- Lanfranchi, Francesco (Frank) (2025) A
Multispecies Perspective on the Evolution of Form Vision; 10.7907/154t-x703
- Courellis, Hristos Spiridonos (2025) A
Study on the Content, Format, and Implementation of Neural
Representations That Underlie Flexible Human Cognition; 10.7907/edk1-kb22
- Honson, Drew D. (2025) Development
and Application of Proteomic and Genomic Methods in RNA Biology; 10.7907/08dq-1q63
- Kadlec, Kelly (2025) Distinct
Patterns of Overlapping Neural Representation Of Sensorimotor Variables
in Primary and Associative Motor Areas: Insights from Chronic
Intracortical Recordings in the Human Brain; 10.7907/e3x8-t812
- Li, Can (2025) Gene
Regulatory Analysis of the Developing Enteric Nervous System of
Zebrafish (Danio rerio); 10.7907/mc6z-3k03
- Hazu, Masami (2025) Mechanistic
Studies of Membrane Protein Biogenesis at the ER and Mitochondria;
- Viloria Winnett, Alexander (2025) Quantitative
Nucleic Acid Measurements Inform Strategies to Mitigate Viral
Outbreaks; 10.7907/qe3a-a670
- Nair, Aditya (2025) The
Neural Computation of Internal Affective States; 10.7907/wryk-rb16
- Wang, Zitong (Jerry) (2025) Theoretical
and Computational Analysis of Cell Migration in Complex Tissue
Environments; 10.7907/mj08-b258
- Ivy, Tobin William (2024) Implementing
and Modeling Gene Drives for Population Modification and
Suppression; 10.7907/10pa-x574
- Bhamidipati, Pranav Subramanyam (2024) Modeling
and Design of Synthetic Biochemical Circuits for Biological
Phenotypes; 10.7907/gpc6-hb40
- Schwartz, Morgan Sarah (2024) Accelerating
Biological Discovery with Deep Learning and Spatial Optical
Barcodes; 10.7907/55c7-8142
- Johnston, Kadina Elizabeth (2024) Acquiring
Enzyme Sequence-Fitness Data at Scale Toward Predictive Methods for
Enzyme Engineering; 10.7907/xjz4-k217
- Griffiths, Jessica Anne (2024) Bidirectional
Interactions Between the Gut Microbiome and Nervous System
- Zhang, Mark Guangde (2024) Bridging
Sensory Perception to Developmental Decision Making in Caenorhabditis
elegans; 10.7907/hf7p-aa22
- Perez, Andrew Alexander (2024) ChIP-DIP:
a Multiplexed Method for Mapping Proteins to DNA Uncovers Combinatorics
Controlling Gene Expression; 10.7907/691f-y924
- Luebbert, Laura (2024) Complexity
of Transcriptomic Data Analysis and Implications for Biological
Discovery; 10.7907/xnw5-v914
- Mayfield, Acacia Michelle Hori (2024) Customized
and Modular Control of Gene Expression for Precision Gene Therapies;
- Guo, Jimmy Kang (2024) Defining
the Universe of Functional RNA-Protein Interactions; 10.7907/wbvq-bz46
- Sanfiorenzo, Charles John (2024) Design
and Construction of Bacterial Genomes at the Megabase-Scale; 10.7907/yapk-c742
- Duan, Mengtong (Tom) (2024) Expanding
Frontiers in Biomedical Imaging and Synthetic Biology: Dynamic Acoustic
Reporter Gene Imaging and Ratio-Tuning of Mammalian mRNA Polycistronic
Expression; 10.7907/avgk-yc71
- Prakash, Sharan Jagdish (2024) Experimental
and Neuroinformatic Definition of Neural Circuits in Caenorhabditis
elegans; 10.7907/bgvy-9p06
- Wadia, Varun Spenta (2024) How
We Imagine: Insights from Single Neuron Recordings in the Human
Brain; 10.7907/8nw5-1q14
- Zhu, Wenying (2024) Investigating
the Dual Processes Underlying Human Recognition Memory; 10.7907/yfvq-8a46
- Liu, Mengyu (2024) Love
and War: Control of Female Social Behaviors by the Hypothalamus
- Strehle, Mackenzie (2024) Mechanisms
of Xist-Mediated Gene Silencing During the Initiation and Maintenance of
X Chromosome Inactivation; 10.7907/nxq5-hj97
- Cherry, Kevin Matthew (2024) Molecular
Pattern Recognition and Supervised Learning in DNA-Based Neural
Networks; 10.7907/529f-kf62
- Chari, Tara Varada (2024) Perturbing
the Genome: From Bench to Biophysics; 10.7907/5drv-ma07
- Jiang, Jialong (2024) Revealing
Regulatory Network Organization Through Single-Cell Perturbation
Profiling and Maximum Entropy Models; 10.7907/5zta-9818
- Chen, Peiwei (2024) Sexual
Dimorphism and Evolutionary Innovation in piRNA-Guided Genome
Defense; 10.7907/9tme-kf22
- Zhu, Zikun (2024) Spatiotemporal
Regulation of Nascent Protein Targeting; 10.7907/ybz3-4m48
- Ciemniecki, John Alan (2024) The
Bioenergetics of a Low-Power, Phenazine-Dependent Maintenance Metabolism
in Pseudomonas aeruginosa; 10.7907/n992-ey51
- Hill, Andrew James (2024) The
Genetic and Neuronal Substrates of Melatonin Signaling in Zebrafish
Sleep; 10.7907/4sba-6h56
- Ponce, Francesca V. (2024) The
Role of Integral Gain and its Neuromuscular Implementation in the Flight
Control System of Drosophila; 10.7907/j2mb-ka39
- Lee, Justin (2024) Ultrasound
Control and Imaging of Cellular Immunotherapy; 10.7907/60sh-a389
- Wagner, Julian Morgan (2024) Uncovering
Mechanisms of Host Recognition, Host Finding and Host Specificity;
- Melis, Johan Matthijs (2023) A
Neural Network Model of an Insect’s Wing Hinge Reveals How Steering
Muscles Control Flight; 10.7907/teej-tb66
- Liaw, Eric Jer-Jiun (2023) A
Novel, Rapid Phenotypic Assay for a Beta-Lactam Antibiotic
Susceptibility and an Analysis of its Theoretical Limits; 10.7907/qhvg-7q92
- Chuapoco, Miguel Roberto Estella (2023) Adeno-Associated
Viral Vectors for Gene Delivery to the Non-Human Primate Brain; 10.7907/gngs-q727
- Tan, Fayth Hui (2023) Animal
Regeneration and its Loss: the Mouse as a Model of Limited
Regeneration; 10.7907/wedb-2f55
- Huang, Jining (2023) Applications
of Dynamic Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology in Closed-Loop Genetic Circuits
and Detection of Viral Pathogens; 10.7907/54tw-ym95
- Galton, Riley (2023) Co-Option
of the piRNA Pathway to Regulate Neural Crest Specification; 10.7907/9rvr-rr55
- Moses, Lambda (2023) Computation
Foundations of Spatial Transcriptomics; 10.7907/rt24-pq60
- Ding, Xiaozhe (2023) Computation-Aided
Protein Engineering for Targeted Therapeutic Delivery; 10.7907/7n15-3076
- Miller, David Ryan (2023) Developing
Dalotia coriaria, the Greenhouse Rove Beetle, as a Novel Model
Organism; 10.7907/wwp6-xq35
- Ni, Yu-Li (2023) Developing
Tools for Neurobiology: The Retina as a Neuropharmacology Testbed &
Electrode Pooling to Boost Extracellular Array Recording; 10.7907/jeh6-w316
- Raghavan, Guruprasad (2023) Engineering
Artificial Systems with Natural Intelligence; 10.7907/374f-1202
- Chen, Zhewei (2023) Engineering
Conditional Guide RNAs for Cell-Selective Regulation of CRISPR/Cas9;
- Hurt, Robert Cooper (2023) Engineering
of Second-Generation Acoustic Reporter Genes; 10.7907/qs6v-5d67
- Goertsen, David Gerald (2023) Expanding
Adeno-Associated Viral Capsid Engineering to Multiple Variable Regions
for Diversified Tropism; 10.7907/7x3a-g504
- Marken, John Paul (2023) Experimental
and Theoretical Frameworks for Enabling Environmental Synthetic
Biology; 10.7907/h50w-p058
- Blumenfeld, Zachary (2023) Genetically
Encoded Biosensors for Ketamine and Other Rapidly Acting Antidepressants
in Zebrafish and Cell Culture; 10.7907/4wtg-qb69
- Wandelt, Sarah Kim (2023) Grasp,
Speech, and Internal Speech Representation in the Human Cortical Grasp
Circuit; 10.7907/0461-g107
- Griggs, Whitney Scott (2023) Listening
to the Internal Representation of Actions Within the Posterior Parietal
Cortex; 10.7907/0eae-hk18
- Luo, Yicheng (2023) Maternally
Inherited siRNAs Initiate piRNA Cluster Formation; 10.7907/f2nh-8w08
- Gholamin, Sharareh (2023) Mechanism
of Response and Resistance to CAR T Cell Therapies; 10.7907/jf79-pv58
- Zhu, Ronghui (2023) Multicellular
Circuit Design in Mammalian Cells; 10.7907/p0fn-qa56
- Sarma, Anish Anandsai (2023) Multicellular
Control; 10.7907/kf54-fr89
- Ma, Yitong (2023) Multicellular
Synthetic Biology in Mammalian Systems; 10.7907/w0q1-7s17
- Guan, Charles (2023) Neural
Coding of Finger Movements in Human Posterior Parietal Cortex and Motor
Cortex; 10.7907/31rt-cy14
- Hsu, Alice (2023) Neurotechnology
for Multiplexed Interrogation of Brain Circuits and Synaptic
Activity; 10.7907/tba9-sb03
- Schulte, Samuel Jordan (2023) New
HCR Technologies: 10-Plex Quantitative Spectral Imaging of RNAs and
Proteins; Multiplexed Quantitative Imaging of Protein:Protein Complexes;
and Sensitive, Instrument-Free, At-Home Pathogen Detection; 10.7907/nzk8-2d38
- Chen, Xinhong (2023) Non-Invasive
Functional Gene Delivery to the Central and Peripheral Nervous System
Across Species; 10.7907/48a2-0y07
- Bhat, Prashant (2023) On
the Role of Three-Dimensional Genome Organization in Gene Regulation and
mRNA Splicing; 10.7907/vg8a-y851
- Bernstein, Jeremy David (2023) Optimisation
& Generalisation in Networks of Neurons; 10.7907/1jz8-5t85
- McGehee, James Mitchell (2023) Optogenetic
Approaches for Determining the Temporal Role of Morphogen Inputs on
Target Gene Expression; 10.7907/c610-za20
- Torok, Zsofia Erzsebet (2023) Resilience
of a Precise Motor Behavior; 10.7907/2ff5-e145
- Jorgensen, Victoria Lynn (2023) Stem
Cell-Derived Embryo Models in Mouse and Human to Illuminate the “Black
Box” of Pre- to Post-Implantation Development; 10.7907/t1fe-3915
- Dam, Kim-Marie Anh (2023) Structural
Insights into the Conformational Plasticity and Antibody Recognition of
HIV-1 Env; 10.7907/8pvb-dx31
- Gálvez Merchán, Ángel (2023) Studies
of mRNA Expression and Degradation; 10.7907/esxk-ch24
- Wang, Sheng (2023) Synthetic
Circuits for Multicellular Spatial Patterning; 10.7907/3rbk-g805
- Tsypin, Lev Maximovich (2023) The
Discovery and Biological Mechanisms of a Widespread Phenazine’s
Oxidation; 10.7907/rmsf-e465
- Rosenthal, Isabelle Anna (2023) The
Representation of Multimodal Tactile Sensations in the Human
Somatosensory System; 10.7907/yxtg-sr73
- Wilbert, Steven Alexander (2023) The
Role of Context-Dependent Metabolic Interactions in Organizing Microbial
Communities; 10.7907/7sv2-gj10
- Sarraf, Namita (2023) Towards
Integrated Molecular Machines: Structural, Mechanical, and Computational
Motifs; 10.7907/cdwp-c709
- Liu, Grace (2023) “It’s
Our War Too”: Barriers to Authorship by Women Writing Vietnam War
Poetry; 10.7907/r3ec-ev97
- Jo, HyeongChan (2022) Bidirectional
Brain-Machine Interfaces for Modulating Stimulation and Neural
Plasticity; 10.7907/df0t-1t79
- Xiao, Fangzhou (2022) Biocontrol
of Biomolecular Systems: Polyhedral Constraints on Binding’s Regulation
of Catalysis from Biocircuits to Metabolism; 10.7907/rtwq-v497
- Zhang, Tony (Haoyu) (2022) Biological
Intelligence: from Behavior to Learning Theory; 10.7907/8z4q-8g15
- Ortiz-Muñoz, Andrés (2022) Combinatorics
and Stochasticity for Chemical Reaction Networks; 10.7907/s9mc-3d59
- Poole, William (2022) Compilation
and Inference with Chemical Reaction Networks; 10.7907/x3qc-je74
- Yang, Zhi (2022) Conformational
Plasticity of HIV-1 Env and Implications for Vaccine Design; 10.7907/99hp-y284
- Beeler, Suzannah Michelle (2022) Deciphering
Regulation in Escherichia coli: From Genes to Genomes; 10.7907/p3rg-m937
- Williams, Rory Logan (2022) Development
and Scaling of Differentiation Circuit Architectures for Improving the
Evolutionary Stability of Burdensome Functions in E. coli; 10.7907/5k67-b636
- Han, Yanting (2022) Emotion
Experience from Stories, Videos and Everyday Life: Structure and
Individual Differences; 10.7907/yhmt-9t69
- Watkins-Dulaney, Ella Jenná (2022) Engineering
the Tryptophan Synthase β-Subunit for Synthesis of Noncanonical Amino
Acids; 10.7907/yekm-y267
- Chivukula, Srinivas (2022) Felt,
Imagined, and Seen Touch Share a Substrate in Human Posterior Parietal
Cortex; 10.7907/0tgv-t705
- Abdel-Haq, Reem (2022) Gut
Microbiome Modulates Microglia Physiology in Homeostatic and Disease
States; 10.7907/ht1j-2461
- Edmonds, KeHuan Kuo (2022) Imaging
Cell Lineage with a Synthetic Digital Recording System; 10.7907/a4m3-m603
- Ding, Ke (2022) Imaging
Neuropeptide Release and Localization with Genetically Engineered
Reporters; 10.7907/3ey5-9p35
- Kajikawa, Koichiro (2022) Inhibition
is the Hallmark of CA3 Intracellular Dynamics Around Awake Ripples;
- Rosenberg, Matthew Hutson (2022) Innate
Navigation: Magnetic Sensation and Maze Learning; 10.7907/hmyr-3d58
- Aceves, Aiden Joseph (2022) Machine
Learning and Modeling Methods for Protein Engineering; 10.7907/5j34-0d55
- Hoffmann, Magnus Adrian Gero (2022) Nanoparticle
Technologies to Cure and Prevent Infectious Diseases; 10.7907/g0w1-rc77
- Koontz, Alison Lindsay (2022) Neural
Crest and Placodal Cells Contributions to Cranial Sensory
Development; 10.7907/30rt-s038
- Savela, Emily Sue (2022) Nucleic
Acid Measurements for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing and Early
Detection of SARS-CoV-2; 10.7907/vp9a-n206
- Su, Christina Janet (2022) Principles
of Addressing Specificity in Promiscuous Ligand-Receptor Systems; 10.7907/z7dv-m192
- Brown, David (2022) Principles
of Massively Parallel Sequencing for Engineering and Characterizing Gene
Delivery; 10.7907/yqjm-6609
- Barlow, Jacob T. (2022) Quantitative
Sequencing and its Application to Studies of the Human Small-Intestine
Microbiota; 10.7907/ca28-fk21
- Gong, Mengsha (2022) Remodeling
Jellyfish; 10.7907/pfn8-aw15
- Tang, Weiyi (2022) Retroviral
Lineage Analysis of the Vagal Neural Crest Reveals Multipotency Towards
the Cardiac and Enteric Fates; 10.7907/qakz-vm04
- Shur, Andrey Sergeyvich (2022) Serine
Integrase-Based Event Recording in E. coli; 10.7907/x4q0-nx18
- Gallo Aquino, Tomas (2022) Single
Neuron Correlates of Learning, Value, and Decision in the Human
Brain; 10.7907/has2-gk35
- de Souza, Alysha Maria (2022) Sparse
Neural and Motor Networks Underlying Control in the Drosophila Flight
System; 10.7907/part-mf19
- da Veiga Beltrame, Eduardo (2022) Stories
in Single Cell RNA Sequencing; 10.7907/4kgh-8420
- Wittmann, Bruce James (2022) Strategies
and Tools for Machine Learning-Assisted Protein Engineering; 10.7907/azzt-0q97
- Cross, Logan Matthew (2022) The
Neural Mechanisms of Value Construction; 10.7907/x5kk-8h27
- Andrade Meirelles, Lucas (2022) The
Nuanced Effects of Redox-Active Metabolites on Bacterial Physiology and
Antibiotic Susceptibility; 10.7907/67p2-q992
- Clamons, Samuel Eric (2022) Three
Problems in the Design and Specification of Biomolecular Circuits;
- Yang, Bin (2022) Transformations
and Functions of Neural Representations in a Subcortical Social Behavior
Network; 10.7907/v13r-yt57
- Bagherian, Dawna Paria (2021) Artificial
Neural Networks for Nonlinear System Identification of Neuronal
Microcircuits; 10.7907/rj2p-8g11
- Wong, Wan-Rong (2021) C.
elegans Models of ASD-Associated Missense Variants; 10.7907/y9gj-y034
- Cohen, Alexander Armand (2021) Developing
Multivalent Nanoparticle Vaccines Against Current and Future
Viruses; 10.7907/r33z-kj46
- Banerjee, Abhik Kumar (2021) Diverse
Roles of RNA-protein Interactions: From Viral Antagonism to Mammalian
Development; 10.7907/tfb9-n887
- Chong, Lucy Shin (2021) Engineering
and Delivery of Programmable Protein Circuits as Potential Therapeutic
Devices; 10.7907/jdhe-by95
- Sawyer, Daniel Patrick (2021) Enhanced
Noninvasive Imaging of Acoustic Biomolecules; 10.7907/p52e-qv56
- Knight, Anders Matthew (2021) Expanding
the Scope of Metalloprotein Families and Substrate Classes in
New-to-Nature Reactions; 10.7907/7qh5-5130
- Cohen, Sarah Michelle (2021) Formation
and Function of Ascarosides in the Nematodes C. elegans and C.
briggsae; 10.7907/84ck-kn25
- McCardell, Reed Dillard (2021) Genetic
Circuits for the Control of Multi-Strain Bacterial Populations; 10.7907/wgpp-vj97
- Ross, Tyler David (2021) Guiding
Self-Organization in Active Matter with Spatiotemporal Boundary
Conditions; 10.7907/q85h-j730
- Wang, Ruohan (2021) Identification
of New OPA1 Cleavage Site Reveals that Short Isoforms Regulate
Mitochondrial Fusion; 10.7907/8nk6-1502
- Takei, Yodai (2021) Integrated
Spatial Genomics Reveals Organizational Principles of Single-Cell
Nuclear Architecture; 10.7907/4ces-zm75
- Marino, Joseph Louis (2021) Learned
Feedback & Feedforward Perception & Control; 10.7907/4mjd-ce53
- Turan, Zeynep (2021) Life
Without Cortex: Subcortical Circuits in Naturalistic Behaviors; 10.7907/czd1-dp02
- Quintero Cadena, Porfirio (2021) Mechanism
and Scaling of Eukaryotic Transcription Activation; 10.7907/m21w-8461
- Perry, Elena Kim (2021) Mechanisms
and Consequences of Bacterial Resistance to Natural Antibiotics; 10.7907/tv8n-kr43
- Varuzhanyan, Grigor (2021) Mitochondrial
Dynamics and Mitophagy during Male Germline Development; 10.7907/1mes-yw82
- Anaya, Michael Aurelio (2021) Modernization
of Monoclonal Antibody Screening and Protein-interaction Assays; 10.7907/xy05-bb64
- Huang, Xiawei (2021) Molecular
Function and Regulation of Aub Arginine Methylation in the piRNA
Pathway; 10.7907/5734-db78
- Gandhi, Shashank (2021) Molecular
Mechanisms Underlying Cardiac Neural Crest Development in Avian
Embryos; 10.7907/y1e4-d090
- Chour, William (2021) Molecular
Technologies for Antigen-Based Immunity; 10.7907/z20t-nq62
- Chiu, Hui (2021) Neural
Control of Male and Female Aggression in Drosophila; 10.7907/9rf6-5727
- Chai, Cynthia Mei-Ling (2021) Neurogenetic
Analysis of C. elegans Developmental Decision-making; 10.7907/r71f-nz93
- Altermatt, Michael (2021) Serotonergic
Circuits: Role in Sleep and Enhanced Genetic Tools for Access and
Optical Recording; 10.7907/gfe2-w578
- Parkin, James Michael (2021) Signal
Amplification in Synthetic Bacterial Communication; 10.7907/50p8-bd89
- Irizarry, Jihyun (2021) Temporally
Changing Roles of Morphogen Dorsal in the Drosophila Early Embryo;
- Abedi, Mohamad (2021) Thermal
Bioswitches for Non-Invasive Control of Cellular Therapies; 10.7907/z7ac-2g66
- Farhadi, Arash (2020) Acoustic
Reporter Genes for Noninvasive Imaging of Cellular Function; 10.7907/zght-4j47
- Thompson, John Warren Lenzi (2020) Chemical
Tools for Studying O-GlcNAc Glycosylation at the Systems Level; 10.7907/gx3z-k069
- Hanewich-Hollatz, Mikhail Henning (2020) Conditional
Guide RNAs: Programmable Conditional Regulation of CRISPR/Cas Function
via Dynamic RNA Nanotechnology; 10.7907/NS2B-DJ96
- Bogatyrev, Said R. (2020) Development
of Analytical Tools and Animal Models for Studies of Small-Intestine
Dysbiosis; 10.7907/VJDZ-7B52
- Gugel, Zhannetta V. (2020) Effects
of Sensory Experience on Early Stages of Olfactory Processing in the
Fruit Fly; 10.7907/e39b-w024
- Ravindra Kumar, Sripriya (2020) Engineering
Vectors for Non-Invasive Gene Delivery to the Central Nervous System
using Multiplexed-CREATE; 10.7907/sgez-zn27
- Johnson, Robert Francis (2020) Formal
Design and Analysis for DNA Implementations of Chemical Reaction
Networks; 10.7907/a74v-kv80
- Quinodoz, Sofia Agustina (2020) Higher-Order
RNA and DNA Hubs Shape Genome Organization in the Nucleus; 10.7907/k33x-9k36
- Yoo, Bryan B. (2020) Host-Microbe
Interactions Impacting and Mediated by Nervous Systems; 10.7907/1zv5-ve82
- Jue, Erik Bradley (2020) Improved
Tools for Point-of-Care Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing; 10.7907/d6mf-5081
- Saunders, Scott Harrison (2020) Mechanisms
of Phenazine-Mediated Extracellular Electron Transfer by Pseudomonas
aeruginosa; 10.7907/P4Z5-5445
- Kim, Dong-Wook (2020) Multimodal
Analysis of Cell Types in a Hypothalamic Node Controlling Social
Behavior in Mice; 10.7907/RGVK-9962
- Hesse, Janis Karan (2020) Neural
Construction of Conscious Perception; 10.7907/07r8-0845
- Zocchi, Dhruv Sergio (2020) Processing
at Primary Chemosensory Neurons; 10.7907/yshd-3195
- Reichermeier, Kurt Michael (2020) Quantitative
Characterization of Composition and Regulation of Cullin-RING Ubiquitin
Ligases; 10.7907/0WX7-2Q56
- Zhang, Hanwen (2020) Role
of the Ventral CA1 to Primary Auditory Cortex Projection in Associative
- Chure, Griffin Daniel (2020) The
Molecular Biophysics of Evolutionary and Physiological Adaptation;
- Lee, Sangjun (2020) The
Neural Basis of Sodium Appetite; 10.7907/bcxa-s404
- Neumann, Adam Patrick (2020) Towards
Single Molecule Imaging Using Nanoelectromechanical Systems; 10.7907/n4ap-7h91
- Angeles-Albores, David (2019) A
Theory of Genetic Analysis Using Transcriptomic Phenotypes; 10.7907/JRNS-NS05
- Shao, Zixuan (2019) Biological
Responses to Therapeutic Treatments of Human Vascular Diseases; 10.7907/P2S4-AY40
- Lakshmanan, Anupama (2019) Engineering
Acoustic Protein Nanostructures for Non-Invasive Molecular Imaging using
Ultrasound; 10.7907/ASX5-KB62
- Liu, Jonathan C. (2019) Engineering
and Application of cGAL, a GAL4 Bipartite Expression System for
Caenorhabditis elegans; 10.7907/V1DD-9108
- Lewis, Russell DeRieux (2019) Evolution
and Characterization of Carbene Transferases for Cyclopropanation and
Carbon–Silicon Bond Formation; 10.7907/RMEX-Q134
- Flytzanis, Nicholas C. (2019) From
Single-Cell to Whole-Body: Developing a Molecular Neuroscience
Toolkit; 10.7907/S28C-DJ17
- Basta, David Wagdi (2019) Genetic
Determinants of Growth Arrest Survival in the Bacterial Pathogen
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the Role of Proteases; 10.7907/K6X1-GS91
- Frick, Christopher Lee (2019) How
Single Cells Sense Smad3 Signal; 10.7907/WNM4-4R58
- Ramesh, Pradeep (2019) Imaging
and Control of Engineered Cells using Magnetic Fields; 10.7907/KY00-7Y74
- Nunns, Harry James Rogan (2019) Linearity
in Cell Signaling Pathways; 10.7907/WP0J-E945
- Kim, Kibeom (2019) Memory
and Decoding in Signaling Transduction Pathways; 10.7907/BJDQ-JX45
- Khazaei, Tahmineh (2019) Metabolic
Bi-Stability and Hysteresis in a Model Microbiome Community; 10.7907/Z588-5H60
- Schretter, Catherine Elizabeth (2019) Microbial
Modulation of Host Locomotion; 10.7907/Z1DX-4J03
- Singhal, Vipul (2019) Modeling,
Computation, and Characterization to Accelerate the Development of
Synthetic Gene Circuits in Cell-Free Extracts; 10.7907/g31j-ch52
- Augustine, Vineet (2019) Neural
Architecture Underlying Thirst Regulation; 10.7907/1H4D-7146
- Jafari, Matiar (2019) Neural
Correlates of Sensorimotor Control in Human Cortex: State Estimates and
Reference Frames; 10.7907/TQ35-KH33
- Cho, Jounhong Ryan (2019) Optical
Imaging of Dopamine Dynamics and Decoding its Role in Arousal and
Salience; 10.7907/TNGA-5X08
- Fowler, Trevor Michael (2019) Silicon
Neural Probes for Stimulation of Neurons and the Excitation and
Detection of Proteins in the Brain; 10.7907/2kvw-ad56
- Yi, Lynn Donglin (2019) Statistical
Methods for Gene Differential Expression Analysis of RNA-Sequencing;
- Wang, Haoqing (2019) Structure
and Dynamics of HIV-1 Env Trimer; 10.7907/65VD-VM42
- He, Peng (2019) The
Changing Mouse Embryo Transcriptome at Whole Tissue and Single-Cell
Resolution; 10.7907/35S4-HG18
- Shih, Pei-Yin (2019) The
Ethology of Stress in Nematodes; 10.7907/1E7G-K373
- Lee, James Siho (2019) The
Genomics of Stress-Induced Life Cycle Decisions in Nematodes; 10.7907/WZ8Y-ZM04
- Frankiw, Luke Steven (2019) mRNA
Splicing-Mediated Gene Expression Regulation in Innate Immunity; 10.7907/NBQG-BS67
- Urban, Luke Stuart (2018) An
Electrophysiological Study Of Voluntary Movement and Spinal Cord
Injury; 10.7907/K6P2-ZH75
- Park, Jin (2018) Circuits
of Dynamically Interacting Sigma Factors in Single Cells; 10.7907/CT0B-Q853
- Donaldson, Gregory Paul (2018) Colonization
of the Intestinal Surface by Indigenous Microbiota; 10.7907/6EZ0-3007
- de Oliveira Penna Tavares, Gabriela (2018) Computation
and Comparison of Value Signals in Simple Perceptual and Economic
Choices; 10.7907/Z9P55KP1
- Barnes, Stephanie Loos (2018) Decoding
the Regulatory Genome: Quantitative Analysis of Transcriptional
Regulation in Escherichia coli; 10.7907/D13T-7868
- Jensen, Elizabeth Hwang (2018) Elucidating
the Role of O-GlcNAc Glycosylation in Neurobiology and
Neurodegeneration; 10.7907/Z9JD4TZ9
- Petersen, Philip Fai (2018) Engineering
Molecular Self-assembly and Reconfiguration in DNA Nanostructures;
- Bedbrook, Claire Nicole (2018) Engineering
Novel Rhodopsins for Neuroscience; 10.7907/7RA0-BC29
- Lin, Yong-Jun (2018) Human
Duration Perception Mechanisms in the Subsecond Range: Psychophysics and
Electroencephalography Investigations; 10.7907/KGG5-9375
- Rogers, Alicia Kathryn (2018) Mechanisms
of Transcriptional Silencing by the Nuclear Piwi Protein in Drosophila
Germ Cells; 10.7907/Z9KK991X
- Nandagopal, Nagarajan (2018) New
Capabilities of the Notch Signaling Pathway; 10.7907/Z98050TB
- Zhang, Carey Yuzhe (2018) Partially
Mixed Selectivity and Parietal Cortex; 10.7907/R1RS-RJ59
- Belliveau, Nathan Maurice (2018) Quantitative
Dissection of the Allosteric and Sequence-Dependent Regulatory Genome in
E. coli; 10.7907/Z9DN438T
- Chen, Chun-Kan (2018) Revealing
the Mechanism of Xist-mediated Silencing; 10.7907/Z94J0C9J
- Abrams, Michael Jacob (2018) Self-Repair
and Sleep in Jellyfish; 10.7907/69br-kb59
- Valencia, Jonathan Exiquio (2018) The
Developmental Organization of Regulatory States in the Sea Urchin
Larva; 10.7907/NVWB-AP91
- Nath, Ravi David (2018) The
Evolutionary Construction of Sleep; 10.7907/JPDW-JW81
- Gethers, Matthew Leroy, III (2018) Therapeutic
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- DeSalvo, Gilberto (2018) Transcriptional
Enhancer Activity of Biochemically Marked Genomic Elements; 10.7907/J73E-Y429
- Lin, Ben Albert (2018) Ultrasound
Speckle Image Velocimetry: Studies on System Performance and Application
to Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics; 10.7907/Z998856J
- Colas, Jaron Taylor (2018) Value-Based
Decision Making and Learning as Algorithms Computed by the Nervous
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- Mahmoudabadi, Gita (2018) Virology
By The Numbers: A Quantitative Exploration of Viral Energetics,
Genomics, and Ecology; 10.7907/Z9Q81B91
- Schmidt, William Charles (2018) What
Makes a Narrative? Understanding the Portrayals of Hermenegild’s
Rebellion; 10.7907/R6G8-3B60
- Thubagere Jagadeesh, Anupama (2017) Programming
Complex Behavior in DNA-based Molecular Circuits and Robots; 10.7907/Z9WD3XMS
- Fisher-Aylor, Katherine Irene (2017) Chromatin
Topology and Transcription in Myogenesis; 10.7907/Z9K07290
- Li, Hanqing (2017) Development
of a High-Throughput Protein Interaction Assay and its Applications;
- Chan, Ken Yee (2017) Engineered
Viral Vectors and Developed Tissue Clearing Methods for Single-cell
Phenotyping in Whole Organs; 10.7907/Z9NC5Z7H
- Sandler, Jeremy Edward (2017) Genome
Activation and Regulation of Signaling in the Rapidly Dividing
Drosophila Embryo; 10.7907/Z9K935KD
- Shah, Sheel Mukesh (2017) Highly
Multiplexed Single Cell In Situ RNA Detection; 10.7907/Z9X63JXH
- Liu, Raymond (2017) Mechanisms
of Drp1 Recruitment to Mitochondria; 10.7907/Z99Z92ZF
- Hulse, Bradley Kline (2017) Membrane
Potential Dynamics of Hippocampal Neurons During Ripples in Awake
Mice; 10.7907/Z95Q4T3S
- Rojansky, Rebecca Bloom (2016) A
Core Mitophagic Machinery Promotes Selective Degradation of Paternal
Mitochondria in Mouse Embryos and MEF Cells; 10.7907/Z96Q1V75
- Sun, Zachary Zhipeng (2016) An
in vitro Biomolecular Breadboard for Prototyping Synthetic Biological
Circuits; 10.7907/Z9TB14TW
- Wadas, Brandon Christopher (2016) Biochemical
and Genetic Studies of the N-End Rule Pathway in Yeast and Mammals;
- Galimidi, Rachel P. (2016) Combating
HIV with Novel Antibody Architectures; 10.7907/Z9QC01FR
- Erkenbrack, Eric Matthew (2016) Evolution
of Developmental Gene Regulatory Networks in Echinoids; 10.7907/Z95X26WZ
- Uy, Benjamin Robert (2016) Insights
into Neural Crest Evolution; 10.7907/Z99K486C
- Chen, Shijia (2016) Light
Dependent Regulation of Sleep/Wake States by Prokineticin 2 in Larval
Zebrafish; 10.7907/Z99P2ZNR
- Leighton, Daniel H. W. (2016) Mating
at Advanced Age: How Old Nematodes Modulate Pheromone Production to
Attract Young Males; 10.7907/Z9RB72KK
- Tobin, Cory James (2016) Morphogenesis
of the Arabidopsis Shoot Apical Meristem; 10.7907/Z9NK3C0N
- Acharya, Aneesh (2016) Multiplexed
Analysis of Diverse RNA Classes via Hybridization Chain Reaction; 10.7907/Z95M63N0
- Rios, Gustavo (2016) Nanofabricated
Neural Probe System for Dense 3-D Recordings of Brain Activity; 10.7907/Z9BG2M0B
- Cui, Miao (2016) Refining
Sea Urchin Developmental Gene Regulatory Network Models by Incorporating
Wnt Signaling and Information Processed at the hox11/13b Locus; 10.7907/Z9251G6D
- Hsiao, Victoria (2016) Synthetic
Circuits for Feedback and Detection in Bacteria; 10.7907/Z9WD3XJW
- Kim, Jocelyn Tammy (2016) The
Innate Immune System in Dendritic Cell-Targeted Lentiviral Vector
Immunization and Cell-to-Cell Transmission of HIV-1; 10.7907/Z93N21CS
- Shai, Adam S. (2016) The
Physiology and Computation of Pyramidal Neurons; 10.7907/Z92R3PMW
- Webster, Alexandre (2015) Mechanisms
of Transposable Element Repression by Piwi Proteins in the piRNA Pathway
of Drosophila Germ Cells; 10.7907/Z9WQ01RS
- Miles, Timothy Francis (2015) Binding
Site Structure and Stoichiometry in Serotonin Type 3 Receptors; 10.7907/Z9T151MC
- Szablowski, Jerzy Olgierd (2015) Biological
Activity of Pyrrole-Imidazole Polyamides in vivo; 10.7907/Z9Q23X6D
- Wannier, Timothy Milton (2015) Computationally
Guided Monomerization of Red Fluorescent Proteins of the Class
Anthozoa; 10.7907/Z9571908
- Ricci, Jessica Nicole (2015) Constraining
the Interpretation of 2-Methylhopanoids through Genetic and Phylogenetic
Methods; 10.7907/Z9MC8X0S
- Liu, Justin (2015) Development
and Function of Sleep Regulatory Circuits in Zebrafish; 10.7907/Z9WM1BDC
- Goldberg, Mark David (2015) Development
of Microfluidic Devices with the Use of Nanotechnology to Aid in the
Analysis of Biological Systems Including Membrane Protein Separation,
Single Cell Analysis, and Genetic Markers; 10.7907/Z9P848V6
- Ho, Margaret Ching Wai (MC) (2015) Discovery
of Active Cis-Regulatory Elements and Transcription Factor Footprints in
Nematodes Using Functional Genomics Approaches; 10.7907/Z9G73BVF
- Yong, John (2015) Dynamics
and Heterogeneity of Gene Expression and Epigenetic Regulation at the
Single-Cell Level; 10.7907/Z9ZC80VX
- Wall, Teagan Rose (2015) Effects
of TI-299423 on Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors; 10.7907/Z9JD4TQ5
- Ghosh, Srimoyee (2015) Establishing
the C. elegans Uterine Seam Cell (utse) as a Novel Model for Studying
Cell Behavior; 10.7907/Z92F7KCX
- Cornejo de los Santos, Emmanuel Lorenzo (2015) Expanding
the Toolkit for Synthetic Biology: Frameworks for Native-like
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- Kreamer, Naomi N. (2015) Ferrous
Iron Sensing and Responding in Pseudomonas aeruginosa; 10.7907/Z9DN4324
- Trivedi, Vikas (2015) From
Molecules to Organs : Microscopy and Multi-Scale Nature of
Development; 10.7907/Z9SX6B59
- Lim, Rod S. (2015) How
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- Parker, Rell Lin (2015) Lynx1
Modulation of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors; 10.7907/Z9HM56DT
- Buhler, Vivian Huang (2015) Mary
and Magdalene Reintegrated Through Sisterhood in a Male-Dominated Goblin
Market; 10.7907/Z9959FST
- Mosadeghi, Ruzbeh (2015) Mechanistic
Dissection of the Cop9 Signalosome’s Deneddylation Activity on
Cullin-RING Ligases; 10.7907/Z9P26W3G
- Singer, Zakary Sean (2015) Metastability
and Dynamics of Stem Cells: From Direct Observations to Inference at the
Single Cell Level; 10.7907/Z9ST7MS1
- Mehta, Arnav (2015) MicroRNA-132
is a Physiological Regulator of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function and
B-cell Development; 10.7907/Z9XS5SBD
- Bagert, John David (2015) Quantitative,
Time-Resolved Proteomic Analysis Using Bio-Orthogonal Non-Canonical
Amino Acid Tagging; 10.7907/Z9QC01D9
- Trisnadi, Nathanie Alna (2015) Regulation
of Gastrulation Through Dynamic Patterning in the Drosophila Embryo;
- Malladi, Chaitanya Lakshmidhar (2015) Shakespeare’s
Crafting of the Ideal King in Henry V; 10.7907/2B07-N545
- Ahmed, Alysia Ashley (2015) Structural
Characterization of Pro-inflammatory and Anti-inflammatory
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- Wu, Yunji (2015) Structural
Characterizations of the Dimeric Anti-HIV Antibody 2G12 and the HIV-2
Envelope Glycoprotein; 10.7907/Z98050K6
- Gandhi, Avni Vasant (2015) The
Regulation of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms: The Role of Melatonin and
Adenosine in Zebrafish; 10.7907/Z99Z92TN
- Gharib, Alma Mariam (2015) Visual
Behavior and Preference Decision-Making in Response to Faces in
High-Functioning Autism; 10.7907/Z9DN4307
- Wang, Yun Elisabeth (2014) Characterizing
the Regulation of Mitochondrial Nucleoids; 10.7907/1MN9-DR40
- Chiu, Cindy Nicole (2014) A
Perfect Day for Zebrafish: Neuromodulation of Sleep in a Diurnal
Vertebrate; 10.7907/Z9FN1452
- Abelin, Anna Cecilia Therese (2014) A
Ratiometric-Based Measure of Gene Co-Expression; 10.7907/Z9JH3J5B
- Walkup, Ward Gale IV (2014) Biochemical
Studies of Postsynaptic Density Signaling Proteins With a Focus on
synGAP and PDZ Domains; 10.7907/Z9N877R8
- Lovely, Geoffrey A. (2014) Biophysics
of V(D)J Recombination and Genome Packaging: In Singulo Studies on RAG,
HMGB1, and TFAM; 10.7907/Z9W9573H
- Sosa Padilla Araujo, Bernardo (2014) Computational
Enzyme Design; 10.7907/Z9KP805N
- Lee, Toni Marie (2014) Computationally-Guided
Thermostabilization of the Primary Endoglucanase from Hypocrea jerorina
for Cellulosic Biofuel Production; 10.7907/Z9S180G0
- Wolfe, Brian Robert (2014) Design
and Analysis of Nucleic Acid Reaction Pathways; 10.7907/G4XZ-ZF47
- Ohayon, Shay S. (2014) Dissecting
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Electrophysiology and Optogenetics; 10.7907/WD1D-W918
- Tan, Alison (2014) Eavan
Boland and Paula Meehan : Irish Voices of the Past; 10.7907/7928-NF27
- Hamdouche, Samy (2014) Engineered
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Tumor Associated Peptide-MHC Antigens; 10.7907/Z9WH2N02
- Kym, Eugene Yongshik (Gene) (2014) Engineered
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- Basalova Buchman, Anna (2014) Engineered
Underdominance as a Method of Insect Population Replacement and
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- Trudeau, Devin Lee (2014) Engineering
Enzyme Systems by Recombination; 10.7907/F8T8-3S80
- Lakhanpal, Amit (2014) Experimental
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- Marinov, Georgi Kolev (2014) Functional
Genomic Studies of the Structure and Regulation of Eukaryotic
Transcriptomes; 10.7907/1BXM-ZM46
- Khosravi, Arya (2014) Gut
Microbiota Promote Hematopoiesis to Control Bacterial Infection; 10.7907/XM07-4X53
- Yu, Jiun-Yann (2014) Innovations
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- Su, Tsu-Te Judith (2014) Label-free
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- Inagaki, Hidehiko K. (2014) Neuronal
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- Loson, Oliver Calvin (2014) Regulation
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- Jiang, Siduo (Stone) (2014) Structure-Guided
Design and Biophysical Characterization of Novel Anti-HIV Reagents;
- Shocklee, Miceala Marie (2014) The
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- Chow, Elly Suk Hen (2014) The
C. elegans ALA Neuron: Its Transcriptions and Roles in Inducing
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- Rome, Michael Evan (2014) The
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- Kirilusha, Anthony George (2014) Transcription
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- Michener, Harold David (1937) The
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- Del Real, Marissa Morales (2013) Analysis
of a Transcriptional Network Involving PU.1, Notch, and Gata3 in the
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- Hsiao, Elaine Yih-Nien (2013) Brain,
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- Hernandez, Gilberto (2013) Building
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- Bower, Danielle Vera Brown (2013) Chemical
and Neural Regulation of Embryonic Branching Morphogenesis; 10.7907/Z9SX6B6R
- Nawroth, Janna C. (2013) Conceptual
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- Schwarzkopf, Ma’ayan (2013) Engineering
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- Hu, Na (2013) Epigenetic
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- Zhao, Jimmy Liu (2013) Function
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- Dillman, Adler Ray (2013) Host
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- Lee, Sung-Eun Melanie (2013) Mechanism
of Intestinal Colonization by Symbiotic Bacteria; 10.7907/24H5-8V73
- Tetreault, Nicole Anne (2013) Microglia
in the Cerebral and Cerebellar Cortices in Individuals with Autism;
- Kolawa, Natalie J. (2013) Proteomic
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Regulation of Lipid Biosynthesis; 10.7907/FN9G-KV67
- Venturelli, Ophelia Shalini (2013) Role
of Feedback and Dynamics of a Gene Regulatory Network; 10.7907/WGK3-Y839
- Bialecka-Fornal, Maja I. (2013) Single-Cell
Analysis of the Physiology of Mechanosensation in Bacteria; 10.7907/7SRD-WS94
- Cho, Julie YoungHee (2013) State-Dependent
Modulation of Neuronal Circuits in C. elegans Sleep; 10.7907/Z9028PF1
- Shemorry, Anna (2013) Studies
of the N-End Rule Pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; 10.7907/09SW-FR88
- Saxena, Abigail Green (2013) Sulfur-Cycling
in Methane-Rich Ecosystems: Uncovering Microbial Processes and Novel
Niches; 10.7907/Z9125QKD
- Pham, Anh Hoang (2013) Tools
for Assessing Mitochondrial Dynamics in Mouse Tissues and
Neurodegenerative Models; 10.7907/E61Z-9C26
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Role for Protein Kinase Dbf2-Mob1 in Mitotic Exit; 10.7907/Z92F7KFT
- Nisthal, Alex (2012) Accelerating
the Interplay Between Theory and Experiment in Protein Design; 10.7907/Z9833Q2F
- Young, Jonathan Wan (2012) Architecture,
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- Liu, Cambrian Yangshao (2012) Characterization
of an Unusual Collection of Olfactory Neurons in the Nose; 10.7907/47P6-2H66
- Johnson, Stephanie Lynn (2012) DNA
Mechanics and Transcriptional Regulation in the E. coli lac Operon;
- Bryan, Ronald Edward (2012) Distance
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- Garcia, Mayra (2012) Dorsal-Ventral
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- Yu, Kenneth Kwok-Chang (2012) Engineering
Immunity Against HIV; 10.7907/GFQ8-M763
- Matzen, Kelly Jean (2012) Engineering
of Dengue Virus Refractoriness in Aedes aegypti and Development of an
Underdominant Gene Drive System in Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/YNFQ-WM56
- Hinz, Flora Irma (2012) Genetically
Restricted Metabolic Labeling in Danio rerio, a Simple Vertebrate
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- Zhang, Jingli A. (2012) Global
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- Shen, Yue (2012) Interkingdom
Communication of a Bacterial Mutualist and its Mammalian Host; 10.7907/56YV-8J33
- Chaudhuri, Aadel Ahmed (2012) MicroRNAs
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and Immunity; 10.7907/HFSQ-8278
- Ng, Thomas Sheung Chee (2012) Non-Invasive
in vivo Molecular Imaging of Cancer Nanotherapy Uptake and Response with
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- Frazier, Shawnalea Jimee (2012) Optimization
of the GluC1/IVM Neuronal Silencing Tool via Protein Engineering; 10.7907/4AGK-FP05
- Choe, Andrea (2012) Pheromones
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- Pierce, Nathan William (2012) Sequential
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- Suloway, Christian J. M. (2012) Structural
Insights into Tail-Anchored Protein Targeting by Get3; 10.7907/AGES-WJ42
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Regulatory Origin of Oral and Aboral Mesoderm in Sea Urchin Embryos;
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Structural Biology of HIV Budding and Maturation; 10.7907/X6XW-5303
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- Tulin, Sarah Lynn (2011) Analysis
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- Fortini, Barbara Karmen Kraatz (2011) Biochemical
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- Bugg, Charles Walter (2011) Domain
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- Schaedel, Oren Noah (2011) Dynamic
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- Gomez, Tara Adele (2011) Mutational
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Sensory Representations of Wind and Near-Field Sound in the Drosophila
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- Robie, Alice Anne Pennoyer (2010) Multimodal
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- Anderson, Megan Jo (2009) Microfluidics-Based
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- Price-Whelan, Alexa Mari (2009) Physiology
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- Liberman, Louisa M. (2009) Regulation
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- Khudyakov, Jane Igor (2009) Role
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- Ottesen, Elizabeth Ann (2009) The
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- Salazar, Anna Maria (2008) A
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a Mechanism; 10.7907/CB5Y-P545
- Iyer, Asha Muthuraman (2008) Planning
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- Warren, Luigi Andrea (2008) Single-Cell
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- Cassenaer, Stijn (2008) Spike-Timing
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- Mortazavi, Ali (2008) Structure
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- Green, Jennifer Leigh (2008) The
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- Murphy, Gavin Erick (2007) Cryoelectron
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- Fernandes, Jolene Sabrina (2007) Dissection
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- Bender, John Andrew (2007) Elements
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- Lee, Pei Yun (2007) Function
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- Ghaboosi, Nazli (2007) Genetic
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- Kim, Jongmin (2007) In
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- Lassila, Jonathan Kyle (2007) Methods
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- Malasarn, Davin (2007) Molecular
and Environmental Studies of Bacterial Arsenate Respiration; 10.7907/6PAA-PF90
- Jayaraman, Vivek (2007) Neural
Circuit Dynamics and Ensemble Coding in the Locust and Fruit Fly
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- Preuschoff, Kerstin (2007) Neural
Representations of Expected Reward and Risk During Gambling; 10.7907/X8G3-B032
- Hochstim, Christian John (2007) Pax6
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- Nieman, Dylan Rhichard (2007) Postdiction
and the Effects of Spatial, Temporal, and Feature Compatibility on
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- Budick, Seth Alexander (2007) Resource
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- Teal, Tracy Kristin (2007) Studies
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- Brown, Charles Titus (2007) Tackling
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- Montgomery, Jennifer Pielstick (2007) The
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- Detmer, Scott A. (2007) The
Role of Mitofusin Proteins in Mitochondrial Fusion and Disease; 10.7907/7MXP-WS63
- Ashby, Meredith Howard (2007) The
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- Henderson, Gregory Philip (2007) Ultrastructural
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- Choi, Eun Jung (2006) Development
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- Carter, Ronald McKell (2006) Explicit
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- Zollars, Eric Stafford (2006) Force
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- Kulkarni, Rajan P. (2006) Mechanics
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- Griffin, Erik Edmund (2006) Mechanisms
of Mitochondrial Fusion and Fission; 10.7907/902F-8M09
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- Cope, Gregory Allan (2006) Regulation
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- Marcus, Joshua Scott (2006) Single
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- Livi, Carolina Becker (2006) Spblimp1/krox:
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- Benjamin Schooler, Jordan (2006) Structural
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- Bingol, Baris (2006) Ubiquitin-Proteasome
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- Choi, Gloria Bohyun (2005) Characterization
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- Bak-Maier, Magdalena (2005) Commissural
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- Bush, Eliot Christen (2004) Evolution
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- Bernheim, Kyle Alan (2004) Functional
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hindsight locus; 10.7907/5kbx-dn94
- Stack, Jeffrey H. (1995) Protein
and phosphatidylinositol kinases in yeast protein sorting; 10.7907/ayzy-yn85
- Huang, Linda S. (1995) The
Caenorhabditis elegans lin-15 locus; 10.7907/pat7-8d95
- Hacia, Joseph Gerard (1995) The
use of modified oligonucleotides to investigate biological applications
for triple helix formation; 10.7907/15j7-1b14
- Zeller, Robert Werner (1995) Transcriptional
control of spatially regulated genes in the early sea urchin embryo;
- Huber, Andrew Henry (1994) A
biochemical and structural characterization of Drosophila
neuroglian; 10.7907/43ng-md46
- Yang-Snyder, Julia Ann (1994) Anatomical
and developmental patterns of interleukin-2 gene expression in the
mouse: analysis of IL-2 expressing cells and partial characterization of
interactions involved in mediating IL-2 gene expression in vivo; 10.7907/s0hy-ng62
- Chamberlin, Helen Marie (1994) Cell
fate specification during Caenorhabditis elegans male tail
development; 10.7907/nmjn-dx76
- Fann, Ming-Ji (1994) Cytokine
control of neuronal phenotype; 10.7907/2rm0-fg46
- Zhu, Jian (1994) Indentification
and characterization of a novel CA^(2+)-binding protein in avian
erythrocytes; 10.7907/72bt-qx11
- Leiserson, William M. (1994) Molecular
genetics of the Drosophila eyes absent gene; 10.7907/3jn4-xk56
- Chen, Dan (1994) Molecular
mechanisms of interleukin-2 gene inducibility: developmental control and
combinatorial action of transcription factors; 10.7907/snb3-5k23
- Lee, Junho (1994) Negative
regulators of a growth factor-mediated signaling pathway in the nematode
Caenorhabditis elegans; 10.7907/g59t-0b31
- Olshausen, Bruno Adolphus (1994) Neural
Routing Circuits for Forming Invariant Representations of Visual
Objects; 10.7907/PSR1-YH20
- McDonough, Stefan I. (1994) Pharmacology
and pore-forming domains of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane
conductance regulator; 10.7907/eyre-8424
- Plaxco, Kevin W. (1994) Protein-DNA
interactions : molecular modeling and energetics; 10.7907/fdk3-5402
- Tole, Shubha (1994) Surface
markers of regionalization in the vertebrate nervous system
- Ryckebusch, Sylvie Adrienne (1994) The
Central Nervous Control of Walking in the Locust Schistocerca
americana; 10.7907/1aey-8096
- Hill, Russell James (1994) The
LIN-3 gene of the nematode C. elegans is the vulval-inducing signal;
- Meier, Joseph Thomas (1993) A
Biological Arms Race: Site Specific DNA Recombination in Competing
Immunofunctional Proteins; 10.7907/fd8q-cb34
- Clark, Steven Manning (1993) Advances
in scanning force microscopy of biological structures; 10.7907/0vhp-pk35
- Hamilton, Bruce A. (1993) Assessing
molecular function in the Drosophila nervous system: a reverse genetic
approach; 10.7907/aqes-7j89
- Hunkapiller, Tim (1993) Diversity
and evolution of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily; 10.7907/mcbv-n026
- Bhalla, Upinder Singh (1993) Information
processing in the mammalian olfactory bulb; 10.7907/3dq4-ad59
- Stemple, Derek Lyle (1993) Isolation
of a mammalian neural crest stem cell and environmental control of cell
fate choices; 10.7907/g1cd-aj32
- Ding, Dali (1993) Localization
of Maternal RNAs in the Early Embryo of Drosophila; 10.7907/VH4J-8J21
- Cramer, Edith Karina Schimmerling (1993) Motor
Neuron Projection Patterns and Maturation of Motor Unit Types in the
Rabbit Soleus Muscle; 10.7907/4fwg-dk86
- Jongeward, Gregg D. (1993) Negative
regulators of the let-23 EGF receptor in Caenorhabditis elegans vulval
differentiation; 10.7907/87ea-tr80
- Adolphs, Ralph (1993) Processing
of Interaural Level Differences in the Auditory Brainstem of the Barn
Owl; 10.7907/QN2E-YR81
- Hsu, Hsiaolan S. (1993) Properties
of the first genetically engineered neuron.; 10.7907/svss-ye57
- Komatsoulis, George A. (1993) Recognition
of tRNA^(Cys) by the E. coli cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase: in vivo and in
vitro studies; 10.7907/c5zd-j733
- Blanchard, Alan-Philippe (1993) Sequence
specific effects on the incorporation of dideoxynucleotides by a
modified T7 polymerase; 10.7907/9vz4-0e68
- Westaway, Shawn Kathleen (1993) Structure
and function of yeast tRNA ligase; 10.7907/fasc-j790
- Bernander, Jan Ӧjvind (1993) Synaptic
Integration and its Control in Neocortical Pyramidal Cells; 10.7907/rz58-rh86
- Garrity, Paul Allen (1993) The
in vivo examination of transcriptional control mechanisms in mammalian
cells; 10.7907/kt02-n508
- Wang, Yukang (1993) Transcriptional
regulation of T cell receptor genes by a novel CACCC box binding
protein; 10.7907/x9cm-6a16
- Anderson, Brooke P. (1993) Various
algorithms for optimization and learning in adaptive systems; 10.7907/rnjw-jy11
- Kayyem, Jon Faiz (1992) Bravo,
a novel immunoglobulin superfamily member in the developing avian
nervous system, is identified using a new method; 10.7907/3gk0-m777
- Funkhouser, William Keith Jr. (1992) Demyelinating
autoimmunity: murine T cell epitopes of MBP and primate T cell receptor
Vβ variation; 10.7907/kmkw-9619
- Minor, Joseph E. (1992) Evolution
of the sea urchin sperm protein bindin; 10.7907/zbbb-kf36
- Robinson, Murray O. (1992) Gene
regulation during spermatogenesis: transcriptional and translational
control of phosphoglycerate kinase 2 in transgenic mice; 10.7907/a6rw-je84
- Michelsohn, Arie M. (1992) Sequential
Steps in the Determination of Chromaffin Cell Fate by
Glucocorticoids; 10.7907/pbh4-ts59
- Strobel, Scott A. (1992) Site
specific cleavage of genomic DNA mediated by triple helix formation;
- Moore, Andrew John (1992) Spatial
Filtering in Tone Reproduction and Vision; 10.7907/YVBY-QN45
- Garyantes, Tina Kramer (1992) The
Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Neuronal Outgrowth and the
Development of a New Method for Chronic Long-Term Stimulation and
Recording from Groups of Neurons in Culture; 10.7907/4CQ9-7F40
- Aroian, Raffi V (1992) The
let-23 gene of the nematode C. elegans : genetics and molecular biology
of a member of the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase family; 10.7907/q10c-b807
- Vernooij, Bernardus Theodorus Maria (1992) The
mouse T cell receptor gamma genes; 10.7907/wnmy-rm49
- Tavtigian, Sean Vahram (1992) The
regulatory capacity of the protooncogene c-myc; 10.7907/gqf9-4979
- Mahowald, Michelle A. (Misha) (1992) VLSI
Analogs of Neuronal Visual Processing: A Synthesis of Form and
Function; 10.7907/4bdw-fg34
- Molloy, Sean S. (1991) A
study of the type II CA2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase on
hippocampal neurons; 10.7907/nanb-2p11
- Wilson, Matthew A. (1991) An
analysis of olfactory cortical behavior and function using computer
simulation techniques; 10.7907/B85N-BK43
- Harris, John Gregory (1991) Analog
Models for Early Vision; 10.7907/CTH4-5074
- Patton, Bruce Lowell (1991) Autophosphorylation
Sites of the Type II Ca²⁺/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase:
Identification, Regulation of Kinase Activity, and Site-Specific
Antibodies; 10.7907/ete7-xp75
- Altman, Elliot Charles (1991) Characterization
of the SecB Protein, a Chaperone that Facilitates Protein Secretion in
Escherichia coli; 10.7907/tq2t-3k47
- Rao, Mahendra S. (1991) Comparison
of the properties of cholinergic differentiation factors and examination
of their possible role in vivo; 10.7907/9ffk-0t58
- Emerling, Michael Roy (1991) [Enzymatic hydrolysis of the amide
mutagenic studies of the mechanisms of [alpha]-lytic protease and
- Miner, Jeffrey H. (1991) Factors
regulating skeletal muscle development : cell culture and transgenic
mouse studies; 10.7907/dqmw-tw31
- Mahanthappa, Nagesh Kalyana (1991) Functional
and biochemical studies on neuronal Thy-1; 10.7907/qa3k-hw80
- Strathmann, Michael Paul (1991) G
protein diversity; 10.7907/wmg0-x120
- Robinson, Jane Suzanna (1991) Genetic,
molecular and biochemical studies of vacuole biogenesis and maintenance
in the yeast Saccaromyces cerevisiae; 10.7907/zfzc-0035
- Lochrie, Michael Alan (1991) Molecular
biology of G protein alpha subunits from bovine photoreceptors and the
nematode Caenorhabditis elegans; 10.7907/zqph-5443
- Wang, Kang-Sheng (1991) Molecular
characterization of a receptor for the Togavirus Sindbis virus; 10.7907/qdr9-p250
- Bowman, John L. (1991) Molecular
genetics of flower development in Arabidopsis thaliana; 10.7907/VJCE-Z966
- Knierim, James Julius (1991) Neural
Responses to Texture Patterns in Area V1 of the Alert Monkey; 10.7907/2gs8-m769
- Herman, Paul Kenneth (1991) Protein
sorting in the eukaryotic secretory pathway : an essential role for a
novel yeast protein kinase; 10.7907/38ba-0w26
- McCormack, Ken (1991) Structure-function
studies of Drosophila shaker potassium channels; 10.7907/63q7-hw24
- Hoh, Jan Hakan (1991) Studies
on the structure and molecular diversity of the gap junction; 10.7907/8n7d-2t98
- Mooney, Richard Daniel (1991) The
Development of Connectivity and the Nature of Synaptic Transmission
between Avian Song Control Nuclei; 10.7907/SBMB-1A95
- Brorson, Kurt Andrew (1990) Analysis
of Expression, Structure and Evolution of Non-Classical Class I Major
Histocompatibility Complex Genes; 10.7907/5NHE-7929
- Fors, Lance (1990) Analysis
of the Structure, Expression and Evolution of the Shark Myelin Proteins
and Genes; 10.7907/840h-0p67
- Mathers, Peter Hiram (1990) Developmental
regulation and chromosomal decondensation of the 68C glue gene cluster
in Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/qm6d-4135
- Mueller, Paul R. (1990) In
vivo analysis of interactions between trans-acting factors and their
target genes; 10.7907/yv7h-9335
- Novak, Thomas John (1990) Isolation
of the murine interleukin 2 gene and characterization of its regulatory
architecture; 10.7907/w4je-df30
- Carman, George John (1990) Mappings
of the Cerebral Cortex; 10.7907/8aad-ym19
- Ramaswami, Mani (1990) Molecular
genetic studies on voltage-gated ion channels; 10.7907/ycfq-1k97
- Battiti, Roberto (1990) Multiscale
Methods, Parallel Computation, and Neural Networks for Real-Time
Computer Vision; 10.7907/4q6t-2b57
- Preugschat, Frank (1990) Proteolytic
processing of the nonstructural proteins of dengue 2 virus; 10.7907/nn0p-gt03
- Topol, Joanne (1990) Transcriptional
control of the drosophila segmentation gene fushi tarazu; 10.7907/mvhc-0a34
- Banta, Lois Margaret (1990) Vacuolar
Protein Sorting in Yeast: Characterization of Mutants and Identification
of a Protein Required for Vacuole Biogenesis; 10.7907/TZHF-3J73
- Vijayraghavan, Usha (1989) A
Genetic and Biochemical Analysis of pre-mRNA Splicing in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae; 10.7907/cxmk-nj42
- Normanly, Jennifer (1989) An
in vivo Approach to tRNA Identity; 10.7907/s9xt-6f20
- Sucov, Henry Michael (1989) Characterization
and Developmental Regulation of a Gene Expressed Specifically in the
Skeletogenic Lineage of the Sea Urchin Embryo; 10.7907/zm4z-4942
- Eakle, Kurt Andrew (1989) Characterization
of the SEC18 Gene of S. cerevisiae: Identification of a Protein Involved
in Yeast Secretion; 10.7907/6aqb-xd83
- Hahn, Young Shin Lim (1989) Functional
Analysis of Viral Nonstructural and Structural Proteins; 10.7907/3trk-k698
- Renfranz, Patricia Jean (1989) Molecular
Neurogenetics of Eye Development in Drosophila; 10.7907/15zs-fh27
- Sivertsen, Dave William (1989) The
Physiology of High-Order Visual Neurons in the Jumping Spider
(Salticidae) and the Vocalizations of Free Ranging Owl Monkeys; 10.7907/7V43-WY98
- Miller, Stephen G. (1988) Brain
Type II Calcium and Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase:
Characterization of a Brain-Region Specific Isozyme and Regulation by
Autophosphorylation; 10.7907/w18z-4r52
- Martin, Christopher Hayes (1988) Evolution
and Expression at the 68C Glue Gene Cluster of Drosophila; 10.7907/p2n6-q185
- Kamb, Alexander (1988) Molecular
Biology of Shaker, a Drosophila Gene that Encodes Multiple Potassium
Channel Components; 10.7907/a32z-ye28
- Chang, Caren (1988) Molecular
Genetic Studies in Arabidopsis thaliana: I. Cloning and Characterization
of the Alcohol Dehydrogenase Gene; II. Complementation of an Alcohol
Dehydrogenase Mutant; III. A Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
Map of the Genome; 10.7907/H8DS-A792
- Callaway, Edward Matthew (1988) Regulation
of Competitive Interactions During Neuromuscular Synapse
Elimination; 10.7907/s60x-n119
- Soha, James Martin (1988) Specificity
and Competition During Maturation of Neuromuscular Synapses; 10.7907/3ebg-mv36
- Garfinkel, Mark David (1988) Structural
and Functional Studies of the 68C Glue Protein Gene Cluster of
Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/gjtw-k928
- Hahn, Chang Soo (1988) Structure-Function
Relationships in the Structural Proteins and in the RNAs of Alphaviruses
and Flaviviruses; 10.7907/n3rf-9306
- King, Michael Paul (1988) [Studies of Human Mitochondria. I.
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- Ngai, John J. (1987) Expression
of the Genes Encoding the Cytoskeletal Proteins Vimentin and Protein
4.1; 10.7907/qh54-ka26
- Erondu, Ngozi Emmanuel (1987) Regional
Distribution and Subcellular Associations of Type II Calcium and
Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase in Rat Brain; 10.7907/30tg-qa85
- Matthews, Beverley Bond (1987) Structure
and Expression of the Actin Gene Family of Drosophila melanogaster;
- Mattox, William Wayne (1987) The
Molecular Structure of the Beadex and Heldup-A Loci of Drosophila
melanogaster; 10.7907/c2k4-a231
- Yu, Lei (1987) The
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor: Gene Expression and Ion Channel
Function; 10.7907/fj5c-4h83
- Bennett, Mark Knowles (1986) Brain
Type II Calcium and Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase: Purification,
Characterization and Molecular Cloning; 10.7907/a6p9-vd59
- Pruitt, Robert Edwin (1986) Characterization
of the Genome of Arabidopsis thaliana; 10.7907/mefh-yn26
- Fisher, Douglas Arthur (1986) Class
I Genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex: Structural Studies on
Genes of the Tla Locus; 10.7907/ymba-8s86
- Sun, Yi Henry (1986) Organization
and Evolution of the Class I Genes in the Murine Major
Histocompatibility Complex; 10.7907/qfw5-kk48
- Crosby, Madeline Anne (1986) Regulation
of the Drosophila glue gene SGS-3: sequences required for puffing and
transcription; 10.7907/5HDH-D305
- Mayne, Katherine Mixter (1986) Structural
and Functional Studies on the Subunits of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine
Receptor; 10.7907/nvv4-qt08
- Winoto, Astar (1986) Structure
and Function of the Murine T-Cell Receptor Genes and the Murine Class I
Genes of the Major Histocompatability Complex; 10.7907/gmnb-h561
- Meyer, Paul Wells (1986) The
Avoidance Response of Phycomyces in a Controlled Environment; 10.7907/s6zv-r568
- Gaines, George Loweree, III (1986) The
Control of RNA Synthesis in Isolated HeLa Cell Mitochondria; 10.7907/1hj5-em11
- Lee, James Joseph (1986) The
Genomic Organization and Expression of the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Actin Gene Family; 10.7907/b4m8-v194
- Gao, Boning (1986) The
Structure and Expression of the Gene Coding for Bindin, a Species
Specific Sea Urchin Protein; 10.7907/h0pw-fh17
- Kim, Stuart Kilsu (1985) Antibody
Genes, Oncogenes and Antisense Genes; 10.7907/xsdv-c915
- Segall, Jeffrey Edward (1985) Chemotaxis
of Escherichia coli Studied Using Ionophoretic Stimulation; 10.7907/6r2y-ba72
- Levy, David E. (1985) Expression
of Endogenous Retroviruses in Inbred Mice : Coordinate Regulation and
Structure of Multiple Transcription Units; 10.7907/165r-9v89
- Sher, Beverly Taylor (1985) Studies
of Class I Genes in the Major Histocompatibility Complex of the BALB/c
Mouse; 10.7907/4pj0-z147
- Parker, Vann Phillips (1985) Studies
of Gene Structure: I. Expression of Human α-Globin Genes in COS Cells.
II. Isolation and Characterization of the Myosin Light Chain Genes from
Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/msv6-0s82
- Roach, Arthur Henry (1985) The
Genes for Myelin Basic Protein in Normal and Shiverer Mutant Mice;
- Lewis, Richard Sheridan (1985) The
Ionic Basis of Frequency Selectivity in Hair Cells of the Bullfrog’s
Sacculus; 10.7907/MZGR-KW63
- Masters, Jeffrey Nelson (1985) The
Organization and Expression of the Human Dihydrofolate Reductase Gene in
Methotrexate-Resistant and Methotrexate-Sensitive Cell Lines; 10.7907/jaa8-jx74
- Livant, Donna Lucy (1985) The
Size of a Murine Heavy Chain Variable Region Gene Family: Implications
for the Magnitude and Evolution of the VH Locus in Mouse; 10.7907/22vp-vt51
- Myers, Jay J. (1984) Cognitive
Transfer from Right to Left Hemisphere after Section of the Forebrain
Commissures; 10.7907/agst-h905
- Crowley, Thomas Edward (1984) Functions
and Regulation of RNAs Transcribed from the Drosophila melanogaster 68C
Puff; 10.7907/7vtr-zc75
- Cronin-Golomb, Alice Mary (1984) Intrahemispheric
Processing and Subcortical Transfer of Non-Verbal Information in
Subjects with Complete Forebrain Commissurotomy; 10.7907/vt51-7x14
- Katz, Lawrence Charles (1984) Intrinsic
Connectivity of Identified Projection Neurons in Cat Visual Cortex Brain
Slices; 10.7907/kahn-q578
- Krouse, Mauri Eugene (1984) Investigation
of Competitive Antagonist Binding to the Nicotinic Acetylcholine
Receptor Using Voltage-Jump and Light-Flash Techniques; 10.7907/wb48-ph26
- Goldberg, David Alan (1984) Molecular
Studies on the Alcohol Dehydrogenase Gene of Drosophila
melanogaster; 10.7907/skx9-0t33
- Gordon, Herman J. (1984) Postnatal
Development of Motor Units in Rabbit and Rat Soleus Muscles; 10.7907/3ecg-0z58
- Eatock, Ruth Anne (1984) Sensory
Adaptation in Hair Cells of the Bullfrog’s Sacculus; 10.7907/6pam-hv78
- Mayne, Jeffery Terrell (1984) The
Post-Translational Processing of Sindbis Virus Glycoproteins; 10.7907/jvbk-es85
- Fryxell, Karl Joseph (1983) Biochemical
and Genetic Studies of Peripheral Myelination in Normal Development and
in the Mouse Mutant Trembler; 10.7907/eahp-bx93
- Nicholson, Bruce John (1983) Biochemistry
and Diversity of the Gap Junction Protein: A Study of Liver, Heart and
Lens; 10.7907/bhjv-8053
- Block, Steven Michael (1983) Chemotactic
Responses of Tethered Bacteria; 10.7907/2fzz-tb74
- Kronenberg, Mitchell (1983) [Gene Expression in B and T
- Evolution of Rat Cκ Alleles (2) The T-cell Receptor
- Lemke, Greg Erwin (1983) Identification
and Characterization of Glial Growth Factor; 10.7907/774r-7520
- Wang, Chung (1983) Induction
and Methylation of Heat Shock Proteins in Cultured Vertebrate Cells;
- McCasland, James Stacy (1983) Neuronal
Control of Bird Song Production; 10.7907/z6h5-1n28
- Snyder, Michael P. (1983) Organization
and Expression of a Cluster of Drosophila Cuticle Genes; 10.7907/mfee-te69
- Ellison, Jay William (1983) Structure
and Evolution of Human Immunoglobulin Cγ Genes; 10.7907/9crt-qq78
- Kuppermann, Baruch Davidson (1983) Studies
on the Role of Afferent Activity in the Visual Pathways of the Cat. I.
Mechanisms Involved in the Control of Geniculate Cell Size. II. Control
of the Critical Period After Dark-Rearing; 10.7907/8snk-xj55
- Gomer, Richard Hans (1983) The
Role of Filamin in the Morphogenesis of the Skeletal Muscle
Sarcomere; 10.7907/97M8-B306
- Crews, Stephen Thomas (1983) The
Structure of Mammalian Genes: (1) Antibody Heavy Chain Variable Region
Genes: Organization, Diversity, and Somatic Mutation. (2) Structure and
Transcription of the DNA Encompassing the Origin of Replication of Human
Mitochondrial DNA; 10.7907/4dgr-za66
- Shotwell, Sandra Lee (1982) A
Biochemical and Genetic Analysis of the Cyclic AMP Phosphodiesterase
Defect in dunce, a Memory Mutant of Drosophila; 10.7907/67ye-6j88
- Reyes, Antonio Arevalo (1982) Application
of Synthetic Oligonucleotides in the Isolation of Murine Transplantation
Antigen cDNA Clones; 10.7907/hmha-5v32
- Orr, Dominic Ping-Yim (1982) Behavioral
Neurogenetic Studies of a Circadian Clock in Drosophila
melanogaster; 10.7907/wp4e-5054
- Granger, Bruce Leslie (1982) Composition
and Function of Intermediate Filaments in Avian Muscle Cells and
Erythrocytes; 10.7907/z9x1-xs25
- Sarmiento, Loveriza A. (1982) Developmental
Regulation in Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/an7n-mz78
- Maunsell, John Henry Richard (1982) Functional
Organization and Connections of the Middle Temporal Visual Area in the
Macaque Monkey; 10.7907/zmmw-v278
- Smith, Randall Forrest (1982) Genetic
Analysis of the Circadian Clock System of Drosophila melanogaster;
- Green, Steven Haym (1982) Genetic
Studies of Neuronal Development in Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/3h8z-9176
- Gard, David Lynn (1982) Intermediate
Filaments and Myogenesis in vitro; 10.7907/e5gk-4c77
- Ou, Jing-hsiung James (1982) Structure
and Replication of Alphavirus RNAs; 10.7907/2sr4-6m60
- Jennings, Kent Richard (1982) Studies
of Excitability in a Model Peptidergic System: The Roles of Cyclic AMP,
Protein Phosphorylation and Serotonin During Afterdischarge in the Bag
Cell Neurons of Aplysia californica; 10.7907/8k0z-ft54
- Posakony, James William (1982) Studies
of the Organization and Expression of Individual Repetitive Sequence
Families of the Sea Urchin Genome; 10.7907/4e58-pq58
- Petersen, Steven Elery (1982) Visual
Response Properties of Neurons in Extrastriate Cortex of the Owl
Monkey; 10.7907/j0a4-ne77
- Johnson, Nelson Daniell (1981) An
Analysis of Patterns of Diversity in Antibodies with Defined
Specificity; 10.7907/1wj1-r628
- Schilling, James Walter, Jr. (1981) Antibody
Diversity; 10.7907/npny-et15
- Chiu, Arlene Yuen-Chin (1981) Biochemical
and Immunohistochemical Studies of the Egg-Laying Hormone of Aplysia
californica: Purification, Primary Structure, Neurosecretion and
Morphological Distribution; 10.7907/50RT-EZ43
- Davis, Mark Morris (1981) Programmed
DNA Rearrangements During Differentiation: Immunoglobulin Class
Switching; 10.7907/KFJS-G857
- Rice, Charles Moen, III (1981) Studies
on the Structural Proteins of Sindbis Virus; 10.7907/9aan-kg88
- Bell, John Richard (1981) The
Isolation and Partial Biochemical Analysis of Sindbis Virus
Proteins; 10.7907/w84z-ee41
- Sargent, Thomas Dean (1981) The
Rat Serum Albumin Gene; 10.7907/22x8-g069
- Lacy, Elizabeth Hardy (1981) The
Structure, Expression and Chromosomal Arrangement of Rabbit β Globin
Genes; 10.7907/z3xt-k222
- Corey, David Paul (1980) A
Biophysical Approach to Sensory Transduction by Vertebrate Hair
Cells; 10.7907/42z7-s748
- Moller, Galina Dmitrieyvna (1980) Development
and Protein Synthesis in Drosophila; 10.7907/b64c-b473
- Asai, David John (1980) Immunological
Approaches to Flagellar Movement; 10.7907/NY0R-TB57
- Costantini, Franklin David (1980) Studies
of Repetitive Sequence Transcripts in the Sea Urchin; 10.7907/p0b3-e643
- Newsome, William Thomas, III (1980) Studies
on Primate Extrastriate Visual Cortex. I. The Interhemispheric
Connections of Visual Cortex in the Owl Monkey, Aotus trivirgatus, and
the Bushbaby, Galago senegalensis. II. A Functional Localization of
Neuronal Response Properties in Extrastriate Cortex of the Owl Monkey,
Aotus trivirgatus; 10.7907/N9F5-SV06
- Gelfand, Robert Allen (1980) Studies
on RNA Metabolism in HeLa Mitochondria; 10.7907/rjx2-w897
- Novitski, Charles Edward (1979) Aspects
of Regulation of Mitochondrial DNA Replication and Transcription in
Mammalian Cells; 10.7907/QCWQ-AJ90
- Stumph, William Edward (1979) Gene
Enrichment Using Antibodies to DNA/RNA Hybrids: Mapping the Ribosomal
DNA of Slime Mold and Rat; 10.7907/9V3M-QH52
- Presti, David Eugene (1979) Studies
of the Blue Light Receptor in Phycomyces; 10.7907/M4MP-0R15
- Chomyn, Anne (1979) Studies
on Protein Synthesis after Heat Shock in Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/ree4-cz17
- Armstrong, David Lee (1979) The
Kinetics of Curare Action and Restricted Diffusion within the Synaptic
Cleft of Motor Nerve Terminals on Frog Skeletal Muscle; 10.7907/g7kf-2m61
- West, Christopher Mark (1978) (1)
Glycoproteins and Development in the Cellular Slime Mold Dictyostelium
discoideum. (2) Separation of Cells Using Isopycnic Centrifugation in
Linear Density Gradients of Colloidal Silica; 10.7907/NM0K-3F42
- Frey, Teryl Kenneth (1978) Biochemical
and Biophysical Studies on the RNA Species of Sindbis Virus; 10.7907/18xf-7p07
- Crewther, Sheila Gillard (1978) Plasticity
in the Cat Visual System; 10.7907/1YK9-0Z09
- Wold, Barbara J. (1978) Studies
of Structural Gene Transcripts in Sea Urchin Embryos and Adult
Tissues; 10.7907/rc6x-ar52
- Fischer, Ernst Peter (1977) Serine
Proteases, their Inhibitors and Chitin Synthetase in Phycomyces; 10.7907/4T38-3H24
- Miller, Mark James (1976) Investigations
of the Mechanism of Cell Killing Induced by Actinomycin D; 10.7907/PSEK-BB55
- Elliott, Ellen Jeanne (1975) Chemical
Properties and Physiological Activity of a Neuroactive Component from
the Venom of Conus Californicus; 10.7907/6kgj-m088
- Jan, Yuh Nung (1975) I.
Chitin Synthetase and Sensory Transduction in Phycomyces. II. The
Avoidance Response, the House Growth Response and the Rheotropic
Response of Phycomyces; 10.7907/16PP-Y948
- Audesirk, Gerald Joseph (1975) Part
I. Studies on the Organization of the Eye of Aplysia californica. Part
II. Studies on the Interrelationship between Two Neuronal Circadian
Oscillators in Aplysia californica; 10.7907/BT9J-NK43
- Compton, John Lee (1975) Specific
DNA Restriction Fragments as Internal Markers in the Electron
Microscope: Superimposing the ɸX174 Genetic Map on ɸX174/S13 DNA
Heteroduplexes; 10.7907/nr2r-8c58
- Rosenberg, Suzanne Thelma Ostrand (1975) Studies
of Bovine Blood Cell Surfaces; 10.7907/SCPF-E841
- Flory, P. John (1975) Studies
of the Replicative Intermediates and of the Structure of Animal Cell
Mitochondrial DNA; 10.7907/ZDPV-B755
- Lee, Amy So-Ming Shiu (1975) The
Cleavage of ɸX174 DNA with Restriction Endonucleases; 10.7907/3qag-c766
- Rohwer, Robert George (1975) The
Maturation of Bacteriophage ɸXl74: the Isolation and Characterization of
Subviral Particles; 10.7907/csff-mr85
- Geltosky, John Edward (1974) A
Study of Some of the Enzymes Involved in the Synthesis and Use of
Tyrosine in Drosophila; 10.7907/Q5DA-4P39
- Ram, Jeffrey Lewis (1974) Effects
of High K⁺ Media on Leucine Incorporation into Aplysia Nervous
Tissue; 10.7907/qtf0-tz26
- Meyer, Ronald Leo (1974) Factors
Affecting Regeneration of the Retinotectal Projection; 10.7907/qyhf-s343
- Zuccarelli, Anthony Joseph (1974) Formation
of Parental Replicative Forms of ϕ-X174 : Synthesis of the First
Complementary Strand; 10.7907/gwm8-pv94
- Chong, Ming Ta (1974) Investigation
of Chromatin Bound Enzymes; 10.7907/18PT-FD16
- Jan, Lily Kung-Chung Yeh (1974) Investigations
on Rhodopsin and Bacteriorhodopsin: I. Ultrastructural Localization of
Rhodopsin in Vertebrate Retina. II. The Isomeric Configuration of the
Bacteriorhodopsin Chromophore; 10.7907/NTA3-9886
- Melvin, Susan Leah (1974) Studies
in Cellular Immunology; 10.7907/krmh-a250
- Murphy, William Ignatius, III (1974) Studies
of the Mechanism and Products of Transcription of the Nuclear Genome in
Animal Cells; 10.7907/r002-ng85
- Birdwell, Charles Ray (1974) Studies
on the Infection of Animal Cells with Sindbis Virus: Adsorption, Cell
Surface Modification, and Maturation; 10.7907/W867-FB70
- Tuchman, Jessica (1974) The
Developmental Role of Membrane in the Cellular Slime Mold, Dictyostelium
Discoideum; 10.7907/8272-S965
- Simmons, Daniel Tawil (1974) The
Function and Replication of Sindbis Virus-Specific RNA’s in Infected
Cells; 10.7907/grvs-e385
- Driskell, William Jack (1974) The
Role of Tyrosine in the Sclerotization and Tanning of the Puparium of
Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/Q7PS-1450
- Douglas, Tommy Charles (1974) The
Theta Antigen of Mice and Its Analog in Rats; 10.7907/M2MS-4902
- Jesaitis, Algirdas Joseph (1973) Linear
Dichroism and Orientation of the Phycomyces Photopigment: I. Response
and Absorption Studies. II. Fluorescence Studies; 10.7907/C2AX-J941
- Benowitz, Larry I. (1973) Mechanisms
of Information Processing in the Chick; 10.7907/FVA1-GS21
- Holmes, David Salway (1973) Studies
on Nuclear RNA; 10.7907/XDYW-S154
- Segal, Menahem (1973) The
Hippocampus as a Learning Machine; 10.7907/P1SD-Z263
- Froehner, Stanley Charles (1973) The
Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Three RNA Polymerases
from Novikoff Hepatoma Ascites Tumor; 10.7907/M8Q4-DB66
- Frelinger, Jeffrey Allen (1973) Transferrin
Polymorphism in Pigeons; 10.7907/7J4M-ZX34
- Linseman, Mary Ann Monica (1973) Unit
Activity in the Hypothalamus and Striatum of the Rat During
Learning; 10.7907/9BAS-1713
- Gordon, Harold William (1973) Verbal
and Non-Verbal Cerebral Processing in Man for Audition; 10.7907/MPJG-WA43
- Konopka, Ronald Jerome (1972) Circadian
Clock Mutants of Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/R04B-3425
- Smith, Charles Allen (1972) Closed
Circular DNA in Animal Cells: I. Complex Mitochondrial DNA in Normal and
Malignant Tissue and the in vivo Effects of Drugs on the Superhelix
Density of Mitochondrial DNA. II. Small Polydisperse Circular DNA of
HeLa Cells. III. Sequence Heterogeneity in Simian Virus 40
Deoxyribonucleic Acid; 10.7907/RHBK-9856
- Kornblith, Carol Lee (1972) Conditioned
Responses in the Reticular Formation; 10.7907/J6N6-EV96
- Robberson, Donald Lewis (1972) I.
A Study by Electron Microscopy of the RNA and RNA-DNA Hybrids of Hela
Mitochondria. II. Replication of Closed Circular DNA in Mouse L
Cells; 10.7907/JKBR-M955
- Tibbetts, Clark Joseph Bullock (1972) In
Vitro Studies of the Synthesis of Mitochondrial Deoxyribonucleic
Acid; 10.7907/1XDN-S884
- Elgin, Sarah Carlisle Roberts (1972) Investigations
of Nonhistone Chromosomal Proteins; 10.7907/6VGH-RZ17
- Hiatt, David Ellis (1972) Investigations
of Operant Conditioning of Single Unit Activity in the Rat Brain; 10.7907/FQEA-6371
- Benbow, Robert Michael (1972) On
the Genetic Recombination of Bacteriophage ΦX174 DNA Molecules; 10.7907/M0E3-WG80
- Firtel, Richard Alan (1972) Part
I. Regulation of Development in the Cellular Slime Mold Dictyostelium
discoideum. Part II. Polysomes and RNA SyntheSiS During Early
Development of the Surf Clam Spisula solidissima; 10.7907/G15P-H973
- Seybold, William Davidson (1972) Part
I. Studies on the Activation of Drosophila Phenol Oxidase. Part II.
Studies On Serum Insulin in Normal Subjects and Diabetics; 10.7907/WXV5-S223
- Bergman, Kostia (1972) Sensory
Responses of Phycomyces: I. Blue-Light Control of Sporangiophore
Initiation. II. Classification of mad Mutants; 10.7907/K2PW-6W48
- Beckendorf, Steven Kent (1972) Studies
of Bacteriophage T4 Tail Fibers and Tail Fiber Genes; 10.7907/HGWS-XX32
- Meltzer, Paul Stuart (1972) Studies
on the A Components of Drosophila Phenol Oxidase; 10.7907/RYW9-R750
- Kow, Lee-Ming (1972) Study
of Ion Movements in Isolated Chicken Retinas During Spreading
Depression; 10.7907/T0TR-Z517
- Lu, Cary (1972) The
Interaction of Color and Luminance in Stereoscopic Vision; 10.7907/MSFY-AH42
- Foster, Kenneth William (1972) The
Photoresponse of Phycomyces: Analysis Using Manual Techniques and an
Automated Machine Which Precisely Tracks and Measures Growth During
Programmed Stimuli; 10.7907/SR6R-P445
- Tökés, Zoltán Andrá (1971) Cell
Surface Changes in Development: The I Blood Group Antigen in Humans;
- Burke, Patricia Virginia (1971) Freezing
Phycomyces Sporangiophores in Superfluid Helium for Ultrastructure
Studies; 10.7907/PY8S-BH09
- Thomasson, William Alvis (1971) Hormonal
Control of Protein Granule Accumulation in Fat Bodies of Drosophila
melanogaster Larvae; 10.7907/VGXE-Y658
- Winicur, Sandra (1971) I.
Studies on the Motility and Biochemistry of Cilia. II. Chitinase
Activity During Drosophila Development; 10.7907/30GS-ZK08
- McConnell, David John (1971) Investigations
on (i) Chromosomal Ribonucleic Acid of Ascites Tumour, (ii) RNA
Polymerase of E. Coli; 10.7907/D6DK-F035
- Nebes, Robert David (1971) Investigations
on Lateralization of Function in the Disconnected Hemispheres of
Man; 10.7907/AA8W-SC34
- Sedat, John W. (1971) On
Bacterial and ΦX-174 Messenger-RNA; 10.7907/5Z4D-EC83
- Attardi, Barbara Joan Furman (1971) Part
I. Characterization of the RNA from the Mitochondrial Fraction of HeLa
Cells. Part II. Properties of Membrane-Bound Ribosomes in HeLa
Cells; 10.7907/QMSK-Y603
- Ward, Samuel (1971) Structure
and Assembly of Bacteriophage T4 Tail Fibers; 10.7907/VW5T-Z307
- Griffith, Jack Denney (1970) High
Resolution Electron Microscope Studies of Chromosomal Fibers; 10.7907/RTXG-PQ59
- Clayton, David Alvin (1970) I.
Occurrence and Structure of Complex Mitochondrial DNA in Human Leukemic
Leukocytes and Normal Mammalian Tissues. II. Use of Alkali Metal Salts
of Trichloroacetic Acid as Buoyant Denaturing Solvents for DNA; 10.7907/AS6W-K850
- Toevs, Lois Schloemer (1970) Identification
and Characterization of the Egg-Laying Hormone from the Neurosecretory
Bag Cells of Aplysia; 10.7907/70RQ-P642
- Levy, Jerre (1970) Information
Processing and Higher Psychological Functions in the Disconnected
Hemispheres of Human Commissurotomy Patients; 10.7907/N7VN-TP54
- Craig, Sydney Pollock, III (1970) Mitochondria
and the Development of Sea Urchin Embryos; 10.7907/AS0V-9678
- Parkinson, John Stansfield (1970) Organization
and Function of the Phage Lambda Chromosome; 10.7907/V4T1-KJ37
- Maxwell, Joyce Bennett (1970) Part
I. Synthesis of L-Arnino Acid Oxidase by a Serine- or Glycine-Requiring
Strain of Neurospora. Part II. Studies Concerning Multiple
Electrophoretic Forms of Tyrosinase in Neurospora; 10.7907/GHCK-W396
- Newbold, John Edward (1970) Part
I. The Abortive Infection of Bacteriophage ØX174 at Low Temperatures.
Part II. The Early Stages in the Process of Infection by Bacteriophage
ØX174; 10.7907/XR69-BE33
- Goodell, Ernest William (1970) Processes
Affecting the Growth of Phycomyces Sporangiophores; 10.7907/DQ76-Z557
- Hatlen, Loren Endicott (1970) Studies
on 4S and 5S RNA of HeLa Cells; 10.7907/XBGN-YT10
- Smart, John Edward (1970) Studies
on the Role of Histones in the Structure and Function of Chromatin;
- Josslin, Richard Douglas Kerr (1970) The
Lysis Mechanism of Phage T4; 10.7907/2KYN-NA14
- Shearn, Allen David (1969) A
Study of the Possible Role of Transfer RNA in the Regulation of Enzyme
Synthesis in Neurospora; 10.7907/9TVD-N609
- Hutchison, Clyde Allen, III (1969) Bacteriophage
ΦX174: Viral Genes and Functions; 10.7907/82XF-B518
- Logan, James Barrie (1969) Biochemistry
and Genetics of Canavanine Resistance in Neurospora; 10.7907/2j3p-es09
- Shih, Thomas Yu-tzong (1969) [I. Chromosomal RNA of Calf Thymus
Chromatin. II. The Template Properties of DNA-Polypeptide
- Studies on DNA Complexes with Purified Histone
- Nesson, Michael Harvey (1969) Studies
on Radula Tooth Mineralization in the Polyplacophora; 10.7907/CQNC-FZ32
- Lyon, Alexander Newell (1969) Studies
on the Isolation of Messenger RNA; 10.7907/HPJ4-J340
- Flatgaard, Jeffrey Edward (1969) The
Role of the Gene 9 Product in the Assembly and Triggering of
Bacteriophage T4; 10.7907/5F2T-5124
- Harding, Roy Woodrow, Jr. (1968) Carotenoid
Biosynthesis in Neurospora Crassa; 10.7907/FY91-G279
- Dahmus, Michael Edward (1968) Chapter
I. Studies on Chromosomal RNA. Chapter II. Effect of Hydrocortisone on
the Template Activity of Liver Chromatin; 10.7907/APSP-5851
- Scott, William Addison (1968) Cytochrome
c Synthesis in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/JZZG-RZ19
- David, Charles Newbold (1968) Ferritin
in the Fungus Phycomyces; 10.7907/NNQ9-TM81
- Hood, Leroy Edward (1968) Immunoglobulins:
Structure, Genetics and Evolution; 10.7907/3ZM8-A807
- Huskey, Robert John (1968) Isolation
and Characterization of Deletion Mutants of Bacteriophage Lambda; 10.7907/436X-JK20
- Goldstein, Stuart Frederick (1968) Local
Activation and Inactivation Experiments of Flagella; 10.7907/EGRE-9774
- Eakin, Richard Timothy (1968) Mitochondrial
Oxidase Systems in Neurospora; 10.7907/YPY7-V492
- Sadgopal, Anil (1968) Part
I. Synchronization of the Cell Division Cycle of HeLa Cells in
Suspension Cultures. Part II. Studies on Chromosomal Proteins of HeLa
Cells During the Cell Division Cycle; 10.7907/5GTY-NC55
- Kiger, John Andrew (1968) Part
I. The Transcription of Simple and Complex DNAs by the RNA Polymerase of
Escherichia coli. Part II. The Structure and Replication of
Intracellular Bacteriophage Lambda DNA; 10.7907/1HYJ-RC42
- Pall, Martin Lawrence (1968) Part
I. Tyrosinase Induction by Antimetabolites in Neurospora. Part II. Amino
Acid Transport in Neurospora; 10.7907/3025-N696
- King, Jonathan Alan (1968) Steps
in the Assembly of Bacteriophage T4; 10.7907/X9HX-V431
- Radloff, Roger James (1968) Structure
and Properties of Closed Circular DNA; 10.7907/rr5y-yc64
- Fambrough, Douglas McIntosh, Jr. (1968) Studies
on Plant and Animal Histones; 10.7907/C95J-PM40
- Huberman, Joel Anthony (1968) Studies
on the Structure and Function of Mammalian Chromosomes; 10.7907/1XDD-6803
- Ahmed, Nawal Abd El-Hay (1968) The
Iodide Space in Rabbit Brain; 10.7907/E49K-K156
- Williams, Larry Gale (1968) Thymidine
Metabolism in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/ZQ64-CE98
- Gilbert, David Scott (1968) Visual
Acuity and Eye Movements; 10.7907/EYE4-WX79
- Tuan, Dorothy Yung-Hsun (1967) Part
I. Interaction of DNA and Histone in Native Nucleohistone. Part II.
Dormancy Associated with the Repression of Genetic Activity; 10.7907/X7X3-QH34
- Kabat, David (1967) Part
I. Protein Synthesis During Chicken Erythrocyte Differentiation. Part
II. Studies of Ordered DNA Protein Fibers; 10.7907/EPST-RQ80
- Russell, Richard Lawson (1967) Speciation
Among the T-Even Bacteriophages; 10.7907/SHD0-FM17
- Young, Elton Theodore, II (1967) Structure
and Synthesis of Bacteriophage Lambda DNA; 10.7907/MHCY-S381
- Piatigorsky, Joram Paul (1967) Studies
on Nucleoside and Amino Acid Uptake and on RNA and Protein Synthesis by
Growing Oocytes, Unfertilized and Fertilized Sea Urchin Eggs; 10.7907/ZWTJ-CW39
- Strauss, James Henry (1967) Studies
on the RNA of Bacteriophage MS2; 10.7907/1WZB-AY91
- Kelly, Regis Baker (1967) The
Replication of Bacteriophage MS2; 10.7907/ZBYQ-NQ66
- Yarus, Michael Jeffrey (1966) Bacteriophage
ΦΧ-174: Its Sensitivity to Ultraviolet Light and Growth in Starved and
Irradiated Cells; 10.7907/KGXF-FF97
- Denny, Paul Claire (1966) I.
Studies on Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Developing Sea Urchin
Embryos. II. Studies on the Activation of Protein Biosynthesis in Sea
Urchin Eggs at Fertilization; 10.7907/J3KZ-P058
- Egbert, Larre Nyman (1966) Isolation
and Characteristics of a Bacteriophage for Bacillus
stearothermophilus; 10.7907/YHC4-5P08
- Boyd, James Brown (1966) Part
I. Turnover of the Hemolymph Proteins of Drosophila melanogaster. Part
II. A New Method for the Detection of Deoxyribonucleases and its
Application to Studies of Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/4ZS0-CV69
- Widholm, Jack Milton (1966) Physical
and Biological Studies of Crab Deoxyribonucleic Acid; 10.7907/1276-DQ97
- Benjamin, Thomas Livingston (1966) Radiobiological
and Biochemical Investigations of Polyoma Virus-Cell Interactions;
- Fried, Michael (1966) Studies
of Temperature Sensitive Mutants of Polyoma Virus; 10.7907/MP3Y-5Q07
- Scheibe, Joseph Emil (1966) Studies
on Photoblastic Germination in Lettuce Seed; 10.7907/Q0PY-3Q87
- Glowacki, Ellen Rose (1966) Studies
on Rabbit Reticulocyte Ribosomes and Polyribosomes and their Relation to
Hemoglobin Synthesis; 10.7907/H4BA-4M16
- Krane, Stanley Garson (1966) Studies
on the Biosynthesis of Studies of ØX174 Coat Protein; 10.7907/1MXF-6632
- Denhardt, David Tilton (1965) A
Biophysical Study of Bacteriophage ØX-174 Replication; 10.7907/PV89-V879
- Millette, Robert Loomis (1965) Hemoglobin
Synthesis in the Maturing Rabbit Reticulocyte; 10.7907/G8SP-AN14
- Gazzaniga, Michael Saunders (1965) Some
Effects of Cerebral Commissurotomy on Monkey and Man; 10.7907/BWV2-WE04
- Filner, Philip (1965) Studies
on Exponential Cultures of Plant Cells.; 10.7907/HRVF-V763
- Akinrimisi, E. Olabisi (1964) Part
I. Properties of Helical Polycytidylic Acid. Part II. Interactions of
Purine with Proteins and Amino Acids. Part III. Binding of Basic
Proteins to DNA; 10.7907/EFG9-2C60
- Hamilton, Charles Robert (1964) Studies
on Adaptation to Deflection of the Visual Field in Split-Brain Monkeys
and Man; 10.7907/Q7G8-MN23
- Morré, D. James F. (1963) Biochemistry
of Cell Extension; 10.7907/G6WY-AS68
- Cole, Thomas Alan (1963) Peptidyl
Acylating Agents in the Pupae of Drosophila melanogaster and their
Possible Relationship to Protein Synthesis; 10.7907/3V4P-DY85
- Weisberg, Robert Avrum (1963) Studies
on Mouse Embryo Cultures Infected with Polyoma Virus; 10.7907/D4P8-0E51
- Studier, Frederick William (1963) Studies
on the DNA of Bacteriophage T7; 10.7907/GV9J-HV27
- Barrett, Dennis (1963) The
Parallel Accumulation and Distribution of Two Purine-Oxidizing Enzymes
During Frog Development; 10.7907/0TRM-B219
- Shreffler, Donald Cecil (1962) I.
Genetic Studies of Mouse Serum Protein Types. II. Molecular
Hybridization of Sheep Hemoglobins; 10.7907/PPYP-QM84
- Trevarthen, Colwyn Boyd (1962) Studies
on Visual Learning in Split-Brain Monkeys; 10.7907/YFG6-1968
- Mendelson, Martin (1962) Studies
on the Activation of Crustacean Mechanoreceptors. The Movement Receptors
of the Crab Pachygrapslls crassipes Randall and the Movement and Stretch
Receptors of the Crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard); 10.7907/8QY0-4C59
- Guthrie, George Drake (1962) Studies
on the Interaction of Subviral Particles of the Bacteriophage ΦX174 with
Protoplasts of Escherichia coli; 10.7907/197P-A064
- Susman, Millard (1962) The
Size of the Mating Group in Bacteriophage T4; 10.7907/5M8C-EM53
- McCalla, Dennis Robert (1961) I.
Chemical Study of Necrotic Com Mutants. II. The Metabolism of a Kinin.
III. The Chemical Nature of an Insect Gall Growth Factor; 10.7907/ZQ00-1H14
- Bernstein, Harris (1961) I.
Imadazole Compounds Accumulated by Purine Mutants of Neurospora crassa.
II. Complementation Studies with Isoleucine-Valine Mutants of Neurospora
crassa; 10.7907/S02K-EV24
- Steinberg, Charles Myron (1961) Part
One: Some Theoretical Problems Arising in the Genetics of Bacteriophage.
Part Two: A Critical Test of a Current Theory of Genetic Recombination
in Bacteriophage; 10.7907/YYKR-0Q08
- Weiler, Ivan Jeanne Mayfield (1961) Restoration
of Visual Acuity after Optic Nerve Section and Regeneration, in
Astronotus ocellatus Agassiz; 10.7907/KE2Y-0C22
- Roller, Ann (1961) Studies
on the Replication and Transfer to Progeny of the DNA of the
Bacteriophage T4; 10.7907/DN8N-DF94
- Hardesty, Boyd Archer (1961) The
Biochemistry of Cytochrome C in Relation to Maternally Inherited
Phenotypes of Neurospora; 10.7907/NQE0-YY21
- Simon, Edward Harvey (1960) I.
Transfer of DNA from Parent to Progeny Cell. II. A Study of the Possible
Role of DNA in Viral RNA Synthesis During the Multiplication of an
Animal Virus; 10.7907/BXYZ-JC05
- Maizel, Jacob Valentine (1960) Isolation
and Partial Characterization of Avenacin, an Antibiotic-Like Substance
from Oats; 10.7907/972K-2K08
- Simmons, John Robert (1960) Studies
on Amino Acid Incorporation in the Larvae of Drosophila
Melanogaster; 10.7907/EMPC-QM96
- Strohl, William Allen (1960) Studies
on the Modification, by Various Agents, of the Heat Sensitivity of
Poliovirus; 10.7907/CJ3R-X417
- Temin, Howard M. (1960) The
Interaction of Rous Sarcoma Virus and Cells in Vitro; 10.7907/C1GF-9Y57
- Sueoka, Noburu (1959) Genetic
and Biochemical Studies of Tyrosinase in Neurospora and Laccase in
Neurospora; 10.7907/1G65-FS46
- Davern, Cedric Inglis (1959) [I. Chemotherapy of High Temperature
Inhibition of Plant Growth. II. Studies of the Relationship between
Tobacco Mosaic Virus Infection and the DNA Metabolism of Tobacco
- The Conservation of Microsomal RNA in Escherichia
coli](https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-01272006-132352); 10.7907/1A8H-5F84
- Albersheim, Peter (1959) Metabolism
of the Pectic Substances; 10.7907/K6BH-7R13
- Thompson, Guy Allen (1959) The
Biosynthesis of Carotenes in the Tomato; 10.7907/SXP9-4527
- Grell, Ellsworth Herman (1958) Genetics
and Biochemistry of “Red Cells” in Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/B5AB-S991
- Park, Roderic Bruce (1958) I.
The Biosynthesis of Open Chain Terpenes in Plants. II. Fractionation of
the Stable Carbon Isotopes in Plants; 10.7907/CJQ9-P816
- Drake, John Walter (1958) Intracellular
Interactions of Polioviruses: Interference and Multiplicity
Reactivation; 10.7907/DRQ8-QH50
- Clark, John Magruder (1958) Studies
on Amino Acid Activation and Protein Synthesis; 10.7907/GVR0-N928
- Dennison, David Severin (1958) Studies
on Phototropic Equilibrium and Phototropic-Geotropic Equilibrium in
Phycomyces; 10.7907/MBR0-0B22
- Burrows, Vernon Douglas (1958) Studies
on Translocation; 10.7907/SFDB-W284
- Labouriau, Luiz Fernando Gouvêa (1958) Studies
on the Initiation of Sporangia in Ferns; 10.7907/3BNE-T071
- Baluda, Marcel Albert (1957) Homologous
Interference by Ultraviolet Inactivated Virus in Newcastle Disease
Virus; 10.7907/S8Z4-1T83
- Bertani, Lillian Elizabeth (1957) Studies
on the Establishment of Lysogeny by Bacteriophage P2; 10.7907/BP9H-HS61
- Cleland, Robert Erskine (1957) The
Hormonal Control of Cell Wall Properties; 10.7907/2PSQ-9548
- Berrian, James Henry (1957) The
Immune Response in Homologous Transplantation; 10.7907/2M3R-DW27
- Knudson, Alfred George (1956) Histidine
Metabolism in Liver; 10.7907/SHM8-FB96
- Hildemann, William Henry (1956) Immunogenetic
Studies of the Goldfish (Carassius auratus); 10.7907/1011-D785
- Lester, Robert Leonard (1956) Incorporation
of Amino Acids into the Proteins of Micrococcus Iysodeikticus; 10.7907/V4K5-ZD08
- Ts’o, Paul On Pong (1956) On
Plant Myosin; 10.7907/17XT-6E12
- Terres, Geronimo Jr. (1956) Part
I. The Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation on the Antigenicity of
Ovalbumin, Bovine Serum Albumin, and Rabbit Gamma Globulin. Part II.
Cortical Discontinuity and Propagation of Spreading Depression; 10.7907/TPN0-8M67
- Herzenberg, Leonard Arthur (1956) Studies
on a Cytochrome Destroying System in Neurospora; 10.7907/X9PN-W252
- Metzenberg, Robert Lee (1956) Studies
on the Biosynthesis of Aromatic Compounds in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/WPDV-8S11
- Sato, Gordon Hisashi (1956) The
Effect of Urea on Cofactor Requiring Bacteriophage; 10.7907/ZQTH-RJ42
- Kaiser, Armin Dale (1955) A
Genetic Analysis of Bacteriophage Lambda; 10.7907/RR9B-8753
- Sachs, Roy Monroe (1955) Floral
Initiation in Cestrum nocrurnum (the Nightblooming Jasmine); 10.7907/13FE-YJ23
- Mandell, Joseph David (1955) Inactivation
of Bacteriophage T4r by Specific Antiserum; 10.7907/FP11-W197
- Salisbury, Frank Boyer (1955) Kinetic
Studies on the Physiology of Flowering; 10.7907/VV4M-DG13
- Furshpan, Edwin Jean (1955) Studies
On Certain Sensory and Motor Systems of Decapod Crustaceans; 10.7907/JM6N-EC44
- Rogers, Bruce Joseph (1955) Studies
on the Amino Acid Metabolism of Higher Plants; 10.7907/NB9G-Q853
- Brookbank, John Warren (1955) The
Effects of Specific Antisera on the Cleavage of the Sea Urchin Egg;
- Fischer, Glenn Albert (1954) Genetic
and Biochemical Studies of the Cystine-Methionine Series of Mutants in
Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/FP61-BW75
- Gershowitz, Henry (1954) Immunogenetic
Studies of the Pigeon Columba livia; 10.7907/KXNQ-CM57
- Jaffe, Lionel Francis (1954) On a
Carbon Dioxide Gradient in the Fucales Egg; 10.7907/3H2M-P580
- Judd, Burke Haycock (1954) Studies
of Rearrangements Involving Heterochromatin in Drosophila melanogaster :
l. A Proof of the Variegated-Type Position Effect at the White Locus.
II. A Study of the Heterochromatin of Chromosome IV; 10.7907/4F9F-MV78
- Greene, Ronald Crundon (1954) Studies
on Uricase from Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/AWRN-5N12
- Hinton, Claude Willey (1954) The
Behavior of an Unstable Ring Chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster;
- Rappaport, Irving (1953) An
Immunological Study of Chicken Serum Albumin and Related Organ
Antigens; 10.7907/CKW1-1Z19
- Goldacre, Peter Lionel (1953) Destruction
of Indole-3-Acetic Acid by Plant Tissues; 10.7907/G9FF-M178
- Saltman, Paul David (1953) Enzymatic
Phosphate Transfer in Plant Systems; 10.7907/P4DK-FW41
- Holloway, Bruce William (1953) Heterocaryosis
in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/VRRH-S044
- Boroughs, Howard James (1953) I.
Studies on the Acid Phosphatases of Green Leaves. II. Studies on the
Role of Indoleacetic Acid in Cell Elongation; 10.7907/H6ZH-WM47
- Dubes, George Richard (1953) Investigations
of Some “Unknown” Mutants of Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/WYR6-7736
- Bowen, George Hamilton (1953) Kinetic
Studies on the Mechanical of Photoreactivation of Bacteriophage T2
Inactivated by Ultraviolet Light; 10.7907/NCJW-ZP95
- Jansen, Leonard Leroy (1953) Studies
in Fruit Growth and in Vernalization; 10.7907/9JPG-AE41
- Ripley, Sherman Harvey (1953) Studies
on Myo-Neural Mechanisms in Arthropoda; 10.7907/S8TQ-7214
- McRae, Dougal Harold (1953) Studies
on the Kinetics of Auxin-Induced Growth; 10.7907/R2GS-R439
- Ames, Bruce Nathan (1953) The
Biosynthesis of Histidine in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/R38C-Z453
- Eggman, William Luther (1953) The
Cytoplasmic Protein Component of Green Leaves; 10.7907/MQ5F-JT09
- Good, Norman Everett (1952) Lysine
Metabolism in Neurospora; 10.7907/T8E4-N918
- Wolfgram, Frederick John (1952) On
Saltatory Conduction in Peripheral Myelinated Nerve; 10.7907/9H5K-DZ62
- Lindsley, Dan Leslie (1952) Some
Consequences of Spermatogonial Exchange in Long Inversions of the X
Chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/1EMB-VT69
- Patterson, Earl Byron (1952) Studies
on Crossing Over in Homozygous and Heterozygous Chromosomes
Rearrangements in Zea mays; 10.7907/MGE7-G829
- Thayer, Philip Standish (1952) Studies
on the L-Amino Acid Oxidase of Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/JJN0-XC39
- Kurtz, Edwin B. (1952) Studies
on the Metabolism of Lipids in Plants; 10.7907/RPCV-Y418
- Reissig, José Luis (1952) Studies
on the Metabolism of Threonine and Related Substrates in Neurospora
crassa; 10.7907/J2RA-YB37
- Hatcher, John Burton (1952) The
Course of Vitamin B₁ Metabolism in Man as Indicated by the Use of
Radioactive Sulfur, a New Synthesis of
4-Methyl-5-β-Hudroxyethyl-Thiazole, and a Demonstration of the Use of
Anti-Coincidence Method in Radioactivity Determinations; 10.7907/7V9W-6E30
- Liverman, James Leslie (1952) The
Physiology and Biochemistry of Flowering; 10.7907/6970-QP16
- Haskins, Francis Arthur (1951) Biochemical
Genetics of Neurospora Pertaining to Various Aromatic Metabolites;
- Shen, San-Chiun (1951) Genetics
and Biochemistry of the Cysteine-Tyrosine Relationship in Neurospora
crassa; 10.7907/BE55-1F07
- Siegel, Albert (1951) I.
Irradiation Experiments with Neurospora crassa. II. An Electrophoretic
Comparison of the Soluble Proteins of Normal and Virus-Infected
Escherichia coli; 10.7907/MAKD-DR63
- Paigen, Kenneth (1951) Studies
on the Source of Urea Carbon; 10.7907/WV7D-FW20
- Nitsch, Jean Paul (1951) The
Role of Plant Hormones in Fruit Development; 10.7907/G2GR-7342
- Windsor, Emanuel (1951) α-Aminoadipic
Acid as a Constituent of a Natural Protein; 10.7907/0T5Z-M233
- Pao, Wen Kwe (1950) Investigations
of the Thermophobic Character in Neurospora crassa, Especially of the
Relationships Between Temperature and Carbohydrate Utilization; 10.7907/7M5A-FG46
- Singleton, Jesse Robertson (1948) Cytogenetic
Studies of Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/SK7K-FX44
- Mampell, Klaus (1943) Genetic
Studies in Drosophila Pseudoobscura; 10.7907/EQ1V-FY29
- Gorham, Paul Raymond (1943) Growth
Factor Studies with Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schlied; 10.7907/H9KZ-FX44
- Ellis, Charles Herbert (1943) I.
The Effect of Electronarcosis on the Secretory Activity of the Pituitary
Gland. II. Studies on the Extensor Mechanism of the Spider Leg. III. A
Comparative Study of Peripheral Inhibition in Decapod Crustaceans;
- Gottlieb, Sidney (1943) Studies
on a Growth Inhibitor in Guayule; 10.7907/TBXH-5W50
- Lewis, Edward B. (1942) A
Genetic and Cytological Analysis of a Tandem Duplication and its
Included Loci in Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/7W60-4740
- Novitski, Edward (1942) Genetic
and Cytological Studies on the Affinis Group of Drosophila; 10.7907/1GEH-9H07
- Helfer, Robert George (1940) A
Comparison of X-ray Induced and Naturally Occurring Chromosomal
Variations in Drosophila Pseudoobscura; 10.7907/jreq-0n39
- Miller, Dwight Dana (1940) Cytological
and Genetic Studies on Drosophila algonquin and Related Species; 10.7907/adsk-sq92
- Hlynka, Isydore (1940) Free
Energy and Other Data for Eight Compounds of Physiological Interest;
- Fox, Sidney Walter (1940) I.
The Energy Relationships in the Ornithine-Citrulline-Arginine-Urea
Cycle. II. Thermal Data for other Biochemicals. III. A Study of Sperm
Agglutination; 10.7907/sz3g-8t03
- Bonner, David Mahlon (1940) Leaf
Growth Factors; 10.7907/cp01-0h46
- Webb, John Leyden (1940) Magnetic
Properties of Hemocyanin; 10.7907/RZKK-QM20
- McRary, Willard Lee (1940) Studies
on the Biochemical Synthesis of Asparagine; 10.7907/2Z2E-PV49
- Marmont, George Heinemann (1940) The
Factors Concerned in the Leading Off of Action Potentials from Single
Crustacean Nerve Fibers; 10.7907/gksk-4k11
- Davenport, Horace Willard (1939) Carbonic
Anhydrase in the Gastric Mucosa; 10.7907/8JKG-2J47
- Addicott, Fredrick Taylor (1939) Experiments
on the Nutrition of Isolated Roots; 10.7907/F2N6-4H73
- Stewart, William Sheldon (1939) I.
A Plant Growth Inhibitor and Plant Growth Inhibition. II. Extensibility
of Cell Wall Material in Indole-3-Acetic Acid; 10.7907/jgkt-9a09
- Horowitz, Norman Harold (1939) The
Rising Rate of Respiration in Developing Eggs; 10.7907/0GNC-2P03
- Cooper, William Cecil (1938) Hormones
and Root Formation; 10.7907/mvqk-nd12
- Boche, Robert DeVore (1938) Studies
on Hymenopteran Parasitism of Drosophila; 10.7907/M75F-ND48
- Ives, Philip Truman (1938) Temperature
Effects on Scute in Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/wn1t-db75
- Clark, William Gilbert (1937) Bioelectric
Properties of Plants and Polar Transport of the Plant Hormone,
Auxin; 10.7907/5w63-na35
- Yin, Hongzhang (1937) Effect
of Auxin on Chlorella vulgaris and Studies on the Movement of
Leaves; 10.7907/5QC4-X325
- Poulson, Donald Frederick (1936) Chromosomal
Deficiencies and Embryonic Development; 10.7907/j2q0-9a33
- Tan, Jiazhen (1936) Genetic
and Cytological Maps of the Autosomes in Drosophila pseudoobscura;
- Skoog, Folke Karl (1936) Some
Physiological Functions of the Growth Hormone in Higher Plants; 10.7907/PBH5-Q260
- Cooper, William Cecil (1936) Transport
of Root-Forming Hormone in Woody Cuttings; 10.7907/G6RJ-EH78
- Sargent, Marston Cleaves (1934) Aspects
of the Physiology of the Blue-Green Algae; 10.7907/8pp8-k146
- Bonner, James Frederick (1934) Growth
Substance and Cell Elongation; 10.7907/86ND-SX71
- Ellis, Emory Leon (1934) The
Free Energy of the Sulfhydryl-Disulfide Oxidation-Reduction System and
its Physiological Significance; 10.7907/b5h3-tw60
- Schott, Hermann Franz (1933) Reversibility
in Biological Oxidations; 10.7907/XKVV-TR72
- Winegarden, Howard Merlin (1931) An
Application of Thermodynamics to Physiology. 1. On the Free Energy of
Glucose and of Tripalmitin. 2. The Work of the Kidney in the Production
of Urine. 3. The Energy Cost of the Excretion of Urine. 4. On the
Specific Dynamic Action of Protein; 10.7907/417b-z477
- Lindegren, Carl Clarence (1931) Genetic
Study of Sex and Cultural Characters in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/HR2E-X838
- Biddle, Russell Lee (1931) The
Number of Bristles and the Pairing of the Chromosomes in Hybrids Between
Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans; 10.7907/zeg9-v823
- Titlebaum (Tyler), Albert (1929) Experimental
Production of Double Embryos; 10.7907/JGJW-D344