nitride and its admixtures; Journal of Materials Research; Vol. 3; No. 5; 1010-1020; 10.1557/JMR.1988.1010
- Miller, Gregory H. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1988) The equation of state of molybdenum at 1400 °C; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 63; No. 9; 4469-4475; 10.1063/1.341124
- Potter, David K. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1988) Shock consolidation of diamond and graphite mixtures to fused polycrystalline diamond; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 63; No. 3; 910-914; 10.1063/1.340032
- Rigden, S. M. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1988) Shock compression of molten silicate: results for a model basaltic composition; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 93; No. B1; 367-382; 10.1029/JB093iB01p00367
- Schmitt, Douglas R. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1988) Shock-induced melting and shear banding in single-crystal NaCl; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 63; No. 1; 99-106
- Thadhani, Naresh N. and Vreeland, Thad, Jr., el al. (1987) Microstructural modifications in a dynamically consolidated microcrystalline nickel titanium alloy powder; Journal of Materials Science; Vol. 22; No. 12; 4446-4452; 10.1007/BF01132045
- Stolper, Edward M. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1987) On the nature of pressure‐induced coordination changes in silicate melts and glasses; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 14; No. 12; 1231-1233; 10.1029/GL014i012p01231
- Svendsen, Bob and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1987) Shock-induced temperatures of MgO; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 91; No. 3; 667-691; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1987.tb01664.x
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Jeanloz, Raymond (1987) Pyrite: Shock compression, isentropic release, and composition of the Earth's core; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 92; No. B10; 10363-10375; 10.1029/JB092iB10p10363
- Potter, David K. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1987) Dynamic consolidation of diamond powder into polycrystalline diamond; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 51; No. 5; 317-319; 10.1063/1.98427
- Williams, Quentin and Jeanloz, Raymond, el al. (1987) The Melting Curve of Iron to 250 Gigapascals: A Constraint on the Temperature at Earth's Center; Science; Vol. 236; No. 4798; 181-182; 10.1126/science.236.4798.181
- Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1987) Impact experiments in low-temperature ice; Icarus; Vol. 69; No. 3; 506-518; 10.1016/0019-1035(87)90020-0
- Tyburczy, James A. and Frisch, Benjamin, el al. (1986) Shock-induced volatile loss from a carbonaceous chondrite: implications for planetary accretion; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 80; No. 3-4; 201-207; 10.1016/0012-821X(86)90104-4
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1986) Oblique Impact: A Process for Obtaining Meteorite Samples from Other Planets; Science; Vol. 234; No. 4774; 346-349; 10.1126/science.234.4774.346
- Watt, J. Peter and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1986) Shock wave equation of state of enstatite; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 91; No. B7; 7495-7503; 10.1029/JB091iB07p07495
- Manghnani, Murli H. and Akimoto, Syun-iti, el al. (1986) High-Pressure Research Applications Seminar; Eos; Vol. 67; No. 17; 427-428; 10.1029/eo067i017p00427-03
- Tyburczy, James A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1986) Dynamic compression and volatile release of carbonates; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 91; No. B5; 4730-4744; 10.1029/JB091iB05p04730
- Bass, Jay D. and Schmitt, Douglas, el al. (1986) Holographic in situ stress measurements; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 85; No. 1; 13-41; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1986.tb05170.x
- Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1986) Shock-induced CO_2 loss from CaCO_3; implications for early planetary atmospheres; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 77; No. 3-4; 409-418; 10.1016/0012-821X(86)90150-0
- Boslough, Mark B. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1986) Shock temperatures in anorthite glass; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 84; No. 3; 475-489; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1986.tb04367.x
- Boslough, Mark B. and Rigden, Sally M., el al. (1986) Hugoniot equation of state of anorthite glass and lunar anorthosite; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 84; No. 3; 455-473; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1986.tb04366.x
- Boslough, Mark B. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1985) Shock wave properties of anorthosite and gabbro; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 90; No. B9; 7814-7820; 10.1029/JB090iB09p07814
- Lange, Manfred A. and Lambert, Philippe, el al. (1985) Shock effects on hydrous minerals and implications for carbonaceous meteorites; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 49; No. 8; 1715-1726; 10.1016/0016-7037(85)90142-5
- Rigden, Sally M. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1984) Densities of Liquid Silicates at High Pressures; Science; Vol. 226; No. 4678; 1071-1074; 10.1126/science.226.4678.1071
- Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1984) FeO and H_2O and the homogeneous accretion of the earth; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 71; No. 1; 111-119; 10.1016/0012-821X(84)90057-8
- Watt, J. Peter and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1984) Shock wave equations of state using mixed-phase regime data; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 89; No. B9; 7836-7844; 10.1029/JB089iB09p07836
- Boslough, Mark B. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1984) Shock temperatures in CaO; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 89; No. B9; 7845-7851; 10.1029/JB089iB09p07845
- Tyburczy, J. A. and Blayney, J. L., el al. (1984) Streak camera recording of shock wave transit times at large distances using laser illumination; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 55; No. 9; 1452-1454; 10.1063/1.1137947
- Schwarz, R. B. and Kasiraj, P., el al. (1984) A theory for the shock-wave consolidation of powders; Acta Metallurgica; Vol. 32; No. 8; 1243-1252; 10.1016/0001-6160(84)90131-7
- Kasiraj, P. and Vreeland, T., Jr., el al. (1984) Shock consolidation of a rapidly solidified steel powder; Acta Metallurgica; Vol. 32; No. 8; 1235-1241; 10.1016/0001-6160(84)90130-5
- Brown, J. Michael and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1984) Hugoniot data for pyrrhotite and the Earth's core; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 89; No. B7; 6041-6048; 10.1029/JB089iB07p06041
- Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1984) Impact cratering and spall failure of gabbro; Icarus; Vol. 58; No. 3; 383-395; 10.1016/0019-1035(84)90084-8
- Kasiraj, P. and Kostka, D., el al. (1984) Shock wave consolidation of an amorphous alloy; Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids; Vol. 61-62; No. Pt. 2; 967-971; 10.1016/0022-3093(84)90668-9
- Watt, J. Peter and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) Shock compression of single-crystal forsterite; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 88; No. B11; 9500-9512; 10.1029/JB088iB11p09500
- Schmitt, Douglas R. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) Temperatures of shock-induced shear instabilities and their relationship to fusion curves; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 10; No. 11; 1077-1080; 10.1029/GL010i011p01077
- Ahrens, T. J. and Tozer, D. C. (1983) Preface; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 33; No. 3; R3; 10.1016/0031-9201(83)90116-4
- Kondo, Ken-ichi and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1983) Shock-induced radiation spectra of fused quartz; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 54; No. 8; 4382-4385; 10.1063/1.332676
- Svendsen, Bob and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) Dynamic compression of diopside and salite to 200 GPa; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 10; No. 7; 501-504; 10.1029/GL010i007p00501
- Kondo, Ken-ichi and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) Shock compression of diamond crystal; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 10; No. 4; 281-284; 10.1029/GL010i004p00281
- Lyzenga, Gregory A. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1983) Shock temperatures of SiO_2 and their geophysical implications; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 88; No. B3; 2431-2444; 10.1029/JB088iB03p02431
- Kondo, Ken-ichi and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) Heterogeneous shock-induced thermal radiation in minerals; Physics and Chemistry of Minerals; Vol. 9; No. 3-4; 173-181; 10.1007/BF00308375
- Kirwan, A. D. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1983) Preface [to SEASAT II]; Journal of Geophysical Research C; Vol. 88; No. C3; 1529; 10.1029/JC088iC03p01529
- Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1983) The dynamic tensile strength of ice and ice-silicate mixtures; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 88; No. B2; 1197-1208; 10.1029/JB088iB02p01197
- Weldon, Ray J. and Thomas, Warren M., el al. (1982) Shock-induced color changes in nontronite: Implications for the Martian fines; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. B12; 10102-10114; 10.1029/JB087iB12p10102
- Lange, M. A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Impact induced dehydration of serpentine and the evolution of planetary atmospheres; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. S1; A451-A456; 10.1029/JB087iS01p0A451
- Boslough, Mark B. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1982) Shock-induced devolatilization of calcite; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 61; No. 1; 166-170; 10.1016/0012-821X(82)90049-8
- Ahrens, T. J. (1982) Constraints on Core Composition from Shock-Wave Data; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 306; No. 1492; 37-47; 10.1098/rsta.1982.0064
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Cometary and meteorite swarm impact on planetary surfaces; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. B8; 6668-6680; 10.1029/JB087iB08p06668
- Watt, J. Peter and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) The role of iron partitioning in mantle composition, evolution, and scale of convection; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. B7; 5631-5644; 10.1029/JB087iB07p05631
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Impact mechanics of the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction bolide; Nature; Vol. 298; No. 5870; 123-127; 10.1038/298123a0
- Lange, Manfred A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) The evolution of an impact-generated atmosphere; Icarus; Vol. 51; No. 1; 96-120; 10.1016/0019-1035(82)90031-8
- Lyzenga, G. A. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1982) The temperature of shock-compressed water; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 76; No. 12; 6282-6286; 10.1063/1.443031
- Vizgirda, Joana and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Shock compression of aragonite and implications for the equation of state of carbonates; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. B6; 4747-4758; 10.1029/JB087iB06p04747
- Vassiliou, M. S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) The equation of state of Mg_(0.6)Fe_(0.4)O to 200 GPa; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 9; No. 2; 127-130; 10.1029/GL009i002p00127
- Vassiliou, M. S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1982) Limited aperture light source streak photography; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 53; No. 1; 108-109; 10.1063/1.1136807
- Kondo, Ken-ichi and Sawaoka, Akira, el al. (1981) Electrical measurements on fused quartz under shock compression; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 52; No. 8; 5084-5089; 10.1063/1.329459
- Walker, James C. G. and Cicerone, Ralph J., el al. (1981) Highlights: Spring Council Meeting; Eos; Vol. 62; No. 29; 588-590; 10.1029/EO062i029p00588-01
- Vassiliou, M. S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1981) Hugoniot equation of state of periclase to 200 GPa; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 8; No. 7; 729-732; 10.1029/GL008i007p00729
- Cohn, Stephen N. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1981) Dynamic Tensile Strength of Lunar Rock Types; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 86; No. B3; 1794-1802; 10.1029/JB086iB03p01794
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1981) Impact cratering: The effect of crustal strength and planetary gravity; Reviews of Geophysics; Vol. 19; No. 1; 1-12; 10.1029/RG019i001p00001
- Somerville, Malcolm and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Shock compression of KFeS_2 and the question of potassium in the core; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 85; No. B12; 7016-7024; 10.1029/JB085iB12p07016
- Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Equations of state of FeO and CaO; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 62; No. 3; 505-528; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1980.tb02588.x
- Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Anorthite: thermal equation of state to high pressures; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 62; No. 3; 529-549; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1980.tb02589.x
- Vizgirda, J. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1980) Shock-induced effects in calcite from Cactus Crater; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 44; No. 8; 1059-1069; 10.1016/0016-7037(80)90059-9
- Goto, Tsuneaki and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1980) Absorption spectrum of shock-compressed Fe^(2+)-bearing MgO and the radiative conductivity of the lower mantle; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 22; No. 3-4; 277-288; 10.1016/0031-9201(80)90044-8
- Gaffney, Edward S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Identification of Ice VI on the Hugoniot of Ice I_h; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 7; No. 5; 407-409; 10.1029/GL007i005p00407
- Mashimo, Tsutomu and Kondo, Ken-ichi, el al. (1980) Electrical conductivity measurement of fayalite under shock compression up to 56 GPa; Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth; Vol. 85; No. B4; 1876-1881; 10.1029/jb085ib04p01876
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Dynamic Compression of Earth Materials; Science; Vol. 207; No. 4435; 1035-1041; 10.1126/science.207.4435.1035
- Lyzenga, Gregory A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1980) Shock temperature measurements in Mg_2SiO_4 and SiO_2 at high pressures; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 7; No. 2; 141-144; 10.1029/GL007i002p00141
- Croft, S. K. and Kieffer, S. W., el al. (1979) Low-velocity impact craters in ice and ice-saturated sand with implications for Martian crater count ages; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 84; No. B14; 8023-8032; 10.1029/JB084iB14p08023
- Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Release adiabat measurements on minerals: The effect of viscosity; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 84; No. B13; 7545-7548; 10.1029/JB084iB13p07545
- Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (1979) B1-B2 Transition in Calcium Oxide from Shock-Wave and Diamond-Cell Experiments; Science; Vol. 206; No. 4420; 829-830; 10.1126/science.206.4420.829
- Lyzenga, G. A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Multiwavelength optical pyrometer for shock compression experiments; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 50; No. 11; 1421-1424; 10.1063/1.1135731
- Raikes, Susan A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Post-shock temperatures in minerals; Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 58; No. 3; 717-747; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1979.tb04804.x
- Jackson, Ian and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Shock-wave compression of vitreous and rutile-type GeO_2: A comparative study; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 20; No. 1; 60-70; 10.1016/0031-9201(79)90108-0
- Goto, Tsuneaki and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1979) Absorption Spectra of Cr^(3+) in Al_2O_3 Under Shock Compression; Physics and Chemistry of Minerals; Vol. 4; No. 3; 253-263; 10.1007/BF00307949
- Jackson, Ian and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Shock wave compression of single-crystal forsterite; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 84; No. B6; 3039-3048; 10.1029/JB084iB06p03039
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Equations of state of iron sulfide and constraints on the sulfur content of the Earth; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 84; No. B3; 985-998; 10.1029/JB084iB03p00985
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1979) Editorial; Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth; Vol. 84; No. B1; 145; 10.1029/JB084iB01p00145
- Jeanloz, R. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (1979) The B1/B2 Transition in CaO from Shock-Wave and Diamond-Cell Experiments; Year Book Carnegie Institution of Washington; No. 78; 627-630
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1978) Impact flows and crater scaling on the moon; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 16; No. 4; 341-351; 10.1016/0031-9201(78)90072-9
- Lyzenga, Gregory A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1978) The relation between the shock-induced free-surface velocity and the postshock specific volume of solids; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 49; No. 1; 201-204; 10.1063/1.324323
- O'Keefe, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Meteorite Impact Ejecta: Dependence of Mass and Energy Lost on Planetary Escape Velocity; Science; Vol. 198; No. 4323; 1249-1251; 10.1126/science.198.4323.1249-a
- Jeanloz, Raymond and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1977) Shock-Produced Olivine Glass: First Observation; Science; Vol. 197; No. 4302; 457-459; 10.1126/science.197.4302.457
- Meier, Lyle D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Longitudinal elastic velocities in MgO to 360 kbar; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 82; No. 17; 2523-2528; 10.1029/JB082i017p02523
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Impact processess; Geotimes; Vol. 22; 24-26
- Gibbons, Rex V. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Effects of Shock Pressures on Calcic Plagioclase; Physics and Chemistry of Minerals; Vol. 1; No. 1; 95-107; 10.1007/BF00307982
- Bless, Stephan J. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1977) Measurements of the longitudinal modulus of Pierre clay shale at varying strain rates; Geophysics; Vol. 42; No. 1; 34-40; 10.1190/1.1440710
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Wooten, Frederick (1976) Electrical Conductivity Induced in Insulators by Pulsed Radiation; IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; Vol. 23; No. 3; 1268-1272; 10.1109/TNS.1976.4328451
- Bless, Stephan J. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1976) Measurement of release wave speed in shock-compressed polycrystalline alumina and aluminum; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 81; No. 11; 1935-1942; 10.1029/JB081i011p01935
- King, David A. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1976) Shock compression of ilmenite; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 81; No. 5; 931-935; 10.1029/JB081i005p00931
- Menard, H. W. and McKenzie, Dan, el al. (1975) James B. Macelwane Award to Dan McKenzie, Gerald Schubert and Vytenis M. Vasyliunas; Eos; Vol. 56; No. 11; 922-926; 10.1029/eo056i011p00922
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1975) Compaction by impact of unconsolidated lunar fines; The Moon; Vol. 14; No. 2; 291-299; 10.1007/BF00565328
- Gibbons, Rex V. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1975) Spectra of shock-affected rhodonite: A reply; American Mineralogist; Vol. 60; No. 9-10; 942-943
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Schubert, Gerald (1975) Rapid formation of eclogite in a slightly wet mantle; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 27; No. 1; 90-94; 10.1016/0012-821X(75)90165-X
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1975) Equations of state of the Earth; Reviews of Geophysics; Vol. 13; No. 3; 335-339; 10.1029/RG013i003p00335
- Lagus, P. L. and Ahrens, T. J., el al. (1975) Solidified gas samples for shock wave experimentation; Cryogenics; Vol. 15; No. 5; 246-248; 10.1016/0011-2275(75)90110-1
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Schubert, Gerald (1975) Gabbro-eclogite reaction rate and its geophysical significance; Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics; Vol. 13; No. 2; 383-400; 10.1029/RG013i002p00383
- Gibbons, Rex V. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1974) A Spectrographic Interpretation of the Shock-Produced Color
Change in Rhodonite (MnSiO_3): The Shock-Induced Reduction
of Mn(lll) to Mn(II).; American Mineralogist; Vol. 59; No. 1-2; 177-182
- Davies, Geoffrey F. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1973) Measurement of elastic velocities of MgO under shock compression to 500 kilobars; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 78; No. 32; 7596-7601; 10.1029/JB078i032p07596
- Gaffney, Edward S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1973) Optical absorption spectra of ruby and periclase at high shock pressures; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 78; No. 26; 5942-5953; 10.1029/JB078i026p05942
- Kleeman, John D. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1973) Shock-induced transition of quartz to stishovite; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 78; No. 26; 5954-5960; 10.1029/JB078i026p05954
- Lagus, Peter L. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1973) Shock wave measurements on solid hydrogen and argon; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 59; No. 7; 3517-3522; 10.1063/1.1680513
- King, D. A. and Ahrens, T. J. (1973) Shock Compression of Iron Sulphide and the Possible Sulphur Content of the Earth's Core; Nature Physical Science; Vol. 243; No. 127; 82-84; 10.1038/physci243082a0
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Liu, Hsi-Ping (1973) A shock-induced phase change in orthoclase; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 78; No. 8; 1274-1278; 10.1029/JB078i008p01274
- Graham, Earl K. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1973) Shock wave compression of iron-silicate garnet; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 78; No. 2; 375-392; 10.1029/JB078i002p00375
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1972) Shock Melting and Vaporization of Metals; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 43; No. 5; 2443-2445; 10.1063/1.1661519
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1972) The state of mantle minerals; Tectonophysics; Vol. 13; No. 1-4; 189-219; 10.1016/0040-1951(72)90020-0
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Graham, E. K. (1972) A shock-induced phase change in iron-silicate garnet; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 14; No. 1; 87-90; 10.1016/0012-821X(72)90086-6
- Toksöz, M. Nafi and Thomson, Ker C., el al. (1971) Generation of seismic waves by explosions in prestressed media; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 61; No. 6; 1589-1623
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Gaffney, Edward S. (1971) Dynamic compression of enstatite; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 76; No. 23; 5504-5513; 10.1029/JB076i023p05504
- Gibbons, Rex V. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1971) Shock metamorphism of silicate glasses; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 76; No. 23; 5489-5498; 10.1029/JB076i023p05489
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Takahashi, Taro (1971) Static and dynamic compression of Earth materials; Eos; Vol. 52; No. 5; 147-153; 10.1029/EO052i005pIU147
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Allen, Charles F., el al. (1971) Explosive Gas Blast: The Expansion of Detonation Products in Vacuum; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 42; No. 2; 815-829; 10.1063/1.1660099
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Lower, John H., el al. (1971) Equation of state of forsterite; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 76; No. 2; 518-528; 10.1029/JB076i002p00518
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Fleischer, Robert L., el al. (1970) Erasure of fission tracks in glasses and silicates by shock waves; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 8; No. 6; 420-426; 10.1016/0012-821X(70)90145-7
- Kovach, Robert L. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1970) Explosive Seismic Sources for the Moon; Geophysics; Vol. 35; No. 1; 33-44; 10.1190/1.1440079
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Takahashi, Taro, el al. (1970) A proposed equation of state of stishovite; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 75; No. 2; 310-316; 10.1029/JB075i002p00310
- Horz, Friedrich and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1969) Deformation of experimentally shocked biotite; American Journal of Science; Vol. 267; No. 10; 1213-1229; 10.2475/ajs.267.10.1213
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Anderson, Don L., el al. (1969) Equations of State and Crystal Structures of High-Pressure Phases of Shocked Silicates and Oxides; Reviews of Geophysics; Vol. 7; No. 4; 667-707; 10.1029/RG007i004p00667
- Thomson, Ker C. and Ahrens, Thomas J., el al. (1969) Dynamic Photoelastic Studies of P and S Wave Propagation in Prestressed Media; Geophysics; Vol. 34; No. 5; 696-712; 10.1190/1.1440041
- Gaffney, Edward S. and Ahrens, Thomas J. (1969) Heat of Formation of O2–; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 51; No. 3; 1088-1091; 10.1063/1.1672107
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Petersen, C. F., el al. (1969) Shock compression of feldspars; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 74; No. 10; 2727-2746; 10.1029/JB074i010p02727
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Spetzler, Hartmut (1969) Calibration of an Image-Converter Streak Camera; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 40; No. 2; 354-355; 10.1063/1.1683934
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Gust, W. H., el al. (1968) Material Strength Effect in the Shock Compression of Alumina; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 39; No. 10; 4610-4616; 10.1063/1.1655810
- Cowperthwaite, M. and Ahrens, T. J. (1967) Thermodynamics of the Adiabatic Expansion of a Mixture of Two Phases; American Journal of Physics; Vol. 35; No. 10; 951-955; 10.1119/1.1973649
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Syono, Yasuhiko (1967) Calculated mineral reactions in the Earth's mantle; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 72; No. 16; 4181-4188; 10.1029/JZ072i016p04181
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Ruderman, M. H. (1966) Immersed-Foil Method for Measuring Shock Wave Profiles in Solids; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 37; No. 13; 4758-4765; 10.1063/1.1708133
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Duvall, George E. (1966) Stress relaxation behind elastic shock waves in rocks; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 71; No. 18; 4349-4360; 10.1029/JZ071i018p04349
- Ahrens, Thomas J. (1966) High-pressure electrical behavior and equation of state of magnesium oxide from shock wave measurements; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 37; No. 7; 2532-2541; 10.1063/1.1782080
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Gregson, V. G., Jr. (1964) Shock compression of crustal rocks: Data for quartz, calcite, and plagioclase rocks; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 69; No. 22; 4839-4874; 10.1029/JZ069i022p04839
- Woeber, A. F. and Katz, Samuel, el al. (1963) Elasticity of selected rocks and minerals; Geophysics; Vol. 28; No. 4; 658-663; 10.1190/1.1439242
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Katz, Samuel (1963) Ultrasonic observation of the calcite-aragonite transition; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 68; No. 2; 529-537; 10.1029/JZ068i002p00529
- Ahrens, Thomas J. and Katz, Samuel (1962) An ultrasonic interferometer for high-pressure research; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 67; No. 7; 2935-2944; 10.1029/JZ067i007p02935