- Ruskuc, Andrei (2024) Single
Rare-Earth Ions in Solid-State Hosts: A Platform for Quantum
Networks; 10.7907/ecn2-pp53
- Huang, Hsin-Yuan (2024) Learning
in the Quantum Universe; 10.7907/fgpv-3112
- Gu, Shouzhen (2024) Quantum
Error Correction Using Low-Density Parity-Check Codes and Erasure
Qubits; 10.7907/5pj8-wv34
- Lei, Mi (2024) Many-Body
Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics and Spin Dynamics with an Ensemble of
Rare-Earth Ions; 10.7907/gx1e-en28
- Kim, Eun Jong (2022) Waveguide
Quantum Electrodynamics in Superconducting Circuits; 10.7907/bscv-b073
- Rochman, Jake Herschel Lebi (2022) Microwave-to-Optical
Transduction Using Rare-Earth Ions; 10.7907/4h2f-wj87
- Tang, Yu Qing (Eugene) (2021) Quantum
Information at High and Low Energies; 10.7907/xc66-tc77
- Luo, Jie (2020) Integrating
Quantum Optical and Superconducting Circuits with Quantum Acoustics for
Scalable Quantum Network and Computation; 10.7907/P0YC-CQ43
- Craiciu, Ioana (2020) Quantum
Storage of Light Using Nanophotonic Resonators Coupled to Erbium Ion
Ensembles; 10.7907/yn6n-7x40
- Ren, Hengjiang (2020) Cavity
Optomechanics for Hybrid Quantum Systems; 10.7907/vr67-w986
- Zhang, Yongliang (2020) Information
Scrambling in Quantum Many-Body Systems; 10.7907/GDZ1-0G66
- Kindem, Jonathan Miners (2019) Quantum
Nanophotonics with Ytterbium in Yttrium Orthovanadate; 10.7907/Q40T-8907
- MacCabe, Gregory Scott (2019) Phonon
Dynamics and Damping in Three-Dimensional Acoustic Bandgap
Cavity-Optomechanical Resonators; 10.7907/7R9W-EV53
- White, Christopher David (2019) Numerical
Methods for Many-Body Quantum Dynamics; 10.7907/VC0P-3K15
- Wang, Zitao (2019) Topological
Phases of Matter: Exactly Solvable Models and Classification; 10.7907/BXJR-1M62
- Seetharam, Karthik Iyengar (2018) Thermalization
in Periodically-Driven Interacting Quantum Systems; 10.7907/3G0V-TW52
- Wang, Yishu (2018) Antiferromagnetic
Quantum Phase Transitions: Continuous Tuning and Direct Probes of
Competing States; 10.7907/VTHP-7645
- Kubica, Aleksander Marek (2018) The
ABCs of the Color Code: A Study of Topological Quantum Codes as Toy
Models for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation and Quantum Phases Of
Matter; 10.7907/059V-MG69
- Fishman, Matthew Theodore (2018) Development
of Tensor Network Algorithms for Studying Classical and Quantum
Many-Body Systems; 10.7907/44s6-0q68
- Shukla, Sujeet Kumar (2018) Tensor
Network Representation of Many-Body Quantum States and Unitary
Operators; 10.7907/Z9DF6PDB
- Maguire, Shaun Cohn (2018) The
Spectral Theory of Multiboundary Wormholes; 10.7907/W8HM-4Y42
- Yang, Kiyoul (2018) Integrated
Ultra-High-Q Nonlinear Photonic Platform for On-Chip Optoelectronic
Systems; 10.7907/Z96T0JTQ
- Pang, Belinda Heyun (2018) Theoretical
Foundations for Quantum Measurement in a General Relativistic
Framework; 10.7907/dfyy-y188
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Nonlinear Photonic Devices; 10.7907/Z95H7DGT
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Steampunk: Quantum Information, Thermodynamics, Their Intersection, and
Applications Thereof Across Physics; 10.7907/96EJ-N815
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and Randomness in Strongly-Interacting Quantum Systems; 10.7907/BHZ5-HV76
- Kómár, Anna (2018) Quantum
Computation and Information Storage in Quantum Double Models; 10.7907/KMJ2-1307
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Pivotal Categories, Fermion Condensation, and Fermionic Topological
Phases; 10.7907/P9A4-MH26
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Cavity Electromechanics in the Quantum Regime; 10.7907/Z93T9F6W
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Atomic Lattices with Light-Mediated Interactions; 10.7907/Z9W66HTK
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Drive of Many-Body Localized Systems; 10.7907/Z9DJ5CND
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Platform for Atom-Light Interaction; 10.7907/Z9668B7F
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Crystal Waveguides for Integration into an Atomic Physics
Experiment; 10.7907/Z9154F3G
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Interactions in a Photonic Crystal Waveguide; 10.7907/Z9NV9G9Z
- Chu, Hao (2017) Nonlinear
and Ultrafast Optical Investigations of Correlated Materials; 10.7907/Z9VD6WHV
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Resonators for Optical Quantum Memories based on Rare-Earth-Doped
Materials; 10.7907/Z98K773F
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Optics in Chip-based Microresonators and their Applications; 10.7907/Z92F7KG8
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Drag and Tunneling Studies in Quantum Hall Bilayers; 10.7907/Z97H1GG0
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Realizable Quantum Computers; 10.7907/Z96M34SC
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with Superfluid Helium-4; 10.7907/Z9RJ4GD7
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Driven Transitions in Non-Equilibrium Quantum Systems; 10.7907/Z9MK69VV
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Electromechanics with Two Tone Drive; 10.7907/Z95M63MJ
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Inertial Sensors and Feedback Cooling; 10.7907/Z9NK3BZS
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Silicon Optical Reference Cavities; 10.7907/Z91V5BWT
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in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems; 10.7907/Z9HT2M7G
- Lee, Shu-Ping (2015) Signatures
of Topological Superconductors; 10.7907/Z90R9MB4
- Goban, Akihisa (2015) Strong
Atom-Light Interactions Along Nanostructures: Transition from Free-space
to Nanophotonic Interfaces; 10.7907/Z9T151KX
- Geraedts, Scott D. (2015) Numerical
Studies of Topological Phases; 10.7907/Z9668B3N
- Wollman, Emma Edwina (2015) Quantum
Squeezing of Motion in a Mechanical Resonator; 10.7907/Z9CR5R97
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for On-Chip Optical Levitation, Atom-Trapping, and Superconducting
Quantum Circuits; 10.7907/Z9WS8R61
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Sensing, Feedback Cooling, and Nonlinear Dynamics with Nanoscale
Cavity-Optomechanical Devices; 10.7907/Z98K771J
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Optomechanics at Millikelvin Temperatures; 10.7907/Z92J68S7
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Integration and Efficient Detection Schemes for Optomechanical
Resonators; 10.7907/Z95D8PSH
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States in Disordered Topological Insulators; 10.7907/BSH1-AA62
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Power of Quantum Fourier Sampling; 10.7907/6HJB-MC69
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Independence in Quantum Many-Body Systems; 10.7907/PZJN-A841
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Quantum Codes and Exotic Topological Phases of Matter; 10.7907/GCYW-ZE58
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Single Atoms with Nanophotonics for Chip-Integrated Quantum Network;
- Chen, Tong (2013) Ultralow-Loss
Silica Resonators and Waveguides on a Silicon Chip; 10.7907/QBR4-3980
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Tunneling Spectroscopic Studies on High-Temperature Superconductors and
Dirac Materials; 10.7907/M8FW-S641
- Iyer, Shankar (2013) The
Interplay of Localization and Interactions in Quantum Many-Body
Systems; 10.7907/37K7-6Q13
- Li, Jiang (2013) Nonlinear
Optics in Planar Silica-on-Silicon Disk Resonators; 10.7907/20G7-EM85
- Yang, Huan (2013) Topics
in Gravitational-Wave Science: Macroscopic Quantum Mechanics and Black
Hole Physics; 10.7907/JMRS-DK55
- Hill, Jeffrey Thomas (2013) Nonlinear
Optics and Wavelength Translation Via Cavity-Optomechanics; 10.7907/DKW6-TF64
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Error Correction with Biased Noise; 10.7907/1TVT-J780
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Optomechanics with Silicon Nanostructures; 10.7907/VZW9-1Z52
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Optomechanics with High Stress Silicon Nitride Films; 10.7907/VB3C-1G76
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Studies of Gapless Quantum Spin Liquids: Spin Bose-metal and
SU(2)-invariant Majorana Spin Liquids; 10.7907/YDSP-0M98
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Cooling of an Optomechanical Crystal Resonator to Its Quantum Ground
State of Motion; 10.7907/ZRFK-2W24