- Whitmore, Quentin Robert (1947) Experimental
Investigation of Temperature and Velocity Distribution About a Rocket
Jet; 10.7907/SN1E-KS25
- Amster, Warren (1947) Calculation
of the Static Longitudinal Stability of Multi-Engine
Tractor-Propeller-Driven Monoplanes; 10.7907/P9X7-WM80
- Hege, Jeremiah Collins and Goebel, Thomas Parker (1945) An
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Lip on the Column Strength
of Rolled Sheet Zee and Angle Sections; 10.7907/HM7P-CK04
- Koch, Walter Louis (1940) An
Experimental Investigation of Wind Tunnel Wall Interference on Rolling
and Yawing Moments Due to Deflected Ailerons; 10.7907/MN6W-EB71
- Gentner, William Ellis and Biglow, James Otis (1940) A
Study of the Effect of Repeated Tension Impact Loads Upon Certain Metals
Used in Aircraft Construction; 10.7907/93VQ-ED36
- Powell, Walter Brown (1940) An
Investigation of Some Problems in the Design of Tailless Airplanes;
- Sparks, Brian Orville (1940) The
Effects of Vertical Gusts on an Elastic Wing; 10.7907/20SK-0031
- Nagamatsu, Henry Takeshi (1940) Experimental
Investigation of Ultimate Loads Carried by Flat, Unstiffened Panels
Under Combined Shear and Compression; 10.7907/FNQF-4Q12
- Belsley, Steven Eric (1940) The
Determination of Two Parameters Dealing with Power-On Stability for a
Model with Right Hand Propellers; 10.7907/RPDT-VM86
- Fischer, Harold S. (1940) An
Application of Matrix Methods to Wing Theory; 10.7907/E1VN-SQ19
- Hatton, George Anthony (1940) The
Longitudinal Stability of a Flying-Boat in the Planing Condition as
Computed from Tank Test Data of a Hull Model; 10.7907/JR58-MH75
- Fredrick, Joseph Louis (1940) The
Failure of Thin-Walled Semi-Elliptical Cylinders Under Torsion; 10.7907/31X1-Q070
- Moyers, Frank Neff (1940) A
Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Pressure Distributions at
High Speed About the N.A.C.A. 4412 Airfoil; 10.7907/YTRV-NM88
- Wang, Tsun-Kuei (1939) A
Theoretical Investigation of the Distribution of Maximum Shearing
Stresses in a Stiffened Flat Panel; 10.7907/A1JY-DH94
- Jackson, Andrew McBurney and Parish, Elliott Walter (1939) An
Investigation of Forced Flexural Torsional Oscillations of a Wing and
the Phenomenon of Flutter; 10.7907/V7TP-Q228
- Beardsley, George Francis and Coates, Leonidas Dixon (1939) A
Study of the Effect of Repeated Tension Impact Loads Upon Certain Metals
Used in Aircraft Construction; 10.7907/R4GM-7G81
- Piper, Clark Neil (1939) Experimental
Investigation of the Profile Drag and Boundary Layer of a Wing Section
During Free Flight and in the Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/DSRZ-HZ95
- Fan, Hsu-Tsi (1939) A
Study of “Shear Lag” Phenomenon in a Stiffened Flat Panel by
Photoelastic Methods; 10.7907/WANC-TP12
- Tsubota, George Yoshio (1939) Experimental
Investigation of Ultimate Loads Carried by Flat, Unstiffened Panels
Under Combined Shear and Compression; 10.7907/ZDZH-Y940
- Kanemitsu, Sunao and Nojima, Noble M. (1939) Axial
Compression Test of Thin Circular Cylinders. A. Length Effect. B. Visual
Study of Buckling; 10.7907/HBZ9-MZ48
- Ashkenas, Irving Louis and Smith, Robert Beaton (1939) Wind
Tunnel Model Tests to Investigate the Effects of Boundary Layer
Control; 10.7907/FE14-GP68
- Bowen, William Harold (1938) Tests
of Axial Flow Fans Designed by Lattice Theory; 10.7907/M6E1-0T44
- Mellinger, George Rolland and Kurihara, Hisayuki (1938) Shear
Transfer of Load From Main Beams to Intermediate Corrugations in Metal
Sheet Covered Box Beams; 10.7907/5751-Y722
- Bell, Willard Newton and Bussey, John Kenneth (1938) A
Photoelastic Investigation of the Distribution of Shearing Stresses in a
Stiffened Flat Panel; 10.7907/9JFS-SF60
- Putt, Donald Leander (1938) Experimental
Investigation of the Thickness of the Boundary Layer and the Location of
the Transitional Region Along a Wing Section; 10.7907/ZZVX-7082
- Butterworth, Wesley Theodore (1938) Experimental
Investigation of Ultimate Loads Carried by Flat, Unstiffened Panels
Under Combined Shear and Compression; 10.7907/C57T-2C92
- Smith, Apollo Milton Olin (1938) A
Preliminary Study of the Problem of Boundary Layer Control; 10.7907/STNT-3N37
- Dykes, John Christopher (1938) Stability
Derivatives of Helicopter Rotors; 10.7907/N0GE-EA65
- Dunn, Louis Gerhardus (1938) An
Experimental Investigation of the Stresses in Extruded Sections Commonly
Used in Aircraft Construction; 10.7907/9FAV-3513
- Scoles, Albert Buddy and Schoech, William Alton (1938) Range
Calculations for Airplanes With Continuously Controllable Pitch
Propellers, and the Effect of Certain Geometric Parameters of the
Airplane on Range; 10.7907/CMHQ-E314
- Mechling, Wallace Bristol and Jack, Samuel Sloan (1938) An
Evaluation of the Tension Impact Test by Correlation With the Physical
Properties of Aluminum Alloys; 10.7907/7XWB-QP81
- Allardt, Frederick Hamilton (1937) The
Brinelling of Small Ball Bearings; 10.7907/K872-W635
- Moore, Charles Kenneth and Nollan, John Lloyd (1937) Age
Hardening of Heat Treated Aluminum Alloy. An Investigation of the
Fluctuation of Hardness with Time of Ageing of Heat Treated Aluminum
Alloy Sheet; 10.7907/3G1Z-F889
- Smith, Joe Nelson and Murphy, Joseph Nathaniel (1937) Investigation
of Extended Bulb Angle Sections Under Compression: Part One. As Euler
Columns ; Part Two. As Stiffeners Attached to Sheet; 10.7907/R62Z-6P10
- Losey, Robert M. (1937) A
Theoretical Investigation of the Possibilities of Internal Cooling of
Aircraft Engines by Water Injection to the Cylinder; 10.7907/3PXW-GF19
- Young, Bradley Hobart (1937) A
Two-Parameter Wind Tunnel Rigging System; 10.7907/CVB4-7510
- Fleming, Morton Klyne (1936) Experimental
Investigation of the Effect Of Power Upon the Static Longitudinal
Stability of a Low Winged Monoplane and a Method for its
Calculation; 10.7907/JKVP-P690
- Colman, Philip Abbey (1936) The
Oscillating Vane-Type Fan; 10.7907/0TZ7-7Q11
- Lovett, Benjamin Barnes Compton and Rodee, Walter Fred (1936) Transfer
of Stress from Main Beams to Intermediate Stiffeners in Metal Sheet
Covered Box Beams; 10.7907/MAAF-MM48
- Bolster, Calvin Mathews (1936) Wind
Tunnel Tests on the Effect of Power on the Stability of a Low Wing
Monoplane with Three Vertical Positions of Horizontal Tail Surfaces;
- Malina, Frank Joseph and Jenney, William W. (1936) Characteristics
of Braked, Locked and Free-Wheeling Two- and Three-Bladed
Propellers; 10.7907/HYXB-6T51
- Martin, Victor John (1936) Airplane
Takeoff Performance; 10.7907/JQD0-EW36
- Childers, Milford Carlson (1936) Stresses
in Metal Beams with Flat Sheet Webs of Medium Thickness; 10.7907/Y3QT-J764
- Howland, Walter Lavern (1936) Effect
of Rivet Spacing on Stiffened Thin Sheet Under Compression; 10.7907/KCDP-9732
- Whelan, Thomas Murray (1936) The
Calculated Flight Path of the U.S.S. Macon; 10.7907/PC07-4F03
- McNeal, Don (1935) Ice
Formation in the Atmosphere; 10.7907/SX19-PN27
- White, Roland James and Antz, Hans Martin (1935) The
Stress Distribution in Reinforced Plates Under Concentrated Edge
Loads; 10.7907/1Q4M-AS93
- Parr, Warren Sherman and Beakley, Wallace Morris (1935) Investigation
of Duralumin Channel Section Strut Under Compression; 10.7907/9VQN-K047
- Russell, James Sargent and McCoy, Howard Monroe (1935) Propeller
Characteristics and Slipstream Effects on a High Wing Monoplane from
Wind Tunnel Tests; 10.7907/91VQ-DG62
- Kitsuda, Kaname (1935) Investigation
of Stress Distribution on Thin Metal Sheet With Holes; 10.7907/921K-MD80
- Wood, Carlos Claude (1935) Axial
Flow Fan Design by Lattice Theory; 10.7907/6H0T-G579
- Vosseller, Aurelius Bartlett and Jerome, Clayton Charles (1934) Investigation
of Relation Between Euler and Flat Plate Buckling of “L” Section
Struts; 10.7907/6HFP-5R14
- Magden, John Leslie (1934) A
Preliminary Investigation of Rivets and Riveted Joints in Metal Airplane
Construction; 10.7907/MWT3-P557
- Rockefeller, William Curtis (1934) A
Study of the Selection of Flight Paths in Air Transport Operations;
- Descamps, Alphonse Maurice (1934) Photographic
Study of Vortex Motions; 10.7907/6QH1-R015
- Rassieur, William Theodore (1934) Hinge
Moments; 10.7907/5P3S-7022
- Goldstein, Julian Richard (1934) Investigation
of Turbulence in Circular Tubes by Means of a Hot-Wire Anemometer;
- Nagashi, Masahiro Howard (1931) A
Study of Fully Developed Turbulent Flow at a Very High Reynolds
Number; 10.7907/815A-2M78
- Zahorski, Adam Teodor (1931) On
the Torsion of Wings; 10.7907/E0T0-P929
- Sechler, Ernest Edwin (1930) Problems
Relating to the Use of Sheet Metal in Airplane Construction; 10.7907/RP44-R311